Forever Dancing | Teen Ink

Forever Dancing

December 18, 2015
By Jenna30528 BRONZE, Grand Rapids MI, Michigan
Jenna30528 BRONZE, Grand Rapids MI, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dancing is a true value that will be with me all my life.

Given one last time to run my routine, my dance teacher was escorting me back stage as were my friends. This was going to be the first time I have ever done a solo. A few of my other friend’s solos were coming soon also, most of them had already done a solo in the past. We all waited for our routines together.

“I am very proud of you and I know you will do an amazing job.”

Those are the words of my dance teacher. While she was talking to me I then realized that she was one of the most positive, inspiring people I have ever known and so were the others. I also now realize that dancing wasn't about being the best or getting the award, it is about expressing yourself with beautiful lines and movements, while having the opportunity to be surrounded by people who share the same passion for the sport. I cant believe how lucky I am to be able to do such an amazing thing.

I feel anxious and scared while waiting for my number. I am going to be the only one on stage and I am going to be completely emphasized: I feel like I'm going to mess up. I don't really know why i'm nervous though, as a little girl I had no problem with dancing in front of a big crowd. One of my biggest worries is that I would forget my routine while dancing. But it’s actually very common in the dance world and they get to redo the solo or they just improve and make it look like nothing happened… most of the time.

The announcer welcomed number 206 to the stage. I feel my stomach sink in. This is my number. I walk on stage very slowly and fearfully. The music turns on so I start dancing, As I'm dancing I start to enjoy my time and have fun. My nerves are slowly yet surely decreasing each movement. I never knew how tired you could possibly get in 2 minutes.The music finally ends and I happily walk off stage. I know I will be doing a solo again next year for sure. I walk up to my dance teacher and she gives me a big hug. She says that she is very happy with how I did. I am very thankful that I had the chance to spend the year working with her and I can't wait for the next. I then walk out into the hallways to find my family.

The rest of the day will consist of waiting a lot and performing my lyrical group routine while remaining in the Coopersville High School where the competition is being held. After a long period of time the awards are finally here.

My dance team and I walk on stage and we are surrounded by hundreds of other dancers. The announcers talk and announce different categories that I am not in. While I listen to the other dancers being called I start to get anxious. I do not expect an award- this is my first time and I feel as if there were a lot of mistakes and I am completely okay with that. After the other categories the judges will give out extra ¨Special Judge awards¨ that have certain titles that different dancers have acted upon. A few of the judges give theirs away to different dancers and then the last one is giving out an award called the energy award.

¨This award goes out to a dancer who attacked their routine the moment she stepped on stage and this goes out to number 206.¨

I hesitate for a little bit; it takes me a moment to realize that I am the one who actually won the award. I happily walk up to receive my award. I wait a little while and they finally start announcing solos in my category. The announcer is calling out the awards and I applaud each dancer and I am happy for them. I get side tracked while clapping and I can barely hear the announcer say,

¨Now we have a 5th place award going out to number 206.¨

After I receive it I feel as if someday I will have a chance to get 1st place and that will be a goal to do next year.

I stare out the car window looking at the beautiful Michigan sunset reminiscing about the day. Not only did I get the award, but I received the most life changing moment as well. This will carry on with me for the rest of my life-maybe i'll become a professional dancer, or maybe even a dance teacher. I have yet to examine and discover what it will be, but through the process I'll always be doing the thing that makes me happy the most, dancing.

The author's comments:

This was about a life changing moment that I had during one of my dance competitions. 

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