My Athletic Family | Teen Ink

My Athletic Family

January 5, 2016
By rockstar3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
rockstar3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mother’s athleticism is nonexistent; the only thing she can do is cook so if that’s athletics, then sure. My sister was the star of volleyball and softball. And my dad was a skier and a baseball, and softball coach.

And then there’s me.  The girl forced into the sports to follow suit of my sister.  It’s as if the world stopped in place.  I wanted to be in baseball and softball, but I was as bad as a football player playing basketball. But then I tried volleyball.

Training for three years, I could overhand serve before anyone.  I was told I was better than my sister even (my sister was an eighth grader, and I was a sixth grader).  I was like the up and coming star in Hollywood and gaining fame.  People would cheer for me.  People would comment how I was the number one player.  People would mention that I deserved the number one pasted on my back. The rush of energy to not let those people down made me do better.

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