Professional Soccer Player | Teen Ink

Professional Soccer Player

March 16, 2016
By Anonymous

 Let’s Make Some Goals!

Your heart races as you dribble down the field. You turn here you turn there. Sweat drips down your face. BOOM! The crowd goes wild. “GOAAAAAAAAAAAALL”

Benefits of Becoming a pro Soccer Player

  Becoming a soccer player has a large salary Barcelona  has the largest paying salary.
The salary could be $166,934 per soccer player. “The highest paying athletic team in the world is FC Barcelona and has an average salary of $8,680,569 a year, with each player earning about $166,934 a WEEK!”(Slatton) Having a salary at 166,934 could be very difficult because first you have to make it on the team and also you have to be a good player on that team to have a large salary

Colleges to go in Soccer

It doesn't really matter what college you go to but if you want to do to three  of the top schools its Penn st., Florida st.,and Rugers. “ The top three right now are,Penn St,Florida St ,and Rutgers.” I only recommend going to these schools because there could be more people recognizing you there and you could also really show your talents. Becoming a pro soccer player and you wanting to have the big salary barcelona team has is a very difficult task.(“DI Women’s College Soccer Rankings - NCAA Women's Soccer RPI)

You think you have the skills!
To be on a good soccer team your grades have to have at least a 2.8 or a 2.9. Gpa
Your skills have to be
You have to have experience in the field.
Train smart
Be motivated 

In conclusion, becoming a soccer player has a large salary and three top college you should go to, also has a task requirements you have to follow. So pick up your soccer ball and let's get to work!

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