Young Age, Great Talent | Teen Ink

Young Age, Great Talent

March 22, 2016
By elisonde.rdz BRONZE, Houston, Texas
elisonde.rdz BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are three types of baseball players: those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happens.

Baseball players make a big effort to make it happen, for example Isaia Capelo, one of the best Varsity baseball players at Mac 9, is a person that puts a lot of effort in playing baseball. Based on Capelo’s opinion, he thinks he's the best baseball player on the team. Capelo concludes that he does many things in the baseball team that men aren't capable of. Capelo wants to play baseball in college without having to pay any money, his mission is to help out his family and become better each day. Capelo's team isn't the best team out there, they still have to improve some things. The team plays as an a unit and hope on overachieving Capelo’s inspiration is his family, he wants to be a great baseball player simply because he always loved playing baseball since he was little and now he wants to take big step on this privilege. Hopely, this talented player reaches all his goals and gets an opportunity to play baseball in the future as his career. Good luck Capelo!

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