Cooperstown | Teen Ink


May 19, 2009
By cj farmer BRONZE, Belmont, Michigan
cj farmer BRONZE, Belmont, Michigan
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

And just as the fire hydrant started spitting chocolate my mom tapped me on the shoulder and said, “CJ wake up!” It was about 5 o’clock in the morning and guess where we’re going, New York! As we pack up the car the air is filled with excitement. My mom stopped the car as we met our baseball friends at a nearby parking lot. When the car stopped I ran out and greeted my friend with a tackle in the grass. Andrew is my best friend in the whole world’ and I would never go anywhere without him. We painted our cars so they read things like COOPERSTOWN BOUND and #2 DREW.

I hoped we arrived in New York soon. But according to the traffic it had another idea. It felt like a year before we even found out we were in Canada! We visited Niagra Falls on the way and that told me we were close to New York. Finally, my hope began to rise as I saw the Welcome to Cooperstown, home of the baseball hall of fame sign. Then we had to wait for about a half an hour while we signed in to the Cooperstown dreams park. As the 12u flames unpacked their things in their new home for the week we said our goodbyes. Then we began to drive again, but this time it was only to our rental house.

Andrew and I shared a room with a bunk bed and a picture of two puppies on the wall. The first day was packed with crazy stuff and it was time to sleep. As Andrew and I climbed in our beds he said, “We’re staying up all night.” Just as I was drifting off to sleep I heard,”pppppppfffft!” Andrew had made the loudest fart noise I’ve ever heard in my entire life. In the morning we woke up, had breakfast, and drove over to the fields. My brother had two games that day but both of them were canceled from rain. In fact all games that day had been canceled. As we drove back to our rental house in the rain Andrew and I wondered what we would do for the rest of the day. As we pulled into the driveway Andrew said, “I know!” We sprinted into the house and Andrew got out his Play Station 2, we hooked it up and played video games for the rest of the day. At about ten o’clock we packed it up and went to bed.

The next morning we had the same routine but this time the games were played. Andrew and I just about fell asleep we were so bored after the first inning, so we went and explored the grounds. We found two kids about our age on the playground. We walked over to go talk to them and asked them where they were from “Florida,” they said. So they taught us this game and we played until our parents got angry. So we said goodbye and drove back to the house. We never saw those kids again. Another night of video games followed.

The next day was the day of the home run derby and other things like that. My brother made it to the second round and then lost. But that was okay because he went up against some really big twelve year olds. That night the flames had an under the lights game. It was really cool to watch. That night we went straight to bed. We woke up early that morning for a morning game. Not knowing it would be the last game we would see in Cooperstown, New York. That night after the flames lost we packed up our things and went to bed. In the morning we said goodbye to Andrew's family and left for New York City, but that’s another story.

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