The Great Rocky Mountains | Teen Ink

The Great Rocky Mountains

January 21, 2022
By NickM25 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
NickM25 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Is there anything as impressive in the contiguous U.S as the Rocky Mountains? To think that something here could rival the grandeur and scale of this natural feature is simply astonishing. 

The Rockies are home to some of the most rugged and impressive mountains in the world. Each one stands proud and tall, looming over the land below and alongside its brothers all around. Their steep cliffs and rough terrain warn against trying to reach the summit.

In the winter, however, the demeanor of the mountains makes a polar shift. The snow is like a fluffy white blanket, blending the rough edges into the sky and engulfing all but the steepest cliffs. The presence of the mountains is much less intimidating, but their height is still very evident.

All in all, the Rocky Mountains are truly a sight to behold, no matter which season they are seen during. Seeing them in person is certainly a trip worth taking.

The author's comments:

This piece describes my own experience being near the Rocky Mountains in both the summer and the winter. It can help somebody who has never experienced the true scale to feel what it is like in their presence.

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