Worth It | Teen Ink

Worth It

June 1, 2022
By Anonymous

The loud crying ringing in your ears as you try to drown out all the sounds with sleep, blissful sleep. Planes are not for everyone, it could be the heights or just uncomfortable not being rich enough for first class. The crying of a baby a few rows back killing my eardrums and the feeling of a rock smacking my skull and shaking my brain. I put my earbuds in to try and block out the sounds thinking to myself why did I have to come, I want to go home. 

I was never much for long rides. The plane ride was awful and I was not in a good mood when we landed. We were all tired and just wanted to get to our destination and take a long nap. We were staying with one of my mom's old friends at her house in Florida. Once we got there we said quick hellos, ate something and all went directly to bed. In the morning we planned our day and our first stop was some breakfast then we went to the Kennedy Space Center. This was an extremely cool experience, and I learned a lot being there. This is when my entire mood seemed to change, my mindset changed and I wanted to see more. Thinking maybe it was all worth the while. 

A couple days of activities passed by till we finally got to go to the main reason we came here in the first place. We woke up early and drove over to Universal Studios. I have been waiting for this. With the smell of excitement in the air as we entered my, 10 year old eyes took it all in. where should we go first? I didn't know where to start. 

We were planning to spend two separate days there just so that we could see everything we wanted to. We found out how difficult it was going to be with the amount of walking. By the end of the first day with my brother's foot problem he was exhausted and wanted to leave. My young energetic self wanted to stay forever. I almost felt like I was being held back. We went on at least 50 rides on each day, some repeated over and over again. I remember thinking to myself I want to see everything. There was so much to see and do. 

After the second day when we left and went on the plane I felt sad in my heart being dragged back to my boring bleak life again. Do I have to go back? I said to myself. I realized that the destination is better than the trip and it was all worth it. I would do it all over again even though I hated getting there.

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