Going Home | Teen Ink

Going Home MAG

By Anonymous

     As I practically ran through the yelling and pushing crowd, who seemed as wild as a herd of cheetahs behind the wire fence, looking for their long-awaited and beloved guests, I inhaled many smells. The strong, ugly odor of countless cigarettes left me coughing. The delectable aromas of various foods wafted to my nose: parathas (a fried tortilla), tikka (a spicy barbecued chicken), and more. For a moment, I was oblivious to the large world around me. I thought only that I was at home, halfway across the globe, yet still home - where my mother tongue lived, and where my religion had respect. I was finally in Pakistan, Karachi, in Gulshan-e-iqbal.

When I go to Pakistan, I almost forget about America. The streets littered with garbage don’t seem to disgust me, as they might in America. They vaporize from my sight as a part of Gulshan-e-iqbal, just as garbage cans are a natural part of America and do not seem to bother anyone. The wandering cats, which are dirty furry balls, seem like everyday birds or squirrels in the States, and we do not bother with them, except for occasionally offering some leftover food. All these bedraggled things are obviously bad, but they do not give anyone much worry. They are just part of Gulshan-e-iqbal.

Pakistan sometimes seems more like home than America to me in its foods, clothing, customs. Instead of American clothes I can wear comfortable traditional clothing. I no longer have to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but our spicy food that taste so good. I can see brown goats outside everywhere. Their long horns are like knives, ready to spring in defense at any sight or smell of danger. Religious and cultural customs are always part of the neighborhood and city, not just the family. It truly feels like home to me.

A place where my family is, my culture, my religion, my traditions is always a pleasure to visit. Every time I am in Pakistan, I feel free both spiritually and physically. Here I am allowed to go to the market and travel alone around the neighborhood, which I would never be permitted to do at home. In Pakistan, my parents feel trust, since it is their original home.

In Pakistan, I learn, mature, and find enormous pleasure. In my heart I feel as though I truly have found home.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 16 2011 at 8:08 am
AyeshaMuzaffar BRONZE, Lahore, Other
4 articles 0 photos 98 comments
Amazing. You've got some talent!

Leheriya said...
on Feb. 3 2009 at 4:50 am
I feel the same exact way about India, I'm so much more comfortable there. Glad to see that I'm not the only one who considers another country home