Just Keep Swimming | Teen Ink

Just Keep Swimming

December 12, 2012
By Madanz21 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Madanz21 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a blistering bright sunny day on the island of Ohahu,Hawaii. My family and I had awoken at dawn to be able to get to Hanauma Bay early enough to see the sunrise before our snorkeling session. As we drove up to the landing above the bay, the sight I took in was unworldly. The bay was almost a complete circle, except for 90 degrees of it was open to the Pacific Ocean. It looked like a scene in Jurassic Park. The wind that day was about 40 mph, so powerful I could hardly hear myself speak. Only being 12 years old, I was afraid to dive under the water, thinking that it was as hectic underneath the surface as it was above. I took a few deep breaths before I plunged. The moment my eyes opened, a whole new world presented itself. Noise was not boisterous or cacophonous. Under the ocean, noise turned into rhythm and beat. I heard echoing, buzzing and drumming. My eyes were astounded by the new color scheme, native to this under world. I saw blues brighter than I had ever seen. Electric yellows that made me blink. Pinks and oranges that blended better than any sunset I had ever seen. The schools of fish displaying these shades kept swimming at a constant speed, never stopping. I saw a sea turtle slowing making its way through the water. It looked like it was moving in slow motion, even underwater. Then, I surfaced. Noise, smell and sight crowded its way into my ears and eyes. I knew though, all I needed to do to find peace once more was to vanish into the waves.

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