The Google smart car, safe or not on the roads | Teen Ink

The Google smart car, safe or not on the roads

December 12, 2012
By Anonymous

Google and Toyota have teamed up to create a self driving car that is now legal in the states, Nevada, California, and Florida. One thing that is unseen is the price or if it will even be safe on the roads.

The system combines information gathered from Google Street View with artificial intelligence software that combines input from video cameras inside the car, a LIDAR sensor on top of the vehicle, radar sensors on the front of the vehicle and a position sensor attached to one of the rear wheels that helps locate the car's position on the map. "Self-driving cars do not run red lights" says the Head of the project at the google headquarters. Older people and others with disabilities have a difficult time driving a regular car. It will lead to less deaths due to human error and make the world a safer place.

Lorraine Huzar, Social Studies teacher at the Roslyn High School thinks that this car will go big. She states "In the next 10-20 years it will be a huge thing if people buy it. If other people see a mass of people buying it, they will also most likely buy it."

According to they will be very convenient. "Self-driving cars would be able to drop you off at work and then pick up another person instead of idling in a parking lot."

Some people have a fear of the car driving itself, but Google headquarters sates "Anybody who first gets in the car and finds the car is driving will be a little skittish. But they'll get over it." So far the car has only gotten into two accidents by human error.

One of them was the car crashed while it was being driven manually. The only other one was it was rear ended while stopped at a stoplight.

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