New York City | Teen Ink

New York City

December 12, 2012
By GMS1997 BRONZE, Grant, Florida
GMS1997 BRONZE, Grant, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

New York City
One place I never get tired visiting is New York City, because it is so different from my hometown in Florida. There is not another place in the world like it, and that is what makes it so special. There are so many interesting things to see and do no matter what you are interested in. The city is so dynamic and with the constant movement of people, trains, buses, and taxis the landscape seems to be in constant motion. My trips to New York City are always cultural, interesting, and very exciting.
My favorite time to visit is during Christmas time. I love looking at the tree in Rockefeller Center and, sometimes, I even go ice skating while I am there. All of the major department stores decorate their windows with elaborate displays and I look forward to seeing them change from year to year. Throughout the city there are many holiday fairs, where local vendors and artists set up to sell their merchandise. I love strolling through the booths drinking coffee and eating some of the many treats they have available. Every time I go, I always find something unique to bring home with me. Another thing I do is every year I go to Macy's and pick out a new Christmas ornament. One my favorite places to visit during Christmas is Central Park, because it is one of the only places in the city with snow on the ground. I love seeing the horses and carriages riding through the park with people all bundled up in blankets.
Even though there is no excitement of the holidays, it is still fun to visit during the summer. One of my favorite things to do in the city during summer is go to the zoo, because I love animals. The zoos in New York City are so much bigger than the ones where I live, and they have a lot more animals. Every time I go to the zoo I learn so much, and I also have a lot of fun. Another fun thing I do during the summer is go to a Yankee game. My family and I love baseball, and it always nice to do something that the whole family can enjoy. Another educational thing I enjoying doing is visiting museums. Even if I visit the same museum again and again, I always learn something new.
My absolute favorite part about going to New York City is going to see a Broadway show. I find a play more interesting and exciting than a movie, because the actors have one chance to get it right, but in a movie they can do take after take until they get it right. Before every show that I see, I always walk around Times Square and shop in all the stores. Whenever I go to New York I always look forward to seeing a play.
I think New York City is a great place to visit, because there are such a variety of things to do. No matter what time of year it is, every time I visit I have the time of my life. Whenever I get home from a trip to New York I cannot wait to go back. In my opinion, New York City is the greatest place in the world, and one day I hope to move there.

The author's comments:
I wrote the article because I love my vacations to New York City. It is something I always look forward to.

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