Glamorous | Teen Ink


December 16, 2012
By Anonymous

The beautiful waves of Tybee Island roar with its sparkling twinkles. The dazzling seashells
submerse into the rough tan sand. Walking through the grains of sand, the footprints
vanish as the waves wash it away toe by toe.

The sun’s rays grow fainter as the dull grey clouds seize each fragment of light. The

sunlight refracts beams off my water bottle to create the visible light spectrum into the air.
As the clouds sink into the full sky, the suns peaks out the cloud to say its final goodbyes.

The sounds of waves crashing onto shore ensure that I don’t get washed away to the
ocean. Chirping birds surround the air with beautiful songs that sooth my mind. Seagulls pass
by with their aggravating sound, making me want to throw a rock at them.

Are the cloud’s intentions to hide away the sun’s ethereal beauty? For all the time my

parents have lived in Georgia, have they ever seen the unbelievable view of Tybee Island?
Have the tourists ever experienced the most amazing aspect of Tybee Island, the ocean view?

The sensation of the cool wind, blowing my hair from region to region, makes me regret

to bring my jacket. The smiles on each one of my classmates faces makes me sense the
warmth. The thought of leaving the Island made me want to plan on coming again in the future.

The author's comments:
I went on a field trip to Savannah, Georgia. I was so amazed of the view of Tybee Island. So i decided to make a poem about it.

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