January 14, 2013
By Anonymous

Tears run down my face. I can’t help but to feel upset. Saying goodbye is one of the hardest things for me to do, especially to the people I’m saying goodbye to right now. These people pretty much mean the world to me. “Everything will be okay, everything will be okay.” I keep repeating to myself. I look around, and all I can see is sad faces and people crying desperately. I’m rushing to get to as many people as I can, even though we only have about forty-five minutes to say goodbye to the two hundred people that are here.

I can hear my dad yell “Tamarah! Let’s go! We need to leave now!” The time is passing by as fast as a rollercoaster. I give my grandparents a quick hug and run off to the gate, where the airplane waits for us.

As the plane takes off, I start to read all the letters my friends gave me. Most of them are about the same thing, about how they appreciated our friendship, how they’ll miss me, and how they can’t wait until I come back to Chile. I don’t really know how to feel. I’m actually having mixed feelings -happy to be a missionary in the United States and able to see my cousins up there, but also sad to leave my family, friends, and the church I grew up in. I’m more upset that I’m not going to be able to see them. I don’t really care about all the things I have to leave behind.

About three hours into the flight, I watch my little brother fall asleep on my shoulder, and I think to myself how exciting this new journey is going to be. As I close my eyes, I realize this is a huge change in my life. I can’t fall asleep because too many things are going on in my mind. I can’t even think straight. I’m trying to sleep, but I can’t. Suddenly, I feel someone shaking me and I open my eyes. “Good morning! Would you like cereal with milk or pancakes with hot syrup?”

I’m a little bit confused, but I still answer, “Hmm… I would like cereal with milk please.” I ask my mother what time is it, and she answers, “It’s 6:30a.m.” It feels like I didn’t sleep at all!

We finally arrive in Philadelphia. I look at my parents and sibling’s faces, feeling like this isn’t real; it doesn’t feel real. We get off the airplane, look for our bags and head down to the exit where my aunt, uncle, and cousins wait for us. I’m so happy to see them. I can’t wait until I know what will happen in our lives here. This is the start of something new.

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