My Rare Croatian Heritage | Teen Ink

My Rare Croatian Heritage

March 14, 2013
By Trevor m BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
Trevor m BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Individuality is what makes me and others unique. It’s one of the only things you can’t control about you. It also makes the cool and interesting personalities come out of people. Everyone has something special in them. Even I have some really unique things about me, and one of those is my rare Croatian heritage.

A Croatian is someone who originated from the country of Croatia. Croatia is located in Europe, between Hungary and Slovenia. It is one of the six republic countries that are located in Yugoslavia. They speak Croatian and other formal European languages from the surrounding countries. My family does not speak any of this language at the moment. My mom’s dad speaks a little but not much. Croatians go all the way back to the times of the Roman Empire in the 19th Centuries ( In the times of the Roman Empire Croatians were seen as people who cared for others and always wanted to have a musical instrument with them ( The Tamburica, a unique Croatian instrument, similar to a guitar in the United States is played throughout Croatia everywhere. I personally have seen one, but not played one. The biggest city, and capital, Zagreb is located in the northwestern part of the country. I personally have never even been to Croatia. It’s one of my places I want to go to really badly because of my Croatian culture.

My mom’s side of the family is the Croatian side. I believe that my Moms dad can speak the Croatian language, but only little pieces of it. . Sadly no one in my family lives in Croatia or anywhere in Europe even! Weird right? My mom’s family is much smaller and does not have as many kids which I believe plays a big factor in why we are Croatian. They also live all over the world, like Thailand, Hawaii, Montana, and Washington. I do not know how we ended up being Croatian, but it just worked out. My Croatian heritage does not play a huge part in my life, or take over my lifestyle in any way. If you asked 100 people none of them would guess I was Croatian anyway. So it really doesn’t matter to me if my peers can see it in me or if they can’t see it in me. Lifestyle is always misunderstood for the way you go around and act. This plays no factor in the way I act. People do not know the difference in the ways people act by their heritage.

Anyway, my dad’s side of the family is German/Irish with a little of Czech in us. My Dads side is a bigger family and has the grandparents that take us all around the world. My German and Irish heritage does also not play any factor into the way I live. Some people say that I look like an Irish, and you know what people say, if you are Irish you have the good luck. But you know, sometimes I have good luck sometimes I don’t.

Differences are what make this world a unique place. No one is the same. That’s the cool thing. No matter who, what, when, where, and why, no one will ever be the same as you. That’s why I thought I would write about this topic. I love how I am unique in so many ways. I don’t care what my friends think of me. I used to go outside and play football in my pink socks as my mom would say. She loves it (Munsch). Now that I have told you a little about my Croatian heritage, go find what interesting things you have to share.

Works Cited

"CROATIAN HERITAGE." CROATIAN HERITAGE. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. <>.
"Croats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. <>.

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