San Diego | Teen Ink

San Diego

February 26, 2013
By Anonymous

Trip to San Diego

As I stepped off the plane the hot air brushed my face. Parading to the baggage claim was my witty cousin Caleb. He was glowing with enthusiasm. A smile inched along my face and I jumped with joy when I saw him. My tastes buds were screaming for frozen yogurt so I hastily asked if we could stop by Yogurtland on the drive back. Caleb excitedly agreed and we began our optimistic journey back to the house which we knew would be long. One thing I hate about Los Angles would have to be the constant, raging bumper to bumper traffic. Travel time is automatically tripled causing frustration and epic collisions. When we finally arrived at our destination Caleb and I jumped from the car and sprinted towards the door of Yogurtland. Caleb yanked the door open causing it to slam against the wall. Standing there in astonishment we were overwhelmed with all the different yogurt options. Slowly walking up to the yogurt dispenser I quickly made the decision to try the strawberry lemonade yogurt. I cranked down the handle and grinned. Mission completed. We began to cruz down Hollywood Blvd. with expectations that were sure to be fulfilled. So many unique people lined the streets and opportunities to see these absurd people are presented up and down Hollywood Blvd. Red stars line the sides of the streets indicating the hundreds of honored celebrities. The distinct smell of overpopulation filled the air, and uncontrollable laughter filled our ears. When the

festivities died down it was time to mosey on back to Grandma’s house. Three steps into Grandma’s house our obnoxious parents informed me and my overjoyed cousin that we were
leaving for San Diego in the morning. Filled with excitement we lightly jumped in the air and hugged. We couldn’t wait to go to sleep that night.

When the sun rose and the clock read 7:00 a.m. , I hopped out of bed and headed for my Grandma’s semi moldy shower. The uncontainable thoughts that filled my head kept an upside down frown on my face throughout my whole shower. I couldn’t help but think about the big blue waves, warm sand, and beautiful people. One thing was for sure that I didn’t want this trip to ever end! We over packed our small rental car and hopped in the back seat. I looked at my cousin blankly and he automatically knew that we needed our daily coffee run. He hurriedly shouted to make a quick stop at Starbucks with a promise we would behave on the road trip ahead of us. Lips grasping my straw I sat back in my seat quiet and happy. My double chocolate chip frappuccino was made to perfection, not to mention the icing from my lemon loaf was plastered on my finger to my liking. Relaxed with vibrations from my headphones flowing through my body I sat back and waited for the two-and-a-half our drive to be over. Sooner than expected we arrived at our astonishing resort which included a view of Sea World, smores, three pools, and free continental breakfast. Caleb and I were amazed! After we checked in we sprinted up to our breathtaking room and screamed. We plied open the drapes and swung open the sliding glass door, stood out on the balcony and breathed in the fresh, stress-relieving air of San Diego.

We quickly rummaged through our suitcases and pulled out our bathing suits, we already knew what would be our first destination.
Mission Beach never sounded so good before in my life. We packed our towels and hustled down to the valet. Uncontrollably smiling, we paced back and forth waiting for our car to arrive. The silver rims flashed and we knew our car had arrived. Caleb and I threw our boogie boards into the back and plopped down in the seats. As the windows descended and the cool breeze from the ocean hit me in the face I knew there was no better feeling. Eyes bulging I spotted the beach. We had arrived! Tires sliding against the sand we gently pulled into the parking spot next to the rusty bike rack. Joyfully we stepped out of the car and began to run towards the glistening water. Quickly laying down the blankets and ripping off our clothes we couldn’t contain our happiness. We strapped the velcro around our wrist and jogged towards the water with our boogie boards resting on our side. Freezing cold, water splashed against my body. I immediately stopped, goose bumps filled my body and my grin turned into an unwanted frown. I knew I had not come this far for nothing. Gathering courage I looked out at the waves and began to sprint. I collapsed in the water and came up smiling. The ocean was where I belonged.

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