Beauty of the World | Teen Ink

Beauty of the World

February 27, 2013
By Anonymous

I have seen many beautiful places, but one of my favorite place ever is India. And while this particular country is no different then any other, that I was more interested in. The surrounding areas had many walks, roads and paths into the rocks of the mountains. So off I went along this path no clue of where it would lead or even how long it would take. About two minutes from the start of my walk. I became curious, looking around me there was nothing but rocks and hillsides around me. As I hill to my right I have no idea what I will find over the top. What I have seen was the most peaceful scene I have ever known. Sitting upon the hillside looking over the mountains felt a calmness. There was no sounds, no noises from Where I had just come from, no cars going by, nothing, just peace. United kingdom, London is another place I have spent many a happy holiday, from the first time with my parents. The towns are just as beautiful as you can imagine. I think I have always had a love of the place and its culture.All I really want to do is spend my life traveling the world that take my breath away.(:

The author's comments:
You are my world! Hope you like it(-:

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