Visit to Malay Land | Teen Ink

Visit to Malay Land

April 2, 2013
By telsa BRONZE, Kanpur, Other
telsa BRONZE, Kanpur, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Robert Louis Stevenson once said “There is no foreign land .It is the traveler who is foreign”

I share the same view in traveling. My recent visit to Kuala Lumpur and Penang in Malaysia made me realize that these places are not just places of shopping malls or luxurious living but also a centre of Malaysian culture, heritage and crafts.

I first visited the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur is recognized by its MENARA and TWIN TOWER therefore it is a must visit place beside this I visited the PETRONAS THEME PARK where science was made more interesting and connected to day to day life .It was now time to see the cultural side of the city for which I visited the BATU CAVES which is known for its 275 stairs .One can see the magnificent view of caves along with Hindu temples .Malaysia is known for its natural beauty which was easy to find at K.L. BIRD PARK- world’s largest walk in aviary
Besides this it was fun to explore the modern Kuala Lumpur by visiting various shopping malls in the city, walking on the streets and bargaining at Chinatown
After Kuala Lumpur I went to the city of ‘ORIENT PEARLS’ Penang .Having being accorded the UNESCO world heritage site award in 2008 Penang island has embraced its historical grandeur with renewed passion transforming the city into a world class destination .Rather like an unruly adolescent that is growing too quickly Georgetown is a place where dynamic change and heritage sensitivities saddle up against each other daily .Magical makeovers are taking place all over the city. Tucked behind the KWAN YIN temple in steward lane, seven dilapidated shop houses are being thoughtfully transformed into a brace of boutique hotels .Besides this the street art fill the place with vibrancy. CANNON STREET in Penang so called as cannons were shot here by the British is a place where one can find more about the life of a villager
And how people lived before independence . It is the most suitable place to see a fine blend of Chinese and Malay culture. One can also find adventure sports or enjoy cool sea breeze at BATU FIRANGHI (a beach). This beach is famous for its night market If one wants to see India in Penang he should visit LITTLE INDIA where there are only Indian shops

Indeed my visit to the two cities was quite interesting .Kuala Lumpur was a place where one finds modern lifestyle along with natural diversity where as Penang was quieter ,less stressful and allowed people to view its magical makeovers at a leisurely pace

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