My Year Abroad | Teen Ink

My Year Abroad

November 20, 2013
By Marvin75 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Marvin75 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
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It was a hot day; the sun was burning through the window of the car. Tristen and Eli, my host siblings, were talking to me on the way to my new home for one year, and I just thought ‘Dude, you will live here for one year!’ But let’s start how it all began.

It started October 2010, with American football. After the first practice, I was in love with this sport, and I never wanted to play anything else. With American football came the interest for America, the Super-Bowl, the food, and the culture. My parents and I started to search for companies who make it possible to come over to America, so I could live here for one year.
About two hours later, we found an organization, which sounded good, had experience and had an informational day the next week, so we made an appointment for the information day. We collected some information letters and we went to two other meetings. Finally they gave me a couple of papers with details how to do a website. The website is for the future host parents to get information about me, my family, hobbies, and all that what makes me to who I am. I started to fill all facts in; and it took me about four months because I was very lazy, and it was quite a bit to do. Finally about Christmas time 2012, I finished it and had everything I needed.

Then, I had to wait. They told us, normally, the host families take a while to take a foreigner, and that maybe one week before my flight schedule, I’d find out about the family. In February I had a big letter at home with the information about my host family!
I know exactly what I did on the day when I received the letter with the details about my host family. It was a weekday and sunny. I came home from school, went up the stairs, and saw a big envelope from my organization. As my dad worked in our bathroom with a plumber to install our bathtub, I opened the envelope and was shocked. It was so early, and it was so real for me now. My dad laughed. He said I was pale. I started emailing with my host family weekly until May, and then we started Skyping once a week.

At the end of May, beginning of June, everything was so serious, and we started to plan my “Bye-Bye-Party.” Friends started getting sad, but I didn’t feel sad. I was excited to leave my country for one year; it was so unbelievable for me.

I asked my parents the evening before my “Bye-Bye Party” to wake me up when they started to decorate, but they didn’t. I woke up at 11am went outside and saw our yard decorated with America flags. On our balcony was a huge America flag. There were America napkins, America hats, and America ties. It was awesome! The party all in all was great. All my friends, family, neighbors, were there! In the middle of the party, my dad was gone; my mum said he had to go to an employee for a key. I knew that something was going on. After a while, my dad and grandpa brought a big, and I mean big cake! It was like 5x4 feet! It had an American flag on the top with blue, red, and white marzipan. It was the best cake I had ever eaten! We had delicious foods like spareribs, sausage, meat salad and coleslaw.

My aunt went to our porch and asked for everyone’s attention. She read a nice, cute letter; then my grandpa read his, and both touched my heart. About 1:30 in the morning the last people went home, and we started to clean everything. About 2:30am we sat together (my mum and dad, grandma and grandpa, and our neighbors), and talked while eating. It was a perfect day! The last days were just partying for me (in Germany it is legal).

The day… Hamburg Airport 2pm: My best friends and family were there and so many kids from my organization. Everybody was crying, but I felt good. I was excited!

Before I came to Ayersville, Ohio, I had ten fantastic days in a camp from my organization. We went to a baseball game, and we also went to Boston, and did many other activities. I made so many new friends from all over the world! I was more sad on the last day of camp than at the airport in Hamburg. It was weird. The camp was like a class trip, and now I was getting closer to the serious part. I was nervous! I arrived in Detroit, and my host family received me. Tristen and Eli, my host siblings, had posters with my name on it; it was so sweet.

I cried the first night because this was the first time realized that I would be staying here for one year, and my family and friends are so far away. I think I had a little culture shock too, but after about three days, it was much better. I started to enjoy it.

The first few weeks, I just had football practice, football practice, and yeah football practice. The difference between German American football and American American football is huge! I never heard of a “two-a-day” before, and I was happy I never heard it before because those practices killed me! My legs were sore two weeks straight!

After three weeks in America, school started. I was nervous, but the first day was great! I had some problems understanding the teachers the first weeks, but everybody tried to make it as easy as possible for me, and that helped!

Now I have many friends. The football season is over (unfortunately), and I know how to handle the school. I LOVE AMERICA! Thanks to everybody who made this possible especially my parents back home, and my host parents. I would encourage anyone to do an exchange year abroad if he/she gets the chance!

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