The Walk Closer to God | Teen Ink

The Walk Closer to God

March 17, 2014
By Arshia_L BRONZE, Astoria, New York
Arshia_L BRONZE, Astoria, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

India, in general, is such a capricious location. Mumbai, for example, is full of innumerable interesting locations that attract the eyes like no other. When I visited a very popular mosque in Mumbai, the mosque left a strong mark on my mind and soul. No matter where you came from, who you believed in, and what you worshipped-nothing mattered when I first placed my feet to walk into the mosque. This inception to a long journey to reach the mosque was so vivid in my eyes. I saw how powerful each step was in my mind, because I was about to be welcomed by nonetheless, truth. When I walked through the long alley, such surroundings never felt so intense to me before. It was indeed an infinite walk that depicted the value of life and god.

In just a glimpse, I felt that I was the only one there, while everyone else was invisible. There was a long alley which was in the middle of a large body of water, and then me in the center of it all. While I took short steps as I stared at every human being placed on both sides of the long alley, I came to an immediate realization that the house of god itself never seemed so live before. Every human is suddenly equalized in my eyes, as they worshipped Allah, despite taking notice that half of their blessed creations were gone. Such creations from their god, Allah, were their feet, legs, arms, and fingers. Although such creations were not seen, eyes were their most powerful aspect. Nothing seemed so significant to me, but their eyes who shared the most stories. Their furious eyes full of innate and tranquil innocence made me think how valuable relationships were. You would have not seen this anywhere else, but here in this exact location, where the truth remained.

When I passed every set of eyes, silence never got to me before. In order to actually see the lives of these people, I became like the air- invisible. I wanted to see everything I could have, because the feeling of such connection was indescribable. There were a lot of questions and words revolving around my head, that it felt like there were infinite Arshia’s inside my head that all talked at once. As I kept was walking the alley, I sensed how more meaningful each step got upon the arrival of the mosque. The constant praises of Allah, and the word “Allah! Allah! Allah,” never left my ears. Everyones voices were all different, some high pitch, some low pitch, some with anger, some with tears of pain. I never felt such eyes and constant praises of god touch my heart- from every beat to every blood vessel. If these were not humans then they were truly the moral excellence of god.

Little by little, my feelings and emotions were fettering me up. Every space along the long alley in the purified body of water was not left empty- yet complete with figures of god. These humans were known as fortuitous souls. When I finally reached the mosque, nothing has ever felt so beautiful before.

The author's comments:
This beautiful mosque is located in Mumbai, India. If you ever go to visit this moque, it will change your perspective about life in general. You will come across a lot of people who are so unique than people you encounter every single day.

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