First Time on a Airplane | Teen Ink

First Time on a Airplane

March 17, 2014
By Monaeeee BRONZE, Long Island City, New York
Monaeeee BRONZE, Long Island City, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Goodbye New York” as I said on our way to the airport. We get off the bus at the airport where everyone is accumulating their luggage and entering the airport. Even though I live so close, I have never seen an airport before so I was so excited like a hungry cat when it smells tuna fish. As we walked in the airport I was astonished but then my stomach started feeling weird and I noticed that it was just butterflies because of how fearful I was. We went through the security, luggage check-in, gave our passports, got our plane tickets, then we patiently waited for the plane to come. We had to wait on so many lines and do so much just to get on an airplane.
That moment when a robot sounding lady made an announcement that the plane to London was boarding my heart discontinued. We were about to travel to a whole different part of the world. I felt like somebody was about to kill me, like it was the last day of my beautiful life. It was my first time ever getting on an airplane so I had diverse emotions and all these delirious thoughts in my head. As we were boarding the plane, the cold breeze from outside slapped me in my face which then got me even more petrified.
We were on the airplane and everyone was taking their seats, the seats were nice and soft and they provided a fluffy white pillow and a red comfy blanket for us. The airplane was so beautiful, every seat had its own TV, the seats can go back, and the red dim lights around the plane made me thrilled for some reason. As we sat on this beautiful plane for a few moments, the pilot made an announcement that he was about to start the plane and that we should buckle our seat belts. The seat belts were silver and they were so cold as if they have never been touched. Tears filled my eyes as I buckled my seatbelt because I was so scared and I remember thinking “Oh my god I’m going to die, I’m going to die”. Everybody around me looked so happy and so ready for this plane ride then you looked at me and I looked so disappointed. It’s not that I was disappointed I was just freaking out.
Out of no where the plane started moving and that’s when I really started to lose it. My head flew back to the seat as the plane got faster and faster preparing for take off. As the plane went up in the air my heart released in my hands and I started screaming so loud I sounded like a newborn baby. Everyone started staring at me asking me was I okay and telling me that I didn’t have to worry.
Across from my seat was this grumpy looking old man with his shoes off and his feet on top of the seats in front of him. This smelly smell started to rise in the air, it smelled like a combination of rotten eggs, fart, and mildew. It smelled so bad I felt like I was going to pass out, “Can you please put your shoes back on”, I yelled out staring at him in disbelief. The man didn’t even answer me he just sat there in the same position as if his feet smelled like strawberries or something. I was so mad, I tried to switch my seat but nobody wanted to switch with me. I sat there with this violent look on my face for eight hours straight and I didn’t even go to sleep. It’s like it was impossible to sleep because the smell was so powerful and so close to me.
“What would you like? chicken tikka or pasta?”
“Chicken tikka” I said asking for a coke. As I opened the coke, this freezing cold mist spattered out along with a little soda falling all over my brand new TYWLS tracksuit. The steaming chicken covered in some reddish brownish looking sauce with rice on the side both looked and smelled so pleasant my mouth was watering. I go for the first bite and my eyeballs were about to pop out while food shot out my mouth, that food was repulsive!!! That moment was the worst, I love food and for that food to taste like that it was really messing with my head. My face was so red, my veins were popping out the side of my face, and my heart was beating about 1,000 miles per hour. I was vexed and so unsatisfied, I just picked up the remote to my TV and put on a movie. Thanks to the man with the revolting feet, and that atrocious airplane food, my flight was a complete catastrophe. In the end the trip was amazing, but the flight was horrible.

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