The Horrible Trip | Teen Ink

The Horrible Trip

May 11, 2014
By Stone2691 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Stone2691 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The weather that started our vacation was gloomy and rainy; this set the beginning for our horrible vacation in which we took a journey to New York. We were on our way to my cousin’s Bar Mitzvah, which was a big day for him. We got to the airport about 6:30am for our 8:00am. When we walked into the terminal and looked up to see if our flight was cancelled sure enough, it was pushed back till 11:00am. This was the first thing that went wrong on our trip to New York. After we boarded the plane and took off, the pilot had to keep the fasten your seatbelt sign on for the entire trip due to bad turbulence. This made all of the passengers on board anxious to go to the bathroom, including me. We had to wait so long everyone wanted to get off the plane and use the toilet. Once everyone was relieved, we schlepped all the way to baggage claim, which was on the other side of the airport. We got to the baggage claim to retrieve our belongings and watched everybody else get theirs except us. After not obtaining our luggage, we went to the customer service desk to inquire about our lost bags. They told us that there was a mistake for the location of our luggage. It happened to be in Kenya. We became very frustrated because we had no clothes or belongings for the Bar Mitzvah. After the luggage fiasco, we went to our rental car so we could drive to our destination. Since our luggage got misplaced, we went to the nearest mall to get clothes for the weekend. My parents split up with us kids to make our shopping more efficient. My Dad and I picked out suits but unbeknownst to us, the suits we picked out cost us $2000.00. Dad said, “Screw it!! We are getting them and leaving!!” My family met back at the rental car after our shopping spree so we were able to head to our destination. We finally got to the Temple where the Bar Mitzvah was being held with our new clothes in hand we headed to the nearest bathroom to get on our new clothes for the ceremony. We scurried into the Synague to watch my cousin become a Bar Mitzvah. After the ceremony, we headed off to my Uncle Jeff’s restaurant called Down to the Bone. As we all know, there are horrible potholes in New York and unfortunately, my Dad hit one of them and blew out his front left tire. I got out to assess the damage, which occurred to the rental car. The tire was completely shredded. We called AAA to replace the tire. It took a good hour for them to come and change the tire. Finally we got the rental car fixed and were ready to go to the celebration. When we arrived and said hello to everybody just as my Dad was turning someone with a bowl of soup knocked into him spilling tomato soup all over my Dad’s new suit. He was devastated to find out his new clothing was completely destroyed. He went to the bathroom to check on the damage of his suit and discovered it was ruined. He was unhappy for the rest of the day. Subsequently, it was already time to head back to the airport to go home to Florida. My Dad smelled like tomato soup for the whole plane ride. People were giving him looks because he smelled so so good. We arrived at our home airport and luckily, we didn’t have any baggage to pick up. Everyone headed to the car after a long day of traveling, we were finally able to go home and take a shower.

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