Snowboarding in Tahoe | Teen Ink

Snowboarding in Tahoe

May 31, 2014
By easer97 BRONZE, Coronado, California
easer97 BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was in the seventh grade on a trip to North Star it was one of my first times going to North Star snowboarding. I have been to lots of ski resorts before but North Star only once so I was so excited to get on the hill. When we got all of our gear I raced over to the gondola lift with my board to get as much time as I could on the hill. My brother and his friend were skiing and always wanted to just do the bunny slopes but my mom insisted that I keep an eye on them. After a couple times down the bunny slopes I convinced them to go down the black diamond so we headed over to the lift to take us up the mountain. They were both nervous and didn’t want to get off but I told them it would be fine and we would take it slow. Right when we got off they were speeding down the slope as fast as they could I was right behind them and we were almost half way down when my brothers friend hit a tree. I went to go help him up and get him down the slope when a snowboarder came flying down the slope and hit me and knocked me down. When I got up my nose and hands were bleeding and my back felt crushed. When I took off my board the guy that hit me was long gone and there was a crowd of people around me, a ski instructor told me to wait here and ten minutes later they brought me down in a truck to get fixed up. After the guy hit me I had a broken nose and two sprained fingers.

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