Culture Exists ft. My Opinion | Teen Ink

Culture Exists ft. My Opinion

June 4, 2014
By The_Real_Reed BRONZE, Coronado, California
The_Real_Reed BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

First discovered by Darwin are the isolation mechanisms of evolution. To keep the ever-complex code of the worlds’ genome into separate species, these mechanisms prevent exerspeicies relation. The most interesting thing they influence is behavior. Behavioral isolationism is one of the first places psychology and evolution intersect. The purpose of it is to show the individuals that are about to mate, that they are indeed the same species .That same idea of behavioral isolationism is continued over into today’s human populations.

Separating cultures into subcultures, creating standards and goals to obtain so one can be selected for mating. All humans are the same species but because of this mechanism are separated into what are known as cultures. Extending these evolutionary devices,the minds of humans have transformed. Since the dawn of our age ,and also this passed second, forming huge neural networks relaying thousands more electric signals than before. We are evolving. The only purposes our brains used to serve were survival and reproduction; but now society and culture has taught us to shape our brain into something more complex and potentially harmful.

The author's comments:
Behavioral isolationism sparked my interest and got mixed with teen angst on *society*

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