Our Cove | Teen Ink

Our Cove

October 29, 2014
By TheGenesisWriter SILVER, Hemet, California
TheGenesisWriter SILVER, Hemet, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them." -William Shakespeare

Hours have passed since we left home to go to my favorite place in the world. A place of sunshine and fun as well as a place of peace and tranquility that puts me at ease. That place is the beach. On one of my adventures to Oceanside, the Saturday afternoon sky was blanketed with gray ominous clouds, that threatened my perfect day. Although, after we arrived at the old wooden pier and gazed on the oceans horizons the skies cleared and let the sun’s radiance shine upon our faces. Afterwards my friends and I then ran into the chilly waves and swam until our hearts were content and our bodies frozen. After that we then heated up on the warm sand and began walking along the beach to Our Cove. Our Cove is a special place my friends and I  discovered and that we visit whenever we are together. It took half an hour just to trudge through the wet sand to get to it but, a place such as this is worth the trip. It is at the end of long jetty stretching out into the waves. We climb the rocky surface of the jetty and clamber along its jagged path to our special spot. A cove  untouched by waves or any other disturbance and where the water is clear as crystal with a hint of teal color. So clear you can see the bottom of it with no trouble. The water is as warm as bathwater with only scattered patches of cold. We swim and lounge in it for hours until we set out to the other side of the jetty. The complete opposite of the cove, the face of the jetty is hammered by waves and sends splashes of salty mist high up onto the rocks.  The sound of the water slamming with all its might into the rocks is mystifying and is a sound unique to itself. It is the sound of the ocean breathing. As you look up, you can see endless water stretching far beyond what you can see. Light glimmers on the crests of waves causing the entire ocean to light up like someone has lit it ablaze. It is in this place I find peace. It is in this place I would gladly spend eternity. 

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