Everybody Wants To Be Italian | Teen Ink

Everybody Wants To Be Italian

April 23, 2015
By valentina rizzi BRONZE, Hackettstown, New Jersey
valentina rizzi BRONZE, Hackettstown, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Everybody wants to be Italian,” my uncle says. I mean why not, Italy is one of the fashion capitols of the world, the ocean surrounds us, and the inhabitants are one of the friendliest people you’ll encounter! The summer nights there are just as unforgettable as the time you spend visiting every important monument or just laying out in the warm Mediterranean sun.  When I was younger I would travel to Italy over the summer and to this day those are the memories I will never forget.

In Italy life is so much slower than life in the U.S. Nobody is ever in a rush to get things done because they want to enjoy every aspect of life.  In each town everybody knows each other so it’s almost like a little family that is created in every town. Over the summer there’s always children at play. From soccer to playing with marbles on the curb I guarantee you’ll have fun time. While the kids are at play the adults go food shopping for the day. Fresh unpasteurized smells are all lingering on the roads where the market takes place. All the fresh fruit and vegetables laying under the sun for everyone to buy. Then towards the afternoon all the stores shut down so everyone can go back home and eat lunch. This is what I love about Italy because people spend time with their families instead of working all day and then seeing them for five minutes when they get back from work at night. The stores stay closed for about two hours, and for those two hours no one is roaming the streets. Everyone is either eating or taking a nap. Then around three or four o’clock the stores open up again and everyone is out doing their everyday routines. You’ll see the old ladies sitting outside conversation with their friends. Or you’ll see mothers hanging their wet laundry on a line. Then at nine o’clock the stores close up for the night. Italy at night is so much different than during the day because everybody is out and trying to have fun. Especially if theirs a carnival going out. Teenagers will go on rides with their friends or grab something to eat in the little restaurants that are serving comfort food. It’s a good life over there. During the night the entire town is out in the town walking and meeting up with their friends.


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