Treasure of Waukesha County | Teen Ink

Treasure of Waukesha County

April 21, 2015
By Montague SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Montague SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
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Hartland Music is a quaint establishment on the edge of Hartland, off highway 83.. Although it’s a small place, it’s big on inspiration. Everyone there is willing to go the extra mile and get you what you need, and you can always walk in and see a familiar face.
I walked into Hartland Music with my mom, an eager fourth grader wanting to learn classical guitar. They rented me a guitar and signed me up for lessons with one of the best teachers I’ve ever had.
The next year, I walked in, as an excited fifth grader wanting to learn trombone. They rented me a trombone and helped me find the books I’d need for school band. 
Five years later, I walked in excited to announce I had made it into the highest band at Arrowhead. My teacher, who first rented the trombone to me, shook my hand and told me how proud he was.
I premiered my first original songs on stage at Hartland Music. With the encouragement of my teacher, I played an original song at each of my recitals. I — and many other kids — would have never gotten interested or held onto an interest in music if it weren’t for Hartland Music. They make a safe space where anyone can try new things without pressure.
Hartland Music is a nest of creativity and encouragement. The staff inspire and motivate kids to play music and challenge themselves. Hartland Music is truly a Waukesha County treasure.

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