Waukesha County Treasure | Teen Ink

Waukesha County Treasure

April 24, 2015
By 5keehns SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5keehns SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Oconomowoc Lake contains nothing but fulfilling memories.  Full of the biggest fish you can catch in Waukesha County,  water so clear you can see the fish swim,  And on top of it all, the Oconomowoc River spills into the lake.     

With every casts holds a mystery.  Am I going to catch a 30 in. Walleye, a 50 in Musky or is it going to break free before seen?  Or will I see it from a distance and not reconize it? While fishing on a hot summer day.  I saw a fish out in the distance,  I crept up to where I saw it.  Instantly I felt a strong pull.  The fish jumped again.  Before I knew it, he got off. 

The clear clean water is something I can only value at Oconomowoc. On a sunny day, I have no trouble seeing the bottom in some spots and fish from 20-30 yards.  And seems to make it more enjoyable while swimming or kayaking.  And best of all, enjoy the lake and memories. 

When I launch my boat I go through the Oconomowoc River.  And it’s one of my favorite parts.  There’s not much to look at  just the trees, the aquatic life, and the occasional squirrel.

The Oconomowoc is an all around breath-taking lake.  I’ve caught fish from 10 in. Perch to 5 pound bass.  The water I gaze at right before I leave.  The river is full of aquatic life and beautiful trees, hanging just over the river.

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