The Gem of Chalkidiki: Summertime! | Teen Ink

The Gem of Chalkidiki: Summertime!

December 15, 2015
By Myrto BRONZE, Thessaloniki, Hawaii
Myrto BRONZE, Thessaloniki, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am lucky enough to go to Marmaras in the summers. This beautiful place has got many popular tourist attractions that even the local people visit again and again.

Kohi beach is the ideal place for young people. It has a tranquil atmosphere where you can relax. Also in the mornings there is a variety of activities that you can do with friends or alone. You can swim in crystal clear waters and try a lot of water sports such as scuba diving, yachting and jet skis, which you can rent  with no age restrictions. Kohi's beach bar offers a lot of frozen drinks or snacks in combination with youthful music. Of course  you can do sunbathing and relax on sandy beaches. At night you can see the most wonderful sunset in the world !
The second place that shouldn't be missed is the Kalamitsi, where you and your friends will have a lot of fun with their spectacular facilities and explore the countryside. Kalamitsi is the ideal place for surfers because of the huge, breathtaking waves. At noon you can  enjoy delicious dishes and taste the greek cuisine.

In this place you can get away from your routine. It is a must! It gives you a taste of Greece!

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