Firefly Music Festival | Teen Ink

Firefly Music Festival

December 15, 2015
By skydunmyer BRONZE, Lewes, Delaware
skydunmyer BRONZE, Lewes, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Firefly Music Festival is the 12th most popular music festival in the world, so there is much pressure to give people a commendable time.  Red Frog Events, (Firefly’s main sponsor), provided the best experience I have ever had.  The festival takes place in early July annually with incredible music and fun features like the hammock hangout.  With over 80,000 people attending, a surprisingly short amount of time, and some weather problems, Firefly did a fantastic job.  Attending the event is completely worth it, and is recommended.

Firefly had many aspects that made the experience diverting and pleasant.  The best component was the impressive lineup.  For example, Paul McCartney, (yes, a former Beatle), had an amazing 2 ½ hour performance. McCartney is one of the most famous artists I know, who put on one of the best show I have ever seen.  Firefly was able to get a musical legend to perform, so they must know what they are doing.  Though the lineup left my jaw dropping, Firefly is also in a beautiful place.

Another benefit to attending Firefly is the location and scenery.  It is set up in the gorgeous Woodlands of Dover, Delaware.  Surrounding the stages, and towering over guests are big, bushy trees.  They provide a shady area to sit as well as give the whole festival a bohemian vibe.  Overall, the festival provided a lineup with the best names in music as well as a stunning location to give the guests an experience they will never forget.  At the end of the weekend, I was desperate for next June to come as soon as possible.  Though the price may seem expensive, ($300 for a 4-day general admission pass), Firefly is completely worth it and highly recommended.

The author's comments:

Firefly is one of the best experiences I've ever had.  It would mean a lot to be able to share my experience with other people.

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