Bermuda | Teen Ink


January 14, 2016
By KyleHurley1998 BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
KyleHurley1998 BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The water is crystal clear, with sea life swimming all around. The sound of the waves crashing has never sounded so beautiful. The pink sand from Horseshoe Bay just made it that much cooler. Cliffs as high as 100 feet with tourists filled on top of them. There were the dare devils who jumped off some of the smaller ones. I jumped off one that was about half that high, but high enough for me. As I stood on top and stared down, butterflies filled my stomach. It took a while to get the nerve to jump, and when I did it felt like I was in the air for a total of 30 seconds but it was only about two. As I hit the water, it felt like I actually jumped on concrete: I wasn’t expecting it to hurt but it actually did.

Bermuda is warm all year with low temperatures getting into the low 60s. During the summer boy it is hot, and there is no better place to go than to the beach to cool off and have a drink. Every beach has a stand selling water, sodas and other things to snack on.  Some stands are fancy shacks and others are little tables.  The water is warm as bath water and the waves are usually pretty small.  Just floating around in the clear water is great.  If you get bored of doing that, there are plenty of other activities to do. You can grab you snorkel set and your flippers and go to the reefs. As soon as you go under you can see as many colorful fish as you could imagine, different sized turtles, and plenty of crabs. It really is a fun time especially if you with someone you know.

There are also plenty of shops in Bermuda that you can wander through to buy jewelry, clothes, and hundreds of different souvenirs from Bermuda. Bermuda had some of the craziest bus drivers I have ever seen. Each bus trip was like a roller coaster ride.  It felt like the drivers didn’t use the brakes at all we would go around corners at top speed with everyone hanging on for dear life. The funniest thing about that is that at some shops they have t-shirts saying “best bus drivers in the world.” Even though they drove like a mad man, they sure enough got us there with plenty of time to spare.

Bermuda at night is personally my favorite. You get all dressed up and go out to the restaurants to eat some delicious fresh seafood. I had the best barbecue shrimp there with probably the greatest slice of bread I’ve ever had, yes greatest bread I’ve ever had. You can’t often say that bread makes your mouth water but when I ate it it surely did.

Bermuda surely is a great tourist destination. They have it all, from the beaches, cliffs, golf courses, restaurants, and snorkeling. I definitely recommend everyone to go there. You will not be disappointed.


The author's comments:

I went on a cruise to Bermuda in 7th grade and really enjoyed it.

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