Marbles About Music | Teen Ink

Marbles About Music

March 22, 2016
By adelina.hernandez BRONZE, Houston, Texas
adelina.hernandez BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Martin Molin, a Swedish musician, has taken music making to the next level. He has recently invented ,the first and latest, music machine with marbles! This crazy machine is called the Wintergatan Marble Machine which works like a giant hand-cranked music box. In the machine there is a total of two thousand marbles, falling down all needed to make the lovely sounds of the instrument. It isn’t only made marbles of course, it takes multiple parts to create it. Some of the parts for example are funnels, tubes, and pulleys. Something like this takes time to plan out and build, that’s why Molin has been working on the machine since August 2014. He originally planned to make this project only two months long but it soon turned into about two years. This short term to long term project took a while due to the fact that all the parts are hand crafted and fabricated to complete perfection.  Molin showcased his work regularly on his YouTube channel,  Wintergatan. Sadly this one of a kind machine cannot travel without being fully taken apart and reassembled to be played again. With that said you can always listen to his music through his videos.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to wrte this because I'm passionate about new music and I'm always lookign for somethign new.

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