A Family of Eyes | Teen Ink

A Family of Eyes

April 20, 2016
By 7condon GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
7condon GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone in my family has different eyes. From the way they see things, to the color of there eyes. My mother's eyes full of wisdom. My father's eyes filled with accomplishment. Both parents eyes marked with years of knowledge and success like a bird learning how to fly. My two older brothers eyes are filled with living life to the fullest. My brothers eyes, my brothers eyes, like the sun shining through on a cloudy day, eyes that run to the best things in life. My sister's eyes are full of hope. Like a kid hoping to get that one special gift for her birthday.

Even when my grandpas eyes got lazy, literally, they were still full of love. My eyes are full of perseverance. Not just having one color but an eye that is blue and green like the sky and grass together, and one that is just green.  With eyes as soft as a baby's blanket, even on the days when all our eyes do is rain. With all these eyes in the family ther is wisdom, success, hope, love, and perseverance.

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