Traveling Across Europe | Teen Ink

Traveling Across Europe

May 5, 2016
By gmturner BRONZE, Zachary , Louisiana
gmturner BRONZE, Zachary , Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

During the summer of 2015, I had the amazing opportunity to travel with my sister to Greece and Italy. This was the first my sister and I ever traveled out of the country; it was also my first time on a plane. The first stop was Athens, Greece and the entire country is so beautiful and amazing. Our hotel that we stayed at was right across the street from Mediterranean Ocean.  Everything was different the food, the culture, the atmosphere it was nothing like I ever experienced. On the first day of the tour, we went to the first Olympic Stadium and it was this huge and amazing building. After that, we went too climbed to the Parthenon. It was so crowded; people were everywhere. The climb was very hard since the entire thing is made out of marble, so it was very slick we all kept tripping and bumping into people it was a long climb. When we got to the top, the view was surreal. It was nothing I have ever seen before; you could see all mountains surrounding the city and all of the towns. It felt like being on top of the world in that moment. And standing there with my sister made it so much better to share this moment with someone. That night my tour group and I had the chance to experience a Greek night. Where we tried traditionally prepared food like masala and gyros and have live entertainment. Which I got the opportunity to go up there and learn one of the dances with a few other people. The next day we went the plaza and the flea market they were having that day. We shopped and ate great food again. On our last day in Greece we went to Delphi; where we hiked up to the last remaining ruins from the Temple of Apallo. We learned that at one point in time the city of Delphi was once thought of the center of the world. After we claimed up we went the museum that they had at the bottom. It was basically the history of the city that they can figure out from the artifact that they found at the temple. Another thing I learned about Greece is that everyone takes care of stray dogs. They don’t necessarily take them in but they feed and give water them. Also they tagged so they can keep up with them. We saw dogs almost everywhere we went. Our next stop was Italy, which we arrived very early in the morning and we hit the ground running. We walked to the Spanish Steeps and then had breakfast in this very cute café. After that we walked almost two miles to go see the Trevi Fountain which sadly it was under construction. We spent about several days in Rome and we took a ferry to the island of Capri and it was the most beautiful place I’ve ever been too in my life. They had this little perfume shop where they made their own perfume from locally grown flowers and I bought myself one. Sadly, we didn’t stay the night but we took another ferry to Sorrento which was our last stop in Italy before we went to The Vatican City. In Vatican City we went to the museum and after the went to the Sistine Chapels. The art in the chapels were even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined and the church was a lot smaller than I thought and I didn’t know you weren’t allowed to talk at all while in there. The Vatican City was our last stop before we went back home. This trip was one of the best things I’ve even experienced in my life. I’m very grateful that I got the amazing opportunity to do this.

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YOURMOM said...
on May. 25 2016 at 4:04 pm