Me, Myself, and I | Teen Ink

Me, Myself, and I

May 6, 2016
By samantha14 BRONZE, Circleville, Ohio
samantha14 BRONZE, Circleville, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Samantha, I am a fifteen year old freshman at WHS. I run track, cheer and my most favorite play the drum set. I’ve been playing the drums since I was seven years old and I love music. You can call me a band geek. In the marching band I play snare drum. At football games I’m a cheerleader then halftime I have to go out on the field and play snare in my cheerleading uniform.

Im very outgoing I love meeting new people.very outgoing and I like to talk to people. I’ve been told that I’m really funny and I like to be around people that are the same and generous. I have blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair but I’m either a ginger or a blonde to other people. My favorite color is blue, my favorite food or snack is black olives. Yea I’m that weird person.

I love to listen to music, I do everyday my favorite genre is pop, or R&B music but I listen to other music as well. The kind of music I play drum set to is like AC/DC rock stuff or like 90’s rock but I don’t get to pick what I play. My main goal overall with the drums is to make it into the OSU marching band. I want to play the snare drum in the marching band there and I also want to get into their school so I can be a ENT (Ear Nose and Throat) surgeon.

I have a really big family. On my dad’s side I have two brothers 22 and 23 named Kevin and steven. Steven is the older one and Kevin is the younger one. My dad’s name is John. My mom’s name is Christine and her husband is Aaron he’s my stepdad. On my mom’s side I have One brother he’s sixteen and his name is Zach. I have four sisters Hannah she’s the oldest girl she’s 21, Amanda is 20, then after zach and I, it’s Crystal and she’s ten, then last is Carly and she’s three years old.

I’m an honor roll student at westfall. My favorite subject is science. My second favorites are choir and band of course. I love going to school dances they’re amazingly fun. I love going to school get togethers and just being involved in activities. My moto is that if you have a life, live it. Don’t sit around doing nothing, have fun and do what you want and don’t listen or care about what others have to think or say.

I’ve been bullied quite a bit not really in high school but in middle school. It was always about my hair color. Having red hair isn’t always the best thing in the world. I guess it makes you a soul taker or a devil child. I have some advantages though my hair color is in rainbows when most other peoples are in poop or dirt.
My family is pretty big therefore we have never been on a family vacation all together but we go on like school trips to other states. I’ve been to Cozumel Mexico and Grand Cayman islands on a cruise with my dad’s side of the family because its smaller. Also Daytona beach florida for a chillaxing vacation. I love warm weather therefore when I have kids and a family I plan to take many vacations to warm areas.

I plan on being able to have the money to go on those vacations. My plan is to keep my grades up and study to do well on my tests so that colleges can see that. Espeically the OSU. Being a musician and working on some of their music already and perfecting my drumming skills I plan to try out for the OSU marching band. I also want to get into their school because I would like to be an ENT (Ear Nose and Throat) surgeon. Their medical school is very well and I plan to be a very well surgeon.

That's just some of the things I plan to do in my life. Many more opportunities will come up for me and I may take them and my route might change but hopefully I stay on my path and plans that I’ve been keeping up with, and hopefully it all pans out the way I would like for them to.

The author's comments:

I wanted to share something about myself.

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