7 Amazing Countries | Teen Ink

7 Amazing Countries

May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

They are the only places I’ve been. I am not the only one to have seen them. Seven amazing countries with amazing scenery and bustling people like me. Seven who are better than the rest, but teach the others. Seven vibrant areas of land planted by mother nature. From anywhere, you dream about them, but some turn their head and pretend to not care.

Their beauty is no secret. They send ferocious messages to the others of how to be great. They’re all grown up and they teach the others and grab tourists by the hand and show them the history and mysteries and buildings galore. This is how they keep funding.

Let one forget his schedule and work, they all forget their tasks as if amnesia has hit them, each with their eyes wide. Look, look, look they say when I show them the sights. They look.

When I am too sad and too tired to keep showing, when I am a tired man with so many tours, then it is I who looks at the countries. When there is nothing left to look at on this one. Seven who taught all the others. Seven who teach and do not forget to teach. Seven whose only reason is for each to teach.

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