Golden Knights | Teen Ink

Golden Knights

August 1, 2012
By storywriter13, Cedar Falls, Iowa
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storywriter13, Cedar Falls, Iowa
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A great ripple formed in the middle of the river as eighteen year old Bree Wendal swung from the vine into the water. He brushed the wispy, brown hair out of his face as he came to the surface to breathe. He was the son of King Raul. He was to be the next king of Lembana. Bree looked up at Kelly, also a young man of eighteen, yet with dirty blond hair and mischievous, brown eyes. He was the wild child of his family, the one who enjoyed yanking his little sisters braids or splashing water on the maids walking by. He himself was a servant in King Raul’s halls. These two very different men were best friends. The day before Bree was born a prince, Kelly was born a servant in the king’s halls. Ever since they were a year old, they were splashing mud on each other’s faces and squealing for mulberry cakes from the working maids. At twelve, they went fishing together every week, and Bree helped Kelly with his work so that they could get swimming sooner. But one day, everything changed. When Bree and Kelly were thirteen years old, Bree’s mother, Queen Ilyana left the castle walls to be with her dying mother in the kingdom of Ingthrol. A week later, they received a letter from Ingthrol saying that Ilyana had been killed by robbers. Upon hearing this news, the king shut himself in his chambers and did not come out for anything. He neither ate nor slept, but wrapped himself in his pain for a month. He gave orders to the maids and servants that Bree was not allowed to leave the castle at all. He hired a tutor for Bree, and Bree was made to learn many things for eight hours each day. There was hardly any fun in the long weeks passing by, and finally, the king came out of his chambers. He began to spend time with Bree, swimming in the river and riding the palace horses. But one day, Bree asked to go on a hunting trip with his father outside the kingdom. The king looked into his son’s eyes with sadness and fear and told him that for the rest of his days, he was never allowed to leave the realms of Lembana. Ever since, Bree went swimming with Kelly in the river and hunted on the small Ilyana Prairie, and spent hours with his tutor.

Kelly swung from the vine and landed right next to Bree. He smiled and spoke loudly, “Well, best be getting back now! I should probably help Jonah the gardener!” Bree nodded and smiled, “I agree, besides, my tutor is coming in an hour.” The two young men stepped onto the thin, muddy bank, slipped some old trousers on, and rode their horses back to the castle. When the small gate to the castle came into view, Kelly waved goodbye and rode on to the servants’ quarters. Bree smiled and rode up to the large door. He rushed to his room all soaking wet, and quickly changed into a silk, white shirt and black pants. He climbed the long stairway up to the highest tower in the castle and pulled out large maps of the outside world. He stared at them and memorized all of the places while he waited for his tutor, just like he always did. He waited a whole hour, looking at the large places such as Ingthrol and Mendsor. There was also Bash and Cusco, Meredith, and Sue lane. But then, his time had to end, and Courtney the tutor strode into the room.

“Ah, master Bree, looking at maps of the outside world, are we?” he said in his calm friendly voice. He loved Bree as if he was his own child.

“Courtney, have you been to the Forest of Whispers before?” Bree asked with wonder in his voice. He enjoyed looking at all the forests inside the kingdoms, but never before had he seen a forest outside a kingdom.

“No, I don’t believe I have. Only few have the courage to venture there, and even those usually don’t come back out,” Courtney shuddered. It was said that evil things lived there that not even the bravest king could escape. “Come; let’s not dwell on evil things. Today, I thought you would enjoy learning about Sue lane’s history.” Bree smiled, folded the map, and rushed over to the table of books. He spent the afternoon learning about a great battle and a kind, old man who was very wise. He learned about kings and queens who had lived their, and their time ended with there being no ruler at all in Sue lane.

Bree waved goodbye to Courtney as he mounted his horse and galloped away. He loved spending time with Courtney who was always ready to teach him.

“I am glad you enjoy spending time with your tutor. He is very kind. He is what I could not be,” King Raul whispered with sadness in his voice. Bree turned and looked at the tall man with curly blond hair and brown eyes. He felt very bad for his father. It was true, however. Courtney spent more time with him than the king did. Bree pushed passed his father and ran to his room. He stared at the old portrait on the wall of his mother. The beautiful silhouette showed long brown hair wisped around her small, beautiful face. The blue eyes stared with love down on Bree. She was the prettiest lady in the whole kingdom. Suddenly, the portrait moved. It looked straight into Bree’s eyes, the lovely, red lips moved quickly. A frightened face came over the lady, and she screamed, “Bree, help me!” Bree’s trembling legs gave out, and he found himself lying on the floor. The portrait was back to normal again; the small, red lips up turned into a smile, the blue eyes staring with love. He pulled himself away from the portrait, trying to catch his breath. His eyes filled with tears as he thought about the day he was called back to the castle from swimming in the water pit with Kelly. It had been hard to pull himself away from the fun, but was promised that he could go back immediately. When he heard the news that his mother had been killed, he couldn’t go back. He was torn in two, and his world seemed to be turned upside down. Bree had been very close to his mother before she had left, and when she died he wondered what was to happen to him. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

“It’s me, Kelly! Let me in!” Kelly’s deep voice sounded. Bree didn’t really want to talk to anyone right now, not even Kelly, but he gave in and unlocked a door as a silver tear escaped his eyelid.

“You don’t look so good, Bree. You all right?” Kelly smiled at Bree. Bree nodded and looked towards the portrait.

“Oh, I got it. Well, anyways, I got an idea. I was thinking and all about your ma being killed, and what if we went out and found those robbers and made them pay for what they’ve done. I want to get out of here anyhow, and I know you do,” Kelly replied with hope in his voice. Bree shook his head and scolded, “Kelly, how many times do I have to tell you that I’m never leaving Lembana. I’m not allowed to.”

“But I know you want to have an adventure! C’mon, you’ve been cooped up in this castle for eighteen years! It’s time you have an adventure outside of Lembana! It would do you good, Bree. Trust me!” Kelly moaned. Bree opened his mouth to disagree, when suddenly a thought of hatred came over him. The anger of a fool stirred inside of him, and he longed to have those horrid men hanged. He looked into Kelly’s eyes and smiled. He nodded and whispered quietly in his ear, “Meet at Ilyana Prairie at midnight tonight with three horses and the things you want to bring. The pack must be light. I will bring two swords and the food. Remember, no one can see you.” Kelly looked at Bree with confusion and spoke quietly, “Three horses?” Bree nodded and smiled with smile that said, “Just do it. “ Then, Kelly turned and walked back to the servants’ quarters.


Bree grabbed two swords and slipped them into the pack he was carrying. He pulled the dark cloak over his head and quietly sneaked out of the castle. It was a beautiful summer night, perfect for riding. The stars were high and bright in the sky, and the moon poured out fountains of light. Whenever he went out with his father at night, it would light up Bree’s path like a silky ribbon hung around the town. But tonight, it made him feel guilty and evil. The cloak almost made Bree invisible as he shrank in the dark shadows. He carried a pack filled with beer, coffee, water, biscuits, cheese, salted pork, and bacon along with a few nuts and berries picked from the garden. He was all ready to leave Lembana, and have those men killed for touching his mother. He found Ilyana Prairie easily, for he had hunted there every week. The moon shone even brighter there, and the small petals of the wild flowers began to open in its light. Bree found Kelly sitting against an old tree stump, whistling away and smoking his little pipe. When he saw Bree coming towards him, he put it into his pack and strode towards Bree.

“So, are you ready to leave?” Kelly pressed. Bree smiled and nodded. He was more ready to do this than he had ever been with anything. In fact, his legs were trembling with excitement. Kelly nodded, slung his pack over his shoulder, and rode with Bree towards the gate.

Bree and Kelly rode boldly to the Helen’s gate, the one gate that led to the outside world. Bree had no idea how they were going to even find the robbers, but he decided to cross that bridge when he got there. The two men continued to ride on, thinking and talking about many different things, until suddenly, the lights of the tower shone in their eyes. Bree leaned close to Kelly’s ear and whispered something that caused a smile to appear on Kelly’s face. Then, the two men turned and went separate ways, Kelly towards the stair that led up to the tall watching tower, and Bree towards the gate.

Mindigan strode proudly this way and that at the top of the watch tower. He was known as the bravest, stoutest, and wisest knight in all of Lembana. That was the reason for putting him in the watch tower to make sure no one got in or out who wasn’t supposed to. He had the eyes of a hawk, and scrutinized all who passed through the gate of Lembana. Suddenly, one of the men came running towards him.

“Sir, there’s a horse without its rider in front of the gate. Since you’re the greatest of them all, I thought you would be able to solve this strange case,” the man spoke quickly. Mindigan smiled and nodded, “I’ll go down. It is very strange though, isn’t it?” The man nodded, and Mindigan made his way down to the gate. There, he saw the lost horse. Strangely, there was a saddle on its back and a bit in its mouth. This horse had gold mane and brown hide. Mindigan patted its skin and brushed its mane with his fingers. Never had he seen a horse without a rider at the gate. Mindigan looked into its eyes and whispered softly in its ear, “You poor horse, what have you been up to?”

Kelly searched the tower. With Mindigan down with the “stray horse”, he hardly had anything to worry about. Bree’s dark cloak had worked perfectly to disguise him as one of the watchers, and all of the men standing around him had no idea he was different. With the cloak still wrapped around his face, Kelly came to the edge of the wall and looked down. He saw Mindigan patting his barn pony, but he also saw a small shadow. It was Bree’s shadow. He was standing against the wall with the reigns of two horses in his hands. He stood as close to the gate as he could get, and patted the horses so they didn’t whinny. Suddenly, the shadow of Bree’s hand flickered up, and Kelly raced into the farthest watch tower. There were only three other man guarding it, for the others were in the other watch towers. This one however was most important, for this tower was the one that opened the gate. Kelly cracked his knuckles and sprang into action. He pressed the back of the first guard’s neck, and he fell limp to the ground. Then, as the two other men raced toward him, he reached for his sword and hit them both on the head with his hilt, forcing them as well to the ground. Then, he began to push the long, wooden plank. He heard a small creak, but then a louder one. He heard Bree’s loud voice, and immediately began to push it back. Then, there was a loud thud, and a sharp cry of fright came up from Mindigan. Kelly pulled a rope out of his bag and began to tie it around his waist as he ran out of the watch tower onto the wall. He tied it around the block on the tower, and heard men shouting and running towards him. He paused, staring at the sky darkened, a blanket wrapping the Earth in sleep, the silver moon smiling with peace, and a quiet town, in a peaceful, quiet rest after a long, hard day of work. He nodded, and just as Mindigan’s surprised face poked out of the stairwell, he jumped over the side of the wall. When he got a few yards above the empty horse galloping next to Bree, he cut the rope, and landing gracefully on his horse. The two young men rode into the night, farther and farther away from Lembana.

It was five in the morning. The beautiful, golden sun began to rise above the great green hills, and filled Lembana with pink and yellow light. The servants were up and dressed, and were beginning their chores already. Madison, a young maid of ten, was walking the great halls of the palace with a small pitcher in her hand. It was her job to bring a pitcher filled with water to the prince for drinking and washing. He never woke when she walked in, but used the water when he did wake up. Madison had been a maid ever since she was four years old; sweeping the floors, baking bread, and bringing water to the prince. She didn’t mind being a maid. In fact, she enjoyed it. The prince and the king were very kind to her, and all of the servants were like family to her. She smiled as she strode towards the prince’s chamber. Yes, she did have a very nice life. Suddenly, the great, oak door stood before her. She twisted the knob, and walked in. The room felt empty, like it was missing something. Madison shrugged and walked toward the night stand. She began pouring the water into the basin when she froze. She turned slowly and stared at the bed. It was empty! She found a small note on the neatly made bed. She grabbed it quickly and rushed to the king’s chamber. She flung the door open quickly and went towards the king’s bed. He opened his eyes and looked at her.

“Is everything all right, Madison?” he spoke with concern in his voice. Madison shook her blond hair and handed the letter to the king. He took it and began to read. As he read deeper and deeper, his eyes grew into a frantic frown. He jumped out of bed as Madison left the room, and he slipped into his kingly clothes.

Moments later, he sat in the throne room with tears on his cheeks. All of the maids and many knights were in there. Bree’s tutor stood next to the king, also with tears in his eyes. King Raul drew in a breath and began to read the letter:

Dearest Father, I have decided to leave the castle for a little while. I am sorry, but I have to do this. Mother was so dear to me and I know to you as well, so I am off to destroy the lives of those who destroyed hers. I have a dear partner, but do not punish him, for he is like a brother. This was my choice father. I am eighteen, and this adventure will do me good. Do not try to bring me home again, for that will not be helpful. Goodbye Father! Sincerely, Bree.

The king finished with tears in his eyes. He bowed his head in silence as the others absorbed the awful truth. What was he to do now? It would be sensible to send knights out to find Bree, but what would happen if they did find him? Bree wouldn’t be happy, according to the letter, and the last thing King Raul wanted was to be wifeless and hated by his son! Suddenly, a maid walked up to him.

“Your highness, what are we going to do? My name is Esmay, and I am Kelly’s little sister. Kelly has left with your dear son, and I’m worried about him! Although I don’t miss him pulling on my braids, he did love me and I must admit that I do love him. I don’t wish for him to die!” the girl whispered with chokes of tears in her voice. King Raul wiped a tear away from his face and laid his hand on the girl’s shoulder. He leaned close to her ear and whispered some comforting words to her, “My dear little child, your brother is very brave. I’m sure he will be all right!” Although the king whispered these kind comforting words, he doubted them. The outside world was filled with terrible things that only wished to destroy and kill. Although he wasn’t the best father, he still loved Bree very much. Why was everything suddenly going so bad?


Meanwhile, Bree rested underneath the canopy of a large weeping willow tree after a long, tiring night of riding farther and farther away from Lembana. Kelly poked the dying fire using a small stick with intentions of cooking the little bacon he had in his pack. He thought Bree might enjoy a delicious breakfast on their first day away from home. His mind was swimming with thoughts of bringing back the dead robbers and becoming a hero when a twig snapped. He turned briskly, expecting to see Bree bright eyed and joyful, but it was quite the opposite. A large man with a mask pressed against his huge, stuck out jaw had a sharp, black knife forced against Bree’s neck. Bree stared up at Kelly with his large, hazel eyes glazed over with fear. Kelly swallowed hard and stared at the man, trying to figure out what he wanted.

“Any fool’s got the wits to know this ain’t no servant deliverin’ a message. I knows who this idiot is. This here be Prince Bree from that kingdom of Lembana. Your father would be terrified to know that his dear son is in the hands of robbers. He gonna pay us for this little rat!” the man’s hot breath smelled of onions and garlic. Kelly gulped, opened his mouth, and, using the hottiest, bravest, most sarcastic voice he could come up with, he spoke up, “Well then, King Robber,” he performed a sarcastic bow, “ I do wish to know. What in heaven’s name will you do with this ole rascal as tough as tree bark?” The robber answered with a killer’s glare, but then smiled. He shook his head, opened his mouth, and let out a long, sarcastic guffaw. Kelly glared on, but inside felt confused. Did he say something wrong? Was he not just humiliating this huge, burly robber? His brain spun with confusion. Suddenly, he felt a strong, sweaty hand grasping his shoulder.

“Good Lord save my soul!” the robber’s guffaws broke down to giggles. “My son, you are very funny, but you ain’t that hard to catch. I don’t doubt your bravery, just your wits. We’ll take you too. But my son,” the robber lowered his voice and leaned closer to Kelly, “don’t expect to live.” Kelly opened his mouth to speak, but instead, a thick rope tasting of vinegar was pressed into his mouth. Another robber behind him began tying his wrists as the gag silenced the squirming prisoner. When the knots were tightly secured, the robber pushed Kelly towards Bree who was also covered in tight knots. Kelly glanced over at Bree and tried to communicate with him, but Bree was staring at the ground with a tear on his cheek. Kelly looked back to see the robber who was pushing him. He was a lot like the first robber, very muscular, tall, and a thick, black scarf over his chin. His red hair stuck up like a summer night fire, and his clothes smelled like they had been rolled in cow dung. Bree also noticed the robber behind Kelly as he looked up. He let out a chuckle, but silenced it immediately as the robber behind him hit him on the back. He looked down on the quickly passing ground. Why was this happening? It wasn’t supposed to end this way! They were supposed to find the robbers first so that they could take them back to the castle to be hanged, but to be found first and captured never came to Bree’s mind. What would they do now? Poor Kelly! Bree hadn’t thought of a plan, and now Kelly was going to suffer for it. They’re going to kill him! Bree thought. It was all his fault, too. He wouldn’t let Kelly die! He decided that either both of them would leave, or both of them would die together. Bree tried to wipe the tear in his eye away so it wouldn’t be seen by the robbers, but the man behind him pushed him to the ground. He landed on a pile of hay. Another robber came up behind him and yanked the nasty gag out of his mouth. Bree opened his mouth, wanting to insult the robbers, but he decided against it and closed it again. He looked around him. There were men walking all over the place, all tall and muscular with black scarves around their faces. Many white tents dotted the ground, and then he saw something that sickened him. First, he saw two horses, Baylie and Gireshno, the horses Kelly and him had taken. The third was a beautiful horse with mane like a long white veil. Her twinkling blue eyes were filled with sorrow, and her shiny white coat was covered with dirty, black smudges. Her name was Embar, and she was his mother’s horse. He swallowed the tears quietly, and then moved his gaze searching for Kelly. He couldn’t let him die! Suddenly, he saw him. He was standing with his hands tied to a pole behind him. There was also a rope around his neck so that if he tried to get away, he would be choked. He had to get a message to him, but how? Bree wasn’t tied to a pole, but he would still have to crawl. Everyone would see him if he did that! Suddenly, a large cart caught his eye. A young robber hitched a small horse to it, and then climbed up to the seat. He clicked his tongue, and the horse began to move towards Bree. He smiled and began to put his plan into action. The cart was almost directly at him, so he quickened his crawling. Then, for one second, he hung on to it with his tied hands, but after that second, he was nowhere to be seen.
Hidden snuggly underneath a large blanket squished in between two crates full of vegetables, he thought about the rest of his plan. He moved slightly to get off his aching foot when his hand hit something sharp. He winced as he felt the blood trickle down his shaking hand when an idea crossed his mind. A sharp object? In here? Perfect! He turned slightly and tried to see what had cut him. Through a small hole in the blanket over him, a tiny spot of sunlight fought to survive in the darkness of the cart. The light bounced off a small knife hidden in the corner. Bree crawled as quietly as he could over to it and grabbed it with his feet. His hands were tied tightly behind his back so that it made it hard to cut the ropes. How would he do it? Suddenly, Bree froze. He heard a voice not far away from where the cart was. It sounded very angry, and was coming closer and closer. Bree peeked through the hole and found he was close to Kelly. But that wasn’t all what he saw. He also saw the large robber who had kidnapped him rushing toward the cart.

“Halt! I command you to halt right now!” the big robber screamed. The cart came to a stop. Oh no! Bree thought as he heard the robber walking toward the back where Bree was sitting. He twisted his back as far as it would go, and it turned out to be just enough to get the bonds loose enough to twist his hands out. As he grabbed the knife with his free hands, he heard the robber untwisting the ropes that held the blanket. Bree grew frantic and quickened his cutting on the ropes around his feet. One more! Bree shivered as he saw the robber’s hand underneath the blanket ready to yank it off the back of the cart. Just as the blanket lifted it from his frizzy hair, he yanked the last rope off and jumped right over the robber’s muscular face. The shocked robber shook out of his surprise and leaped at the young man sprawled across the ground. Even with the breath knocked out of his chest from the impact of hitting the ground, Bree didn’t waste any time. Just as the robber about had his hands on him, he leaped up and began to run. Once again, the robber was frozen with surprise giving Bree enough time to get to Kelly. Then, as Bree used the knife to cut Kelly’s bonds, the large robber raced toward them.

“Hurry! He’s almost here!” Kelly screamed not caring if anyone heard him. Bree yanked off Kelly’s last rope, and they began to run faster than they had ever done before. The robber was close on their heels, but they did not stop running. Bree turned and looked over his shoulder. Just as he began to turn back, he tripped over an old robber eating stew. The stew flew all over the place, covering the robber and Bree in warm, red sauce with chunks of vegetables. The robber stood and yelled angrily as Kelly raced to help Bree up. He grabbed Bree’s slimy red arm and yanked him to his feet. They turned to run, but it was too late. As Kelly just reached the start of the forest, he turned and saw Bree held tightly by the robber. Kelly’s heart sank into the pit of his stomach. They were so close! He looked from the old robber cleaning up the stew mess up to Bree’s frightened face and then to the robber’s angry eyes. He shivered for a moment, but then stopped. His eyes fell back to the old robber cleaning up the stew. Next to him was a small fire pit with three large sticks holding up a steaming pan. He smiled in the midst of his fright and leaped back into action. His hand burned as he grabbed the steaming pan, but he did not let go. He swung the hot pan, and as it spun into the angry robbers face, Bree wiggled out of his grasp. He grabbed Kelly’s wrist and began to run towards the forest. However, when they reached the forest, they did not stop running. In fact, they ran faster until they landed somewhere far from the beginning. They plopped down onto the rock hard ground and panted like hot furry dogs in the summertime. Bree looked up and stared toward the direction they had come from. He felt like he was being watched, but he saw absolutely no one in the clearing. Kelly’s tall body was already stretched out on the hard ground with his arms underneath his sandy head. Bree followed his example and lay down on the one soft patch of grass. He closed his eyes and was drifting off to sleep when he heard a voice. It was soft and very beautiful. It said his name. Yes, it called him. There was no doubt about that. He got to his feet and stepped foreword.

“Who said that?” he called. The voice came again, this time louder and prettier. It came on the wind, it sang his name, and it was the prettiest thing he had ever heard. He stepped forward, and as he did, he saw something floating toward him. He backed up, but then stopped. The tiny white lines formed into a beautiful young woman. She was clothed in a long white gown and had several lilies in her hair. Her arms opened, and her beautiful lips moved again, “Bree, oh Bree, why do you worry? You are safe. Lie down, and I will sing songs to you. You will sleep like you never have slept before. You will not be tired any more. I will give you strength more powerful than any other man.” The woman stepped forward and grabbed his hands. She led him to the large tree and gently laid him down again. He did not move, but looked into the girl’s face. She smiled. He put his arm against the tree and sat up. She leaned closer and gently pressed her lips against his cheek. Bree sat there, trembling as she stroked his hair. When she finally sat back, he opened his mouth to speak, but she put her warm finger to his lips.

“Lie down,” she said calmly. Bree obeyed, and as he began to close his eyes, he heard a long, beautiful song. It spoke of love and beauty. The girl began to stroke his brown hair, and as she did, he felt a strange feeling awakening inside him. He felt very weak and drowsy. He couldn’t open his eyes anymore, but began to feel weaker and weaker. Then, he heard a long, piercing scream. It was the girl. He forced himself to open his eyes, and for the few seconds they were opened, he saw Kelly with his sword drawn. He had it pointed at the girl who continued to scream at him.

“Kelly, she-,” Bree spoke no longer. His eyes shut, and he fell into a deep sleep. He heard and saw nothing more.

The king sat in his chambers for days. He ate little, and tried as he might, he did not sleep. Everyone knew he was swimming in his sadness. The only ones who saw him since the reading of Bree’s letter was Kelly’s little sister Esmay and Mr. Greenhill who was the palace doctor. Courtney had told him to keep an eye on the king who looked ill, yet the doctor found nothing wrong with him except that he was very tired. Purple ovals rested underneath his eyelids, and his once handsome eyes now looked red and old. Whenever he did doze off, he suffered through long nightmares about Queen Ilyana and Bree. He would wake in an uncontrollable sweat and promised himself he would never sleep again. Finally, after a long week of depression, Courtney came to visit the king. He grabbed the king’s cold hand and squeezed it tightly.

“Your highness, you are still younger than many kings. You still have a son. He’s out there somewhere, and I know he’s still alive. Something tells me you are going to see him again. For now, the people are looking up to you, and they need a leader. Please your highness! Don’t cause pain in the town that doesn’t have to be there. I suggest you have a good meal and then a ride in the Ilyana Prairie. It would do you well, sir,” Courtney spoke with love. The king lifted his eyes and nodded his approval. Courtney found a pair of soft black pants and a silk white shirt which he helped the weak king put on. Then, he lifted the abandoned crown and placed it on King Raul’s clean, combed hair. Last of all, he tied a long, green cloak around his neck. Courtney stepped back and admired the once again handsome king. He nodded, and the servant opened the door. The king walked out the door with the help of Courtney, and headed straight for the dining room where a wonderful breakfast waited for him. He sat in the large wicker chair as Courtney filled his plate with eggs, bacon, cinnamon bread, and fruit. Then, he filled his cup with fresh wine. The king nodded at Courtney, and then began to fill his famished stomach. Courtney smiled at his success. The poor king already looked much better. Finally, King Raul wiped his mouth and looked at Courtney with happy eyes.

“Would you ride with me, Courtney?” he asked with a smile on his face. Courtney nodded, and the two men stood and walked to the stables. There stood two gorgeous horses. A large chestnut horse with golden mane stood ready for the king to leap upon its back. A smaller black one stood next to it waiting for Courtney. The two men mounted their horses and galloped out of the stables toward the beautiful prairie. For hours, they talked of things in the kingdom. They talked about their horses and the nature around them, but Courtney avoided any talk of Bree. Once or twice, he even got the king to laugh. But suddenly, a messenger from the castle rode to them. He held a white envelope in his hand. When he got next to the king, he slowed and handed him the letter. King Raul read the handwriting on the front and gulped. It was Kelly’s scratchy handwriting. He tore the envelope open frantically and yanked out the letter. He read it aloud to Courtney:

“ Your Highness, Bree is alive. He is asleep right now, but I promise you he is okay. He does miss you, but when we return, if you punish anyone, punish me. I was the one who talked him into it. He did say no, but I convinced him to come. If it comforts you at all, we survived the Forest of Whispers. Bree is a bit ill from it, which is why I write instead of him, but I assure you he is perfectly fine. Just a little sick, that’s all. I’m sorry we put you through this. Tell my sister I love her and will see her again. We do intend to return home. Thank you for your kindness to me! Sincerely, Kelly”

The king finished in a long sigh and smile. He gave a look that said, “At least we know they’re alive.” Courtney nodded with tears in his eyes. Then, they turned their reins and galloped towards the palace.

When Courtney had left, King Raul summoned Esmay into his throne room where he sat rereading the letter over and over again. When she entered the room, he set the letter down and smiled at the young girl walking towards him with her pale chin tucked into her neck and her blue eyes glued to the floor. When she reached the throne, she kneeled and continued to stare at the ground. The king stood and calmly lifted her face and smiled down on her. She replied with a weak little smile. The king cleared his throat and began to speak, “Esmay, I know you have been worried about your brother Kelly, but I have some good news for you.” Esmay lifted her eyes quickly which now danced with excitement. She opened her mouth and let out a quivering voice, “My brother? He has come back! Oh, where is he? I want to see him! I wouldn’t even mind if he tugged my braids a few times. I actually kind of miss him doing tha-.” She stopped as she watched a silver tear drop from the king’s cheek. She gulped and waited for the king to speak.

“My dear girl, he is not here, but I received a letter from him today, and he is alive and well. He said he loves you and misses you,” the king replied with a quiet voice.

“Oh,” he watched as the girl’s excited face turned upside down. Then, she bowed and left the room. She went to her room and began to cry.

The king sat in his chambers for days. He ate little, and tried as he might, he did not sleep. Everyone knew he was swimming in his sadness. The only ones who saw him since the reading of Bree’s letter was Kelly’s little sister Esmay and Mr. Greenhill who was the palace doctor. Courtney had told him to keep an eye on the king who looked ill, yet the doctor found nothing wrong with him except that he was very tired. Purple ovals rested underneath his eyelids, and his once handsome eyes now looked red and old. Whenever he did doze off, he suffered through long nightmares about Queen Ilyana and Bree. He would wake in an uncontrollable sweat and promised himself he would never sleep again. Finally, after a long week of depression, Courtney came to visit the king. He grabbed the king’s cold hand and squeezed it tightly.

“Your highness, you are still younger than many kings. You still have a son. He’s out there somewhere, and I know he’s still alive. Something tells me you are going to see him again. For now, the people are looking up to you, and they need a leader. Please your highness! Don’t cause pain in the town that doesn’t have to be there. I suggest you have a good meal and then a ride in the Ilyana Prairie. It would do you well, sir,” Courtney spoke with love. The king lifted his eyes and nodded his approval. Courtney found a pair of soft black pants and a silk white shirt which he helped the weak king put on. Then, he lifted the abandoned crown and placed it on King Raul’s clean, combed hair. Last of all, he tied a long, green cloak around his neck. Courtney stepped back and admired the once again handsome king. He nodded, and the servant opened the door. The king walked out the door with the help of Courtney, and headed straight for the dining room where a wonderful breakfast waited for him. He sat in the large wicker chair as Courtney filled his plate with eggs, bacon, cinnamon bread, and fruit. Then, he filled his cup with fresh wine. The king nodded at Courtney, and then began to fill his famished stomach. Courtney smiled at his success. The poor king already looked much better. Finally, King Raul wiped his mouth and looked at Courtney with happy eyes.

“Would you ride with me, Courtney?” he asked with a smile on his face. Courtney nodded, and the two men stood and walked to the stables. There stood two gorgeous horses. A large chestnut horse with golden mane stood ready for the king to leap upon its back. A smaller black one stood next to it waiting for Courtney. The two men mounted their horses and galloped out of the stables toward the beautiful prairie. For hours, they talked of things in the kingdom. They talked about their horses and the nature around them, but Courtney avoided any talk of Bree. Once or twice, he even got the king to laugh. But suddenly, a messenger from the castle rode to them. He held a white envelope in his hand. When he got next to the king, he slowed and handed him the letter. King Raul read the handwriting on the front and gulped. It was Kelly’s scratchy handwriting. He tore the envelope open frantically and yanked out the letter. He read it aloud to Courtney:

“ Your Highness, Bree is alive. He is asleep right now, but I promise you he is okay. He does miss you, but when we return, if you punish anyone, punish me. I was the one who talked him into it. He did say no, but I convinced him to come. If it comforts you at all, we survived the Forest of Whispers. Bree is a bit ill from it, which is why I write instead of him, but I assure you he is perfectly fine. Just a little sick, that’s all. I’m sorry we put you through this. Tell my sister I love her and will see her again. We do intend to return home. Thank you for your kindness to me! Sincerely, Kelly”

The king finished in a long sigh and smile. He gave a look that said, “At least we know they’re alive.” Courtney nodded with tears in his eyes. Then, they turned their reins and galloped towards the palace.

When Courtney had left, King Raul summoned Esmay into his throne room where he sat rereading the letter over and over again. When she entered the room, he set the letter down and smiled at the young girl walking towards him with her pale chin tucked into her neck and her blue eyes glued to the floor. When she reached the throne, she kneeled and continued to stare at the ground. The king stood and calmly lifted her face and smiled down on her. She replied with a weak little smile. The king cleared his throat and began to speak, “Esmay, I know you have been worried about your brother Kelly, but I have some good news for you.” Esmay lifted her eyes quickly which now danced with excitement. She opened her mouth and let out a quivering voice, “My brother? He has come back! Oh, where is he? I want to see him! I wouldn’t even mind if he tugged my braids a few times. I actually kind of miss him doing tha-.” She stopped as she watched a silver tear drop from the king’s cheek. She gulped and waited for the king to speak.

“My dear girl, he is not here, but I received a letter from him today, and he is alive and well. He said he loves you and misses you,” the king replied with a quiet voice.

“Oh,” he watched as the girl’s excited face turned upside down. Then, she bowed and left the room. She went to her room and began to cry.

Bree woke up very early the next morning. He wanted to get started on his journey again as soon as he could. Kelly, however, wanted to stay as long as they could. He finally allowed Kelly to talk him into staying for breakfast, but it took no longer than ten minutes. Bree went outside with the king to talk about arrangements for horses and food and water, but Kelly took the time to say goodbye to Becca.
“I’m very glad you came, Kelly,” Becca whispered wiping away a tear. “I will be thinking about you all the time. Take this. It will remind you of me.” Becca held her hand out to Kelly and dropped a small stone in his hand. It was a shining diamond. Kelly looked into her eyes and gave her a warm hug. Then, they walked out into the courtyard together hand in hand
Bree was already mounted on a tall black horse with shiny mane. There was another horse standing beside him, red and muscular. Large packs were latched to both horses filled with food and water canteens. Kelly gingerly placed the small diamond in his pocket, gave Becca one last kiss on her rosy cheeks, and mounted his horse. Bree thanked the king, and then they were off. Galloping swiftly, the unwelcoming wind snapped at their faces. Summer was over and fall was beginning. It was already quite cool. They whipped throughout the golden trees like ghosts on the run. Bree had no idea where they were going, but he had a feeling in the pit of his stomach that he was going the right way. Nothing could stop them now. Not even Cold’s fingers crawling up his back would cause him to turn back. Kelly, however, was reluctant to ride farther and farther away from the one he loved into a place he knew Bree had no idea about. Deep down he had a feeling that he wasn’t very smart to keep following Bree, and yet he had no choice. Bree was like a brother to him and he knew he couldn’t let him do this alone.
His thoughts focused on Becca, Kelly hardly realized his stomach crunching and squeezing, begging him for food. He also hardly realized that they had been riding for five hours already. Bree slowed down his horse and jumped to the ground. They had stopped in some sort of clearing with a crystal pond in front of them. The two men tied their horses to a tree nearby letting them graze and then raced over to the pool. It shined so brightly that neither of them hesitated to reach down and scoop up a handful of water from the shimmering surface in front of their eyes. The moment Bree’s thumb touched the water a cloud fell over the place. Kelly and Bree stepped away from the pool, looking all around and wandering what would happen next. The cold finger’s that had recently latched onto Bree’s neck seemed like nothing compared the ice wind floating around them. However, as Bree looked, he saw that there was no wind. The trees stood stock still and his wisps of brown curly hair still fell the same way around his chin. Bree glanced over at Kelly who was realizing the same thing. Suddenly, something unlike anything before reached out and grabbed hold of his heart. It thumped wildly, but the thing- whatever it was- would not let go. Bree took a step backward and stared into the vast darkness surrounding them. What was out there? What was going to happen to them? Kelly ran towards the horses, but then stopped in mid-run.
“What is it Kelly?” Bree couldn’t help but sound afraid. Kelly shook his head and motioned for him to be silent. Bree turned and cocked his head. Yes, he did hear it! It was some kind of cry like a woman who had just lost her son. It began to grow louder and louder, as if it was getting closer, and then it stopped. A large crow fluttered out of a tree nearby and flapped away with loud rasping noises escaping from his throat. And then, everything changed. The cold fled just as fast as it had come, and the sun pulled away from the prison of the dark clouds. Everything seemed to go back to normal, but Bree was still terrified. Whatever that was, it hadn’t just happened. It was connected to something, and Bree knew that it couldn’t be good. He reluctantly stepped forward, grabbed Kelly’s arm, and helped him onto his horse. Then, he mounted his horse and turned to look around one last time. Cold found his way back to Bree’s neck and hung on tight as the two men began to leave the clearing.

A cold breeze floated into the room and grasped at Esmay’s rosy cheeks. She shivered and opened her eyes. The small window in the corner of her room was wide open. She slowly got up, now fully awake from the cold, and rushed to close it. Her cold fingers trembled at the window, working it against the wind. Suddenly she froze. It seemed awfully quiet in the streets underneath, too quiet. She caught a glimpse of a mother ushering her son into the streets and crying. Suddenly, Esmay shivered. An unrealistic cold crept up the side of the castle and latched onto her already cold body. Then, she heard it. It came as quiet as a cat’s meow and then began to grow. Louder and louder it came into her room. Esmay leaned out the window and searched the streets. Who did the crying voice belong to, though? Everyone was in their homes and nobody was in sight. Then, a scream escaped her voice, and she turned and ran. She flung open her room door violently and raced down the corridor. She stopped for nothing. Once, she tripped, but she wasted only a second getting up. Finally, her destination came into view. She flung the throne room doors open and ran all the way up to the throne. She couldn’t stop shaking, she was so terrified. She looked up at the king’s confused face and caught her breath
“My lord!” she screeched as if he were a mile away. “My lord, you must do something! Waste no time, please sir! Follow me!” It took her only a second to grab the man’s hand and pull him back into the hall. King Raul had no idea what was going on, yet he followed the girl knowing that something was not right. Suddenly, Esmay came to halt. The king fell over in order not to crush the girl. She pulled him up frantically and pointed out the small window. The king looked out and froze. He couldn’t believe his eyes, not now. With his son gone and everything, the whole fact of living seemed a crime to be punished. Nothing was going right, and now he had this deal with. This thing was a living fear in each and every heart of the kingdom. They had lived dreading it and yet shrugging it off hoping that the time would come late. But they were wrong. It was already swarming the streets, and now he was going to have to try to get rid of it. Even worse…
“My lord, what are we going to do? That’s the sign isn’t it? The sign that the Monde is at war? The sign that King Hainin is fighting for power over us? I don’t like it one bit, sir. What’s going to happen? What’s it going to do here?” Esmay was shaking again. Everyone knew that it was the sign. Now, what would happen to them? As the king pondered, he became blind to the room. Esmay, however, could feel it in her bones. The incredible cold stealing the air, the whimper and cry, it was all there. And then, it happened. The room became dark. Esmay whirled around only to see all the torches flicker and disappear. The king grabbed her hand and whispered something in her ear. Whatever it was, it was too late.

Bree and Kelly had been riding all night. Bree had to keep an eye on Kelly, and yet more than once he fell off his horse. This time, however, he stayed on the floor and Bree let him rest. They were far enough away from whatever that was, at least for now. They would rest until nightfall of the next day and then ride all night. Bree tied the horses nearby and allowed them to water and eat. Then, he pulled out two blankets, one for him and one for Kelly, and fell asleep.

He was walking through a tall grass with flowers dotted here and there. Then he saw a woman. Very beautiful she was, with long, straight brown hair and twinkling blues eyes. She was singing a familiar song. Her voice floated through the air, and even the flowers, it seemed, could not resist listening to the golden voice. Then, the tall girl turned and smiled a very beautiful smile. Bree stared into her eyes and, amazed, spoke, “Mother!” But that was all he could manage to say. The lady nodded and gave Bree a warm hug. Suddenly, the peaceful moment was destroyed as a wail pierced the air. Queen Ilyana turned and her smile faded. Bree stood frozen as he watched the thing come closer. Then, he screamed. The thing was ugly! It looked like it could have once been a woman, but now she was a terrifying creature. The color in her face was a mixture of grey, brown, and dark green, and was covered in walnut sized blisters. Her eyes were pale white and rolled back and yellow. Her hare was a terrifying black that was covered in dried blood. It was tangled and scrunched up here and there. One ear was so long that it touched the lump of a shoulder and the other ear was the size of a bean. Her fingers looked like skeleton hands and the nails were yellowish green. She walked barefoot with feet that were v-shaped. Her clothes weren’t any better. It looked like she was wearing a long rag that had holes in the sides and covered in dirt and muck. She was walking with incredible speed toward the spot they were standing. She opened her mouth and spoke with an unbearable rasp.

“A-a-Ilyana! You fool! You think I don’t come. You think you safe. You wrong! You never escape me! You and you kingdom! You perish! No one hide from Angrossa!” the lady inched forward. Bree ran forward, but saw no more. He woke with the sound of his mother’s scream echoing in his ears.

“Bree! Look at me!” Kelly had woken up in a hurry when the sound of Bree’s cry broke his sleep. He shook Bree frantically. Finally, Bree opened his eyes. He was crying and drenched with sweat. Bree bolted up and started walking around the clearing. He was now crying so hard that five hiccups had escaped his mouth. Kelly gave him time until only a few tears remained dripping down Bree’s dirty face.

“What happened?” Kelly had walked over to Bree and handed him a canteen of water. Bree shivered and looked up. He stared into the darkness of the trees and thought about what he had seen. No, not now…

“I saw my mother walking in a prairie. She was singing. And then, it happened. She came,” Bree stopped and hiccuped a few more times. He turned and looked at Kelly, tears swimming in his eyes again. “Angrossa is at Lembana. She has started. She has made her attack. My father…” Bree couldn’t finish. A large amount of sobs and hiccups burst forward. Kelly sunk to the floor in order to not pass out. Esmay! King Raul, Courtney! He knew they didn’t stand a chance if Angrossa was determined to kill and destroy. If Bree and Kelly ever did try to come back, they would enter a burnt and destroyed city. Now, he was crying. The tears dripped down and formed a pool. The trees whispered in the darkness and the moon hid behind a cloud. A small droplet dropped into Kelly’s sandy hair. Another slid down his face. The sky began to cry. There was silence except for the sound of rain hitting the grass and the horses whimpering. The cold crept in on small feet and sat freezing the young men. The cloud had rolled in for good. The dark had settled and the cold destroyed the warmth. The sun was swallowed by the clouds for good, and the silver lining was no where to be found. Many searched for it only to be disappointed. It had started, and it was there to stay.

Becca sat in the drawing room staring out the window. A damp fog sat in front allowing her to only see a few feet out. She had spent the last few days in her chamber too afraid to cry. What if she never saw Kelly again? Yes, there were many men in the kingdom that had their eyes on her, but none of them treated her as well as Kelly had. Her uncle had tried to comfort her, but nothing could. She ate little and cried herself to sleep at nights. Her uncle had finally convinced her to have some tea with him. Maybe I can help her now her uncle had thought. He reached over and took her pale, cold hand. She turned her head and looked into his eyes with tears sparkling on her cheeks. He smiled at her but realized it wasn’t going as well as he thought.

“Uncle Jon, I know you’re trying to make me feel better, but there’s something I’ve wanted to know. Why did you treat Bree like that when they walked in?” Becca was shivering now. King Jon smiled and stood. He knew she would have to find out someday, but he just didn’t know what would be good for her. This time, he decided to give in.

“My dear, your mother was a wonderful girl. Not only was she pretty on the outside, but gorgeous on the inside. Not only that, but she could sing incredibly well. My dear, it’s time for you to know,” Jon walked over and took her hand again. “Your father is not dead.” At this, Becca jumped up. This was not at all what she was expecting. For seventeen years, she had been told her father was dead. What could she believe? Jon placed his hand on her shoulder.

“In fact, he lives in Lembana where he grew his son named Bree. My dear, you and Bree are siblings. You are his sister, he is your brother. Sit down so I can explain it.” Becca was so shocked that she sank into the chair without saying a word. King Jon looked into his dear niece’s face. She had the face of her father, but the build of her mother, pure red lips, and eyes that stared right through you. She was spunky and adventurous, and yet kept the air of calm and quiet. As Jon began, he could barely look into her eyes that were now sparkling with tears.

“When your mother had you, she had no idea she was giving birth to twins that were very much alike in personality but very different in appearance. You were surprises for her. Your parents both stayed in Mayflower, a beautiful kingdom that is always filled with friendly and beautiful people, until you were both a year old. In fact, a few days after you both had your first birthday, the letter arrived. It was from Hainin, the evil king everyone fears. It explained that he wanted you two alive. Nobody knows for what reason, except that he would be willing to risk the life of his daughter to get you. In fact, his daughter did die. She was a good fighter and took an army to Mayflower when your parents did not give you to him. If you really want to know, her name was and still is to this day Angrossa. He turned her into his greatest, most feared weapon. You see, she can’t die. She already is sort of dead. He got her before she was completely dead and somehow changed her into what she is now. She kills on command and burns cities when she is told. She follows only one, and if he wants something done, she’s sure to do it.

“Anyway, that army never found you. A week before the raid, your parents took you in separate directions. Your mother brought you here where you were kept safe. Bree was taken by your father to Lembana where Raul had grown up. He became king there and Bree became a prince. Your mother tried to make several trips back and forth. That’s why when she left you when you were six, we told you she died because we wanted to give Bree a chance with her and you with your father. He was just about to come here when another note came from Hainin. It said that some day soon he would send his most faithful and highest weapon and would retrieve you two. Raul tried to keep your mother out of danger, but she was so terrified for you that she snuck out and tried to make the journey here alone. She was very faithful, that girl. Well, you can just guess what happened. Hainin just happened along her and was more than overjoyed to take her with him. Then, he sent a letter to Raul and me that they had killed her. Raul then informed his son that his mother had died from robbers. So you two grew up safe. It was all only for your protection, but when I found it truly was your brother that had walked into my castle, I was shaken. I had heard from my brother that he had made a run for it, but never had I guessed he would be walking into my doors, let alone ask for help. Listening to him talk about your mother was just too much for me. When you left the room, I started crying. I knew what I had to do.” Jon ended, shaking from head to toe. Finally putting the story out there again was like trying to remember the worst memory of your life. Now, he finally realized it was all true. Tears were now streaming down Becca’s face. She was even having a harder time now. Not only might she never see her fiance again, but she might never be able to tell her brother that she loved him or missed him. She would never be able to tease him about talking to the maids or be proudly clapping on his wedding day. Her own brother didn’t even really know who she was. Becca felt sick. She looked at her uncle’s face.

“Do you not care? Not only is my fiance out there fighting having no idea what is going on, but my brother is walking to his death. Oh uncle, I know what is out there. I have seen it in my dreams; I have read your eyes. You are terrified and only one thing could make you that frightened. She’s out there, isn’t she? Angrossa is out there trying to find Bree! Uncle, what have you done!” Becca couldn’t control herself any more. She was now crying uncontrollably. Jon, to his horror, did know what was going on. He was haunted by it day and night. When he had only tried to help, he had sent his nephew to his death.

“I have sent him to a friend, he will be safe there. He’s promised that he will send a letter when they get there. My dear Becca, I’m so sorry. I know I shouldn’t have sent him away, but forgive me. I will do my best to take care of you.” Jon then realized he probably shouldn’t have said this, for Becca stood and ran crying from the room.

Esmay opened her eyes slowly. She had a terrible, throbbing headache and her stomach growled relentlessly. As she tried to sit up, she cried out in pain. She turned to see her lug stuck underneath a large piece of rubble. She slowly pushed it off and pulled out her leg. It was hurting terribly, and she couldn’t move it. She already knew it was broken by the way it throbbed as much as her head. It was very dark in the room, but she could tell it was dawn. A tiny patch of sunlight poked through the dark cloud and then hurried back again. Esmay looked around and nearly screamed in shock. The whole corridor was crumbled and crammed with pieces from the ceiling. Marble and stone fell shattered on the once magnificent place.

“King Raul?” it was little more than whisper when Esmay spoke. She was still terrified that Angrossa might still be there. However, she didn’t come or scream or anything, but neither did Raul. Esmay forced herself to her feet, well foot to be exact. She hopped to the window and looked out. This time, she did scream. The majestic walls that once shone golden and beautiful had been licked with flame. The smoke rose up in the air as if to say, “Here I am. A city in ruins!” All the streets were torn and smoking and the walls reeked of a filth unable to be described. There were a few dead bodies dotted in the clearings, but Esmay guessed most of the dead lied under the rubble. She tilted her head and closed her eyes. She did nothing but listen, listening for anything! If any one were still alive, she would have to get down to them. Then, she heard something. She squished her eyes and frowned, but knew she had heard correctly. Her heart sunk to the bottom of her stomach as she heard the cry again. Angrossa was still in the kingdom. She wasn’t any where close to the hallway she was in, but she was definitely still there. Esmay took a deep breath and hobbled forward giving a sharp cry every time she put a little of weight on her foot. It took her forever to get through the pile of dust and scrap especially with her broken leg. However, she finally made it to the stable. Just as she had dared to hope, a small, brown horse stood squealing in the center. She hobbled up to it and forced herself up, being able to rest her painful foot. Then, she prodded it with her other foot and clutched it as it ran through the crowded roads. The smoke made her cough as it hit against her face, but the wind felt good. It sort of woke her up in a good way.

Esmay opened her ears for any more sounds of Angrossa, but none came. All she could do was hope she was going in the right way. However, it was not long before she heard a quiet murmur. It was coming from one of the houses. Esmay slowly heaved herself off the horse and limped to each house, pressing her ear to the doors. Finally, she heard a hissing whisper from one of the houses. She pressed her ear close and listened.

“You big fool. Think you lucky for staying alive. You wrong! You will regret you were born. Oh, and I find them, yes! I find them. They not far, can they? You told me all! You die soon, Raul. None of this happen if you give me dem when dey babies! You and you stupid wife- rot! Hahahahhahaha!” the screech was so loud; Esmay had to cover her ears. So she had Raul captured. How could a little girl like her help a king with a guard who had just destroyed the whole city? She had to get help, but she couldn’t run the risk of Angrossa killing him while she was away.

“Just make sure you no gone; Ticinco will guard you ‘till I back in week! Then, you die with you rotten wife!” Esmay sighed quietly. She had a week, and she had an idea of where she was going to go. She would have to watch out for Angrossa, but Esmay was a good rider. She quickly hopped to her horse and pulled herself up. Then, she tapped the horse and shot off down the street once more. She could waste no time. The gates of the high tower stood wide open, so it was easy to get through. Honestly, Esmay didn’t know where this King Jon lived, but she had to find him. He was her last chance. Farther and farther she rode, and more confidently, too. She was so…

“Silly girl. You think you run from Angrossa. I see you, little girl. No help will come for you. You die now!” Before Esmay could do anything, she was thrown off her horse and landed hard on the ground. She opened her mouth and screamed. Her leg seemed to be ripping apart. She could do nothing as she watched the ugly creature step closer and closer to her, ready to kill her any second. The surroundings began to whirl around her. She would pass out any moment and would never wake up. One last tear slid down her cheek as she thought sadly of her dear brother. However, just before the last eye shut, she saw a beautiful light step in front and force the evil death away. She smiled slowly as the picture of the golden warrior burned in her head.

After Bree’s dream, Kelly had a hard time sleeping. Bree would wake up to his screams in the middle of the night and would have to force Kelly awake. Kelly would jump at everything whether it was an animal or the fire crackling. Sometimes, he would even imagine seeing Esmay. He would touch Bree’s shoulder, point into the darkness, and then find that she wasn’t there.

It was two weeks after the dream that something actually happened. Bree was cooking bacon and Kelly was sitting against a tree smoking when suddenly he heard a twig snap. As usual, Kelly jumped, but Bree, who was starting to get annoyed with it, shrugged and sighed.

“It’s just an animal, Kelly. Now sit down and have some bacon,” he spoke with a cool tone. But Kelly wasn’t convinced. He got to his feet and inched his way to the edge of the trees.

“Kelly, please. You-”



“I said be quiet!”

Bree got to his feet and walked over to Kelly. He strained his ears and shut his eyes. At first, only the soft whispering breeze could be heard. But then, his terrified eyes shot open and he ran toward the horses, grabbing his pack on the way. Kelly was right at his heels, and they both jumped onto their horses as another blood-curling shriek split the air. It took them only seconds to ride out into the depths of the forest, but they didn’t realize how close Angrossa had been. When she realized they were running to their horses, she took no time to follow them on her goron (a large, horse-like creature that takes on the appearance of its master).

Bree turned in the saddle and peered at the repulsive creature only a few lengths away, catching up slowly but surely. The only thing that had kept Kelly going was the tight knot of fear in the middle of his throat, but it was different for Bree. When he had been racing to his horse in the clearing, something pricked his heart. It was sharper then a sword, yet more comforting than a soft linen bed. He knew it was hope, and he felt that if they kept riding, they would run into it some way or another.

Angrossa’s insides were burning with hatred. Once these boys were dead, there would be nothing to stop her. Plus, her master would no doubt give her a fare reward. She was nearly there. She dug her long fingernails into the goron and pushed forward. Angrossa was inches away, but that was all she needed. She took a huge leap and pulled Bree to the ground. Kelly screamed with anger and turned around. He pulled out his sword and swung it, but the goron rose up behind him and pushed him to the ground. His head hit a rock, and he fell unconscious. Angrossa ignored Kelly and jumped toward Bree. She wrapped her fingers around his neck as Bree groaned in agony. He took one last gulp of air as he felt his lungs burning and his mind spinning. But then,something very unexpected happened. A twig snapped and a leaf crinkled in the distance. A bird hummed, and another voice soothed the air. The breath drained faster and faster out of Bree, but he held on enough to hear the beautiful words of a familiar song.

A place full of hope and love to spare

And the maiden is ever so fare,

You shall never be alone here,

In presence of the people of Monde.

And then, a deep cold filled Bree’s body, and everything went silent.

King Raul opened his eyes slowly. He touched his head and winced. One side had a large bump on it and throbbed with every movement and the other had a large gash with dried blood crested over it. When he looked through the tiny window in the wall, Raul grew nauseous from the look of the ugly woerin Ticinco. He shut his eyes and moved his feet into a different position. It was only then that he realized the large chain wrapped around his right foot nearly cutting off the circulation. He let out a sad sigh and gave in to his thoughts.

The city reeked of smoke. It was dead, burning. No one was left except for him to tell the tale. He would die soon, and Bree was out there somewhere, not even knowing what was going on. There was no sun, only gloomy darkness and freezing rain. The world was coming to an end, and he hadn’t told his beautiful daughter that he loved her for seventeen years. The king felt sick. He tried to close his mind and rest, but no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible.

Suddenly, outside, there was a rustle. Raul opened his eyes and looked out the window. Angrossa stood talking in great hisses and screeches to Ticinco. He gulped. This could only mean one thing.

“Well, you silly man. I find him, I did! You no believe? Here proof!” Angrossa threw something at Raul’s feet. It was Bree’s sword. Raul drew in a deep breath and blinked as the tears made his vision blur. Angrossa smiled an evil triumphant smile. Raul looked away. He couldn't hold the tears back any more. He felt like a hard coconut, holding out strong until the tree dropped him and a knife was taken to his shell. The tears streamed out of the shell and dripped into the pool of wet water at his feet. Angrossa and Ticinco laughed. Raul, however couldn’t hear them. He had just realized that the sword sat tauntingly close to his feet. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to kill both of them, or even one of them, but he was going to die anyway. The least he could do was try. As Ticinco turned her back, he jumped up and grabbed the sword. He swung it hard. He was very close. He would have succeeded had someone not walked in right away. It was very unexpected and surprising. The man who walked in made Raul freeze.

“Finish him off, my dears. Then, nothing can stop us,” the familiar voice seemed to mock Raul’s blindness. Raul was staring into the eyes of his beloved brother King Jon.

“What have you done! You betrayed us. Where is Becca? What has happened?” Raul felt that he was about to blow up with anger. Jon just smiled and laughed. He spat at the ground and began.

“Well, I never betrayed you to start out. I’ve always been on the “bad” side if that’s what you people call it. I would have killed that little girl and your stupid wife a long time ago if I were not wiser than this. I thought it best however, to wait for the right time. Now, by that hilarious look of confusion on your face, you want to know about King Hainin, don’t you? Well, I worked for Hainin for five years before your children were born. I decided I wanted to be master, so I killed him in his sleep and became feared. Of course, I didn’t want anyone to know, so I pretended I was King Hainin. I grew more powerful and made a few faithful servants. Now about Becca. She would be dead if she hadn’t run away a day before I decided I would kill her. I guess she was lucky. Well, sort of. I guess I’m more lucky that I don’t have to kill her myself. Angrossa will do it.” At this, the disgusting figure glided over the floor and out the door leaving Ticinco and John alone.

“And as for you, my charming little brother. You shall join your wife in the deep, dark prison cell where you both shall watch me take over my kingdom.”

The golden sunlight poured through the window of the small, but comfortable cottage. The ivy bloomed and thrived upon the tall, wooden door. The cottage was located in a small clearing of the forest. The sun never failed to shine there, and nothing evil dared to enter it.

The shining sun bounced off Bree’s face as he rolled onto his back. He opened his eyes, wakened by the blinding sun. His head rested against a soft pillow, and a warm linen sheet was spread over his once aching body. Bree sat up and frowned. He had no memory of coming to a small cottage. All he remembered was nearly dying from that woerin strangling him to death. In fact, in all honesty, he should be dead. And then... Kelly! As he began to worry, he heard stirring of sheets on the other side of the room. There was no mistaking who that sandy blond hair and tall body belonged to. Bree jumped up and nearly squished the living daylights out of Kelly as he jumped onto the bed.

“All right, all right, I’m awake Bree! Goodness, where are we!” Kelly sat up looking bright eyed and happy. Bree had no idea. As he stood up, he heard voices coming from the next room.

“Poppa, do you think they’ll be alright?” a beautiful girl’s voice trembled close by. Then, quite unmistakably, the voice that had sang The People of Monde before Bree had lost his breath, came floating in through the crack in the door.

“Yes my darling girl. I think they will be just fine. In fact, they should be waking up soon. How about you bring them the leftover breakfast.” Bree looked at Kelly and then turned back to the now open door. Bree froze.

There stood a beautiful woman with long golden hair that fell like a veil down her back. Her eyes shone crystal blue like a sparkling lake, and her skin was soft and fare. She wore but a simple dress, but Bree minded it none. Her small figure moved into the room as her smile lit up the room. Kelly nudged Bree in the ribs to stop his jaw from dropping any farther. The girl let out a small, happy chuckle.

“Well, there can be no doubt that you both are awake. My father has gone out for his walk by now, so I’m afraid I will have to do for company,” the girl’s words were like a drop of rain in a dried up field. Bree found his voice and managed to get out, “What is your name?” The girl smiled and shook her head. Then, she said, “Eat first. You both must be very hungry. I will explain everything while you fill your famished stomachs.”
Bree found his plate and sat on the floor close to the girl. He began to eat as she began speaking.

“Two nights ago, someone tried to kill you. I’m sure you are familiar with Angrossa the woerin. Well, my father and I were walking through the forest. It was a beautiful fall night, and our trees were turning gold. I heard the terrifying cry of the woerin close by and knew it meant that she would be killing soon. Me and my father crept toward the area in which we heard her scream. Then, we saw you both thrown off your horses. My father began to sing People of Monde, for the woerins hate to hear of Monde’s strength. No matter, she still kept her ugly fingers wrapped around your neck. I feared that you were dead, so I jumped out. I was beginning to get angry at how many people Angrossa has attacked, so I couldn't take it any more. Angrossa left, and me and my father took you back to our home. Oh, I almost forgot. My name is Layna, daughter of the golden warrior, Ectorian. Oh, and Kelly, there’s something you ought to see.”

By this time, Kelly and Bree had finished eating and had been intently listening to Layna. The men stood and followed her out of the room, through the quiet kitchen, and to another room. Layna knocked and the door was opened by a dear friend. Kelly nearly fell over as the girl jumped up and gave him a hug. Large tears were in her eyes as Kelly set her down.

“Esmay!” he nearly screamed. Esmay only nodded with the tears streaming down her face and the smile spread from ear to ear. Kelly knelt down and wiped the tears away.
“I thought I’d never see you again, Kelly. I feared so badly that I would never feel you tug my braids again! Oh Kelly,” as Esmay hugged him one more time, he tugged one of her braids and laughed. Then, Esmay gave Bree a hug, as he was as much a brother to her as Kelly was. Bree was so happy to see her. It gave him hope seeing someone from Lembana.

A few hours later, Kelly sat with his back against the cottage and his arm around Esmay. They had been sitting there enjoying the sun shining on their faces as they shared their adventures with each other. Esmay smiled proudly when he had explained when they were in the Forest of Whispers. Kelly did just as much when he learned that Esmay had bravely tried to come for help. He knew that she had a brave heart and a determined mind, just like him.

“- and then Layna and her father found me. They took me back here where I’ve been hoping to see you. They sent word to King Jon, so we should be seeing King Raul soon, hopefully,” Esmay leaned her head against her brother’s reassuring shoulder. She felt extremely safe around him. Kelly knew how much she looked up to him. He would never let her down again, he had promised himself. He smiled and sat up a little.

Suddenly, a twig snapped a few feet away. Kelly stood up and put his hand on his sword’s hilt. He stepped in front of Esmay and squeezed her hand reassuringly. Then, the concern turned into shock as Ectorian emerged from the trees. However, he was not alone. His firm, strong hands carried the small body of a beautiful girl, Becca. Kelly leaped forward nearly knocking Ectorian off his feet.

“Careful now. We need to get her inside. Then, you can be with her all you like,” Ectorian knew by the look on Kelly’s face that this young woman meant something to him. Kelly nodded and followed him into the cottage, Esmay at his heels. Bree was standing by the stove helping Layna make bread. When he saw Becca, he stopped and gasped. Layna whirled around and followed his gaze. She jumped to help her father and quickly made another bed for her.

“Where did you find her?” Kelly couldn’t hold the question inside anymore. Ectorian looked up into Kelly’s concerned face and wiped the sweat off his brow.

“Well, as you know, I was out walking for a few hours when I heard something. It was very quiet and sounded like a foot step. It was too small to be a man’s, so I guessed there was a girl somewhere. I followed it and found this girl in the midst of two large trees. She was mumbling. I couldn’t make out what she was saying, but I did hear the name Kelly. Then, after a few more steps, she passed out. I decided to bring her here, especially since I thought you might know her.” Kelly nodded as he ended his story. He stroked Becca’s curly blond hair. He was so happy to see her.

Bree smiled and grabbed Kelly’s hand. This was exactly what they needed. An encouragement. Layna laughed, “Well, I guess this house is becoming a boarding house for injured friends!”

That night, Kelly stayed with Becca, excitingly waiting for her to awake. Bree was trying to go to sleep, when he saw the gleam of a lantern through his window. The light bounced off Layna’s golden hair. Bree jumped up, grabbed his jacket, and walked outside.

The crystal moon lit up the glassy surface of the small pond by the barn. Layna sat resting her arms against her knees as she stared into the water. She had many things to think about. She knew the truth, but how could she ever tell Bree.

“Hello there,” came a mumble behind her. Her golden hair whipped around and her face smiled back at Bree. “Mind if I join you?” Layna shook her head as Bree sat down next to her.

“My mother and I would swim in this pond every week. She was brave and happy and kind. I couldn’t have asked for a better mother. She was always so loving to me,” Layna wiped a tear away from her face and looked up at Bree. He smiled and placed his hand over hers.

“What happened to her?” he said softly.

“Well, five years ago, I came back from walking and found her sick in her bed. She called me to her side and told me, ‘Layna, remember this always. Never fear anything. You are such a strong girl. Train your heart to be brave. Leave no room for fear.’ That was the end of that. She died shortly after, and I’ve never forgotten what she told me.” Bree nodded and looked down.

“Well, you have succeeded. My mother died about five years ago as well. I was real close to her. It was awful news. I felt like the world had been turned upside down. I-”

“Bree, there’s something you should know,” Layna’s quick interruption froze Bree. There was a long pause. “Your mother is not dead. In fact, at this moment, she is lying on the floor of a very disgusting dungeon in the heart of Hainin. She was captured five years ago and taken there. King Hainin wrote and told you and your father that she was dead, killed by robbers, to be exact. I know this is quite a shock, but it is really important.” Bree was silent. Quite a shock, indeed! His mother, alive? He looked at Layna.

“So, what now?” he asked quietly. He felt so...different. For five years, he had known his mother to be dead, his dear, wonderful mother, and now she was alive! He didn’t much mind the shock, and although it sounded too good to be true, he believed it with all his heart. He found himself being controlled by his thoughts. What would happen now? He seeped into a dark world of questions.

“Well, one thing’s for sure,” Bree jumped, for he nearly forgot that Layna was sitting right next to him. Layna blushed as she felt his hand flinch. Finally, she found her voice and continued, “We will have to get her out of there soon, and there will be a war. There are so many things to worry about, including the large moat that surrounds the castle.”

“My mother would take me to the river when I was younger, and I would pretend I was swimming across a moat to save her. That’s how I learned to swim,” Bree said, smiling at the memory. Layna stood up, her eyes dancing with excitement.
“No water is too deep for you, dear gentleman, if you always find the strength to have faith,” her voice whispered. Bree stood up, his mouth curled up in a large smile.
“Those are wise words my lady, but you are wrong about one thing.” Layna looked questioningly at him, too confused to realize what was planned.
“I’m not a gentleman!” he yelled as he scooped her off her feet and raced over to the lake with her laughing and squirming in his arms.
“Oh brave knight, do spare me the horror!” Layna managed to squeak out through her giggles. Bree smiled, shook his head, and threw her into the lake. He kneeled down and watched her golden hair push above the surface. Layna was still laughing. She swam over to the edge and reached out her hand.

“At least pull me up,” she said. Bree nodded laughing, and grabbed her hand. It was only one second too late that he realized what her plan was. Suddenly, he felt the cool air as he surfaced, his hair sopping wet. Layna had pulled him into the pond. He swam over to her and gave her a face full of water. Layna squealed and disappeared beneath the surface. Bree looked underneath him, staring into the water and looking for her for several seconds until...

“And I’m not a lady!” he heard her scream from behind him. He turned only to get dumped in mud from the bottom of the pond. That started the war. They took turns going underneath the surface, grabbing handfuls of mud, and hiding behind cattails.

An hour later, they went to the middle of the pond and began to wash off the excess mud. Soon, they both were clean. The full moon was out, and it glistened off the now wild pond with waves splashing every where. Layna pulled herself onto the muddy bank and stood up. Her wet dress clung to her cold skin. She was shivering so bad, that she had a hard time grabbing Bree’s hand to help pull him up.

“You look really cold,” he said. He grabbed his coat and wrapped it around her. Then, they began to walk back to the cottage.

Ectorian had watched the entire incident, beginning to end. He was so happy for his daughter. She had found her true love. However, he felt a small pain in the middle of his heart. Though it wasn’t much, he could still feel it. He was no longer his daughter’s knight in shining armor.

It was a very long journey from the ruins of Lembana to the hated walls of Hainin. The only hope Raul had was the fact that he would soon be seeing his wife after five years of assuming she was dead. King Jon had them going very fast. Raul was so weak that he could barely stay upon his horse. After a while, Jon had to tie him to the saddle to keep him from falling off. Raul looked up. His eyes were swimming with exhaustion. Dark circles had formed underneath them, and a large cut rested next to his right temple. He was bruised, bleeding, and defeated. He had no idea where the road led to now. What was to happen to everyone? Bree and Kelly had left, most of his kingdom was dead, and now his very own brother had ruined all chances of hope. His life was turning into a big mess of knots that could not be untangled.

“I can’t believe you,” Raul mumbled with a huff of breath. “I can’t believe that you would turn against family.” Jon let out a snort. He sat upon his horse with a horrifying look of victory.

“Why is that so hard for you to believe, Raul? I never was part of any of your family banquets or parties. You were a hopeless case from the beginning. You were so blind and caught up in your selfishness and sorrow that you failed to realize the truth. Ha, you even shut out your son! You are a fool, Raul. A liar and a fool. Now, no one can stop me, thanks to you,” Jon snorted. Raul shook his head in disbelief and then stared at the ground. Those words had hit his heart like a sword, and he couldn’t hide it. He wouldn’t hide it anymore. Raul wanted to stop pretending to be strong. A small, tear formed against his dirty eyelid and slid down his cheek. A wet stain remained against his face as the first tear he had cried in ages reached his lips. He licked the chapped skin around it and could taste the saltiness. So this is what it felt like to be defeated and without hope. Raul was mortified, and he no longer fought the drowsiness that pulled him into a deep sleep.

“Get him awake! Get him awake, you fools. We have work to do!” Jon ordered to several men. Five guards ran over to Raul’s horse and pulled him off the steed. Raul’s head hit the ground with such force, that all of the tiredness got knocked right out of him. He sat up and rubbed his head where it had hit the ground. He could feel a large bump rising. Raul squinted his eyes. The brightness of the sun hurt, and just as he began to get used to it, large dark clouds flew across the sky.

The gate of Hainin was so wide, that they could probably fit a whole house through it. Raul stumbled along with pushes from the men. He was given no help in walking, and every time he fell, they would beat him until he returned to his feet. Raul lifted his eyes to take in the surroundings, and as soon as he did, he gasped. When all men on the Earth were at peace, this place had once been paradise. There used to be fountains of sparkling rivers, miles of fresh green grass, and large fruits used to grow on the trees. Legend said that at one point of time, the place was so beautiful that only high kings could live there. The fruits were said to give you strength, therefore they were called the puissance fruit. The sick were taken to the Guyrison River to be healed, for it was said to hold healing powers. The place was majestic. That was long before mankind. That was when there was peace and paradise. And then man came. They inhabited the beauty and destroyed it with their conceit. The place turned ugly. The river lost its power and the fruits disappeared. Now it was a barren wasteland. The name of the place changed from Une Magnifique Piscine to Hainin, and the paradise was destroyed. Mountains exploded with lava, and smoke was thick in the air. The tower was made of a terrifying black, and the trees were completely gone. No, this is not the type of place you want to live in.

Raul coughed the smoke out of his lungs and put every will into taking each step. His coughing began to grow so bad, that he almost doubled over in pain. It was a miracle that he didn’t, and yet he had no idea why he had yet to fall to the ground. After what seemed like an eternity, they finally reached the underground passageway to the dungeons. A guard behind him pushed him into the dark opening in front of him, and his knees hit the rocky ground.

“Do you think that I’m an idiot, Raul?” Jon’s voice came from in front of him. Raul had no idea what he was talking about. He pressed his hands against the hot, moist surface and forced himself to his feet.

“I do not know what you speak of my lord,” he whispered.

“Don’t be a fool Raul, think very hard!” Raul stared into the darkness into the place he expected to be Raul’s face. Suddenly, a terrifying cold filled his heart and soul. Then, a voice burned through his mind like a fire.

“You strange. You see no truth. You believe lies. How can such fool live? Master Jon know everything. You, you know nothing! You blind. Think hard, Raul. Very hard. What be on your mind forever? Oh, I remember! You think the girl tell Bree to rescue you. Why, though? Why rescue man who deserts him. You nothing to you son. He left you. He doesn’t want you. He no rescue you. Besides, we hunt him down. We killed him. He DEAD!”

Raul fell to the ground and gasped as the burning sensation left his head. His eyes filled with tears. It couldn’t be true. Bree didn’t run away from him, or did he? Bree wanted freedom, that’s what the letter had said. Maybe the voice was right. Maybe Bree would rather have his father here then in charge of him.

“I have only one thing to ask of you Jon,” Raul said in barely a whisper. Jon turned and looked at him with a fiery glare. “Is Bree alive?” Jon filtered the question through his brain. He thought for ten seconds which seemed like ten hours to Raul. Then, after a long pause he whispered, “Yes.” Raul let out a sigh of relief, and then a man behind him pushed him to his feet.

“We don’t have all day,” the man said. Raul walked on into the darkness thinking about his son. He was alive, so maybe if he heard the Raul had been captured, he would come rescue his mother. Was what Angrossa said true? Had he really found the girl? If so, how much did he know? Did he know that he had a sister, or that his mother wasn’t really dead? Suddenly, his thoughts came to a screeching halt as a voice called out in the darkness.

“Jon, is that you?” It came from a cell right next to him. The voice was terrified and quiet, the vocal cords sounded injured. But it was very clear who it belonged to. Raul pulled himself free of the hands holding him back and grasped the cell bars with such intensity that could pull them free.

“Anda luume an na wanwa onam mar!” Raul gasped. It was an old elvish saying, customary for telling someone when they were apart for a long time.

There was a gasp in the corner, and then the sound of pebbles under feet rang in his ears. The next thing he knew, his hands were locked around Ilyana’s. Raul could feel wet tears on his hands and knew that she was crying.

“Open the gates. Let the cursed couple be together, for goodness sakes!” Jon whispered, exasperated, as two men opened the cell door. Raul jumped inside, never so happy to do something in his life. He wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her thrice on the lips. Tears of joy slid down his cheeks.

“I thought I would never see you again,” she said

Ectorian had gathered up enough food for their long journey. They didn't have much of a plan since no one had actually been to Hainin, but they did know one thing. They would be passing by a few kingdoms, so they would gather troops to help. They feared no one would come, since what they were asking for was a suicide mission, but they would still try.

"I'm going to miss this place so much," Layna whispered with tears in her eyes. Bree and Layna had climbed the nearest hill and sat looking over the forest.

"It used to be beautiful and golden here, and now it's just like everywhere else, dark and dismal," Layna cried. Bree wrapped his arms around her slim shoulders and whispered encouraging words in her ears.

"It's time," Kelly said behind them. Layna and Bree stood up, grasping each other's hands. It was time to start the journey to find out the fate of the future. They had been enjoying the last few seconds of freedom. And now, it was time to change the course of the future for good or bad. It was time, for everything to change.

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