Toba landing | Teen Ink

Toba landing

May 29, 2024
By Anonymous

Author's note:

This piece is mainly based on the killer, and popular video game Dead by Daylight. So please enjoy.

The author's comments:


We just crashed and landed on this planet. The planet in general is called Toba and we’re in danger. The forest has boulders in some places that are oddly shaped. We planted a device to stay, sleep, and eat. And have shelter. I don’t know how long I’m going to be here. The trees look like they're dead but they're not. The branches are actually in odd shapes and the milk bottle white leaves. But I guess I’m gonna have to stay here and explore but we must be careful that things are out there. Now I will say we had many models of these robots that we ran experiments on. One of them had a code name.

HUX A7-13. He was created on June 15th. It Wasn’t programmed to harm the crew. It was meant to help us. But’s that where it became self-aware. It has no empathy. And doesn’t feel pain. It learns at an impossible rate and won’t stop until we’re all dead. Or worse. But let me tell you how he became this thing. We landed on an unknown planet. But at the time he said he walked in a cave. And HUX touched this crystal. And I believe this is why he turned on us. Because after that day he began acting strange. First off he would always stay in his biopod and never stay in contact with anyone. But after the second day, he began to change. This odd purple kind of goo began to form all over him. Now I will say these robots also have this scythe hand attached to them mainly because sometimes these creatures we explore on these planets we go to for research like for new life forms. And we only had HUX use his weapon if necessary. And we decided to make more of these. We had a model already built that we were adjusting in the ship. And we heard his robotic footsteps rush towards us. He swiped at one of our co-workers and he killed him. HUX ran to the robot and said in a glitchy voice:

“Yo-Yo-Yo-You’re making hi-him squirm like a litt-le-le worm. STOP!”

“What are you talking about, we’re not hurting hi-

“G-G-Get away from h–h-him!”

HUX turned his head at the robot. And asked a simple question:

“Is t-t-this what y-y-you did to m-m-m-me?”

We assumed he was asking if we did this to him to create him. So we responded honestly and said:


He then walked away. We decided to dispose of the ideas we had for other robots cause we were all concerned about this happening again until we got outnumbered. But then the intercoms with that common AI voice kind of like Siri’s. Said warning, warning hijack on the ship landing at Toba. And that’s where we are today. I’m sorry if there are grammatical errors but with HUX roaming around I don’t think that we’re safe anymore. Oh, and my name is Gabriel but you can call me Gabe for short. And the second survivor I’ve been saying, her name is Belle. But I will try to write down more on this as the days go by.

The author's comments:


Me and Belle walked around the forest to look for survivors. We found a couple of people but they were all dead. One of them had its face peeled off and was stabbed by something, some were just stabbed. We saw something but it wasn’t a survivor. It’s hard to describe. But it looked like a big hunk of that purple blob on a tree. And sometimes it would turn green. But it was like a shade of green while I looked at it. And then something shot out. It fell to the ground with a plop. Me and Belle ran and I got hit. But I didn’t feel pain, I didn’t feel like I was injured. It just felt slimy. I heard this slimy sound and I don’t know but also a mechanical sound. And the slime I could hear drip as a puddle formed on the ground I then saw a scythe come out of that puddle. That could only mean one thing. HUX. Me and Belle didn’t like that. We ran and hid in some orange bushes. And there he was. HUX.

The poor droid. It was covered in that purple goo now still having his mechanical body being shown. And he would sometimes have his head twitch. And it searched the place. It walked to the base and raised a clawed-up hand. The kind of claw you would see in those claw machine games where you grab a stuffed animal. And then something had him jolt. As one blob at the base was now not good. Because after what just happened. I had this thing now on my back and we couldn’t remove it. I wasn’t getting sick or anything but this was just bugging me. I don’t know if we’re safe anymore cause every time we were walking we could hear that same sound of the puddle forming and it would always be right behind us and there he was HUX yet again. We searched everywhere for survivors we found one. But he was critically injured. He had a name tag on him called Ben. he had a large open wound on his chest, but he handed me something. 

“Take this he said, it will help you!” 

He then let out his last breath as he had succumbed to his injuries. I held the object. And it looked like a radar. But I didn’t show anything but saw a button on the handle. I held it down for five seconds. Then I heard a loud pop. Me and Belle turned around only to see nothing. But I didn’t feel any more slime on me. Me and Belle turned at each other. We looked for the purple blobs. And found one we aimed at it. And then it popped. Purple slime flew out. Me and Belle both got hit by it and it dripped on our faces. We planned on using it on the blob in the base. But it didn’t work. The blob didn’t pop. And we got a holographic message that popped out in red text on the device. That said battery is low, please charge. We didn’t know what to use to charge it with. But then we remembered that we had this box that we use to charge power tools we tried that—and prayed to god that this would work. It’s now 3:35 AM. But Belle is asleep. Wait I’m hearing footsteps we gotta hide.

The author's comments:


She’s gone. Belle is gone. HUX Got her. She saved me. But at what cost? I told her that I heard footsteps that night and that we needed to hide. To hide in this little secret hatch. We began to move the boxes. And opened the hatch. HUX rushes towards me ready to grab me. But then Belle pushed me and Hux fell to the ground as she was shoved to the ground, HUX landed on the hatch door. I opened it with just a tiny crack. She screamed as she was pulled by HUX. I left the hatch open just a bit as I watched she was thrown to the ground.

“It will be fa-a-a-a-st, possibly painless!”

HUX turned her over. As I watched HUX stab her in the chest. And then pick up Belle. I heard her scream as the blade impaled her chest. And then HUX’s claw grabbed her by the face. And he picked her up.

“Di-e-e-e-e-e-e… f-f-f-f-ast, please!”

I heard a mechanical sound as if gears were working. And I heard the sound of liquid in a bottle. I peeked my head out and saw that a syringe he had equipped and the syringe was at her head. And I swear to god it had blue liquid in it. But I didn’t want to know what it could do. I heard the syringe impale her and heard the liquid being pushed into her head. And then I heard a pop. I didn’t like that I heard blood slam onto the floor and the walls as HUX said one simple phrase.

“I-I-I-It is ove-r-r-r-r-r!”

He then dropped her and I was met with a horrifying site. I saw Belle’s face now red. Her face was gone only revealing flesh and bone. As she had his mouth wide open. Her eyes rolled back in her head. And blood began to spread. I began to Gag. I could hear HUX and his loud footsteps searching the place. I could hear him open lockers, and slamming the doors I saw HUX turn and he made eye contact with me. I felt my heart sink as that happened. He walked towards the hatch I hid away from the opening. HUX opened the hatch and I only saw his face. HUX walked away as I heard his footsteps getting further and further away. I crawled out of the hatch. I stood there in silence and fell to my knees. And stared at her corpse. I lost her. I felt like this was my fault. I could’ve grabbed her, sacrificed my life, or something. But I didn’t. I just hid in that hatch. I picked up her body and tried to find a shovel I checked the supplies lockers and I found one. Dropped her off at this place where I thought it was beautiful. A hilltop with a tree. Where you can watch the sunset. We sat… well I sat there with her as we watched the sunset. I sat there for what felt like hours as I watched the sunset. You wanna know something funny how whenever we landed on some planets that me and Belle would land on we would sometimes try to find a hilltop and just sit there and watch the sunset. But now it’s just me but I think she likes this burial place she’s at now.  Also, the purple blob in my base is gone now. I don’t know how long I have.

The author's comments:


I’m all out of food and water and I’m gonna try to find something to eat and maybe cook up. And I’m glad I got a hatchet with me otherwise, I’d be screwed. I walked around the forest, to find some animals. I will say that I found a couple of animals, but I found a bunny with purple fur, three ears, and one eye. I threw the hatchet. And missed, the creature ran fast. It was hard to catch and sometimes it would shoot this blue substance and it looked like it would melt stuff sometimes. And I threw the hatchet one more time and I hit it. And I took it back to the base. I had to find some rocks and wood. To make a fire. Getting the wood was easy but finding the rocks that were small enough to the point where I could just pick them and rub them together. And then have a bit of fire, be sparked out of the rocks. After what felt like forever I found some rocks. And after a couple of rubs on the rocks I had got the sparks to hit the wood and boom and I formed a little pike to rotate the bunny to have it cook. Also, I gathered the tools with my hatchet. And after 30 minutes the rabbit was cooked. It tasted delicious. I’m gonna have to find some water too.

The author's comments:


I found a pond but the water was more brown than dirt. Also, HUX has gotten stronger, HUX I was getting chased by him after gathering the water. If you’re wondering how I was chased was because I got hit by the purple goo thing. And I heard that sound of the goo beginning to make a bubbling sound as he came out of the purple puddle and I saw him again. I felt myself shake as he rushed towards me. But this green kind of barrier was surrounding him he caught up and I got hit by the barrier which sent me flying to a rock. And I felt something crack. And I also heard something break, it was the device that took out the purple blobs. I began to run but he was very fast even though he walked it didn’t matter he probably moved 2 meters with one step. He was catching up and then he swung his arm with his scythe. And then it hit me. That had me rush a little faster. But that left now a blood trail wherever I went. So even if I were to hide in a locker or some shrub he could follow the blood trail and find me. I was kind of hopeless. I eventually got away. Not before HUX said one simple phrase:

“R-r-run run lit-t-t-tt-le worm!”

Before walking away. I didn’t know how I was gonna deal with the wound he had cut my back. Also, I had no robots that could help me, nothing could help me. I still have the water. So I took a sip after cleaning the water with a device that we had. No, we didn’t spawn it in like the base. It just came with the base. I never got to mention it, but I planted this base as a prototype. The fully built one had a built-in medic station our’s didn’t. And then I just knew I had to accept death like the rest I’m gonna go and rest. 

The author's comments:


I don’t know how I’m still alive. I searched endlessly for medical supplies and all I could find were some bandages. So I used them I tried to get as much as I could on my back. I’m going to rest.

Day 6 2:14 PM

I can hear his footsteps as he fires his purple blobs. He’s coming towards the base I’ve got to hide.

Day 6 2:20 PM

He’s gone but destroyed the generator in the base. I’ve gotta repair it.

Day 6 2:24 PM

I repaired it. But HUX would sometimes always come towards the base. It was as if he heard the generator. But one of my attempts to repair the generator. He saw me and fired a blue dart at me. I just hope to god it’s not poisonous.

Day 6 3:15 PM.

I’ve been getting random hallucinations and inexplicable headaches I blame the blue the dart. I’m gonna try and find any life form that I know that can do it. I just don’t know how I’m gonna research this.

Day 6 7:20

I swear I’m sick of these hallucinations. I was walking through the forest. And I swear what I saw was the silhouette of a man dancing. I swear It felt like the base was so far away that It felt like an eternity when I walked there. But I pretended that I didn’t see the man. I got closer and closer. Until I could make out his face. His eyes opened wide, looking up at the sky and his mouth had a cartoon of smile on him. He wore a white shirt and blue jeans and had no shoes on. I was about to walk past him. And I turned to see him now standing there, no longer dancing and now looking at me. I was walking away and I turned around to see him now walking towards me. But he was more walking in the way where someone was tip-toeing in a cartoon. And then he stood there still looking up at the sky with that smile. I’d like to say I ran or told him to back off. But no I just stood there. When I finally found my voice I yelled:

“What do you want?”

He replied but it was kind of glitchy like HUX’s voice:

“Wh-h-h-y s-s-s-o nervo-o-ous tonight?”

He then turned around. But then as I walked, I heard the sound of bones breaking, his lower body still facing backward as he stared at me. And then his body fell to the ground, his legs still facing behind him but his neck grew and it turned its head around its whole neck three times then. And stared at me and then ran. That’s when I screamed I swear to god its footsteps were still clear as day as he rushed me. After what felt like forever I made it back to the base, I’m gonna go to bed.

The author's comments:


Did I ever mention I had a family? Well If I didn’t well here’s why I’m bringing this up, My son is about 3 years older than me now, and my daughter is my exact age. I’m 38 by the way. And I think I should watch them before I die. I still haven’t dealt with this wound. But I knew I would soon die from blood loss. I walked to the message receiver. And it said messages expand 23 years. I asked it to play them. Now I will say these planets have caused our time to shift. One planet said that it would be about 3½ years if we stayed on a certain planet for a certain amount of time one took even seven years if we stayed on the planet for an hour. And one of the planets we got stuck on for a pretty long time. I blame it for this. Now my son when I left knew that I would eventually come back, and my daughter was pissed about me leaving. She hid in her room and didn’t even want to talk to me, I still remember how when I tried to open the door she put her desk there to block me out, I can't say I blame her. But back to the messages. And I saw my son. He sat in his room, wearing a blue shirt and black sweatpants. And here’s what I remember from what he said.

“Hey Dad just checking in… um, I finished High school, but Grandpa attended the ceremony. I know that you are so proud of me. I wish I could see it. Oh, and I got a girlfriend, And this one I think is the one, her name is Lois she’s right there but yeah I just felt like telling you what happened, and I’ll try to make more messages!”

He pulled out a photo of him and the girl I assumed to be Lois, I couldn’t help but break down in tears as I watched the message as it’s been so long. And now I’m wondering what my son looks like. And then the second one played. Revealing my son a little bigger, with a beard and the same hairstyle.

“Hey Dad, I just felt like telling you that I’m now married, and yes my wife is Lois!”

I heard cooing, I was shocked and saw him lean down and reveal a baby. His baby.

“Look… it’s your grandpa, his name is Gabe(the grandpa), we just got out of the hospital with him we named him Alex!”

I saw Lois then come up and take him. And they told him to say bye to me. Couldn’t help but smile as I’m now a grandpa. I waved at him as I said bye. And then the next one played.

“Hey Dad, Uh… my grandpa, your dad died, we buried him next to Mom, but my wife also with how long I’ve been saying that you’ll come home, but my wife told me that I have to let you go, we as a family have to let you go, so we told our son that you came home but you died. So this is gonna be my last message… Bye, Dad!”

And when he said he had to let me go, I couldn’t help but shake my head as my tears felt like a waterfall. As he said that they decided to let me go. And when he said that was gonna be his last message. I felt like I had nothing more. My daughter Hates me, and My son hates me, but I left so I could do research and try to help our people down back on earth. And my father is dead. I know I was gone for them, but I still love them, but I don’t know if they do anymore. The screen went black, and as I stared at the screen it showed me, just showing me, staring at a black screen. And then another message came up. And the screen revealed a woman. I knew who it was. My daughter.

“Hey Dad!”

“Mira!” I said.

Mira is my daughter's name. Mira’s face had that pissed-off look, as she just stared at me with that face for about ten seconds. I Could tell that she hated me. I don’t blame her. I’ve been gone for god knows how long. But she spoke about why she’s making this. This is what she said that I can remember.

“You son of a cow… I never made one of these because I was so mad at you for leaving to the point where I didn’t want to see your face, and when you went quiet I didn’t know if you were ever coming back… but today’s a big day, because today is my birthday, and… *sigh* you told me that when you came back that I would be your age, and today’s the day that I’m the age when you left, so now might be a good time to come back… bye dad!” She said as she began to break down in tears. I did too.

I left Earth not because I didn’t love my family, But because I had a job to do, to discover new types of life forms, but my family is still something the only thing I have left of my family now they all hate me. I felt like I had nothing. I just sat there in the chair as the tears from my eyes fell like waterfalls. I felt all alone now. Even when I lost Belle. I still had something, but now I don’t I’m all alone, helpless, and in danger. I’m still having those hallucinations, as I sat there on my chair feeling broken, hopelessly broken as all I heard were just sounds from animals that I don’t even know what they were. And I still see that smiling man sometimes always crawling around at a fast pace. Look I’m gonna have to make a message if it’s the last thing to do. I walked up to the message receiver, now I will say if confused it’s also a message recorder. So here’s what I’m gonna say. 

“Hey kids, I hope you get this message, I hope you see it, but… I don’t know how I’m gonna explain this but I’m not gonna come back… I wish I could but I can’t. The ship is destroyed, beyond repair. And I’m wounded. But before I go I just want to say to you guys I love you, I always have, and I wish I could be there with you guys right now and give you guys the biggest hug, but I can’t so I’m gonna go and lay on a bed and accept my fate, and also happy birthday Mira, I love you!”

I recorded that message as I sat there I couldn’t help but let my tears fall. But I finally let it out. I’m sick of this pain I’m gonna try and find HUX and accept my fate. All I know is that he’ll make my death fast, and possibly painless, and I will die fast. And it will be over. That being said. Don’t fiddle or mess around with anything you don’t know much about, and if the thing can turn on you. Well pray to god that it doesn’t turn on you, cause you might soon meet a terrible fate like me. 

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