Love Is A Mystery | Teen Ink

Love Is A Mystery

May 26, 2024
By Ewinfrey, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
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Ewinfrey, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
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Author's note:

My creativity has always been wild and just till this last year I was only writing songs but than I got the idea to write a book, so this past year I wrote 2 books and this is the one I want to try getting publish because I remember when I was a little girl I was so wrapped up in books and thats way I write books to encourage other to write books.

The author's comments:

The first chapter always has to be the hardest.

It was a dark night with a little wind. I was out camping with 3 of my friends Mia, Pierre and Lily, from my tent I heard one of them scream. I run out of my tent in my t-shirt and shorts and I see Lily lying dead on the ground outside of her tent and I see a shadowy figure run or was it flying away from the body of Lily. I always thought if me and my friends were in a horror movie that Mia would die first but it's Lily.  Mia and Pierre come out from their tents and look at me. 



“What the heck happened out here?” Pierre questioned as he looks at Lily's dead body, he kneels to see what the wounds are. “I don't know what happened to Lily. I heard her scream so I went to check on her but when I got here she was like this and someone or something was fleeing the scene,” I say as Pierre looks back at me looking a little frightened. “What's wrong Pierre?” I ask as I feel the wind flying pass my face.



“You guys know the mysterys of vampires, werewolves and others,right ?” Pierre asks me and Mia. “Ya why? What did you find, Pierre.” I replayed as all three of us looked at each other. 



“Well there are teeth marks on her neck…. I think a vampire knows we’re here. We may be a little out of luck on this one.” Pierre states and looks at us with a serious look on his face. 



“W-well what do we do now?” Mia asks as she is hiding behind Pierre “Well we need to make a plan!” I state as they look at each other than at me.



“We should split up to cover more ground.” Says Pierre, I look at him like he is crazy. “Are you insane if we split up we will die! Do you want to die?!” I yell at Pierre and Mia trying to be reasonable. 



“Darcy, think about it, if we split up then we can cover more ground and maybe catch the culprit.” Says Mia, me and Pierre look at each other “Let's do it…… I'm a little nervous. Let's make sure to text each other if we find anything, okay?” I ask.



“Yes we will text if we find anything or anyone.” Mia states. “Wait everyone take a flashlight,” I state as I hand them a flashlight. Me, Mia and Pierre all split up, I go to the far woods that travails for miles Pierre goes toward the car and Mia goes to the left of me. The smell of the wet maple and cedar makes me calm down as I turn on my flashlight and I see the owls flying like katys. The wind makes my hair go wild, the wind makes my hair go into a bun and I think it's weird because the bun stays put even after the wind is gone. 



“LEAVE THIS FOREST NOW!” A mysterious voice yells. “What are you?!” I yell back but the thing doesn't answer and I get a text from Pierre.



                          PIERRE AKA THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!<3


                                                [Why what's up?]





I run through the forest as fast as I can, when I get to Pierre location. He is looking at Mias dead body. She also had a bite on her neck, I was still kinda right in my thinking Mia did die second but that's not the point, I hope Pierre doesn't die next I cant lose him to.



“Y-you were right we should have never split up” Pierre said crying and I hugged him and he hugs me back. “Hey, she would want us to keep her memories alive with us. Now let's find the killer and avenger her!” I yell and Pierre chukles and smiles as me and him go our separate ways, then I hear him scream and I run back. I see him dead on the ground. “Oh no.” I say to myself, “Why didn't I tell him I liked him before he died?” I walk away from my friend's dead body as I think of a plan to save myself. I grab out my headphones and plug them in my phone and start playing the song Bright. I hear a loud hit on the ground and I see that a tree falls down and I hear a voice yelling at me. 



“LEAVE THIS PLACE OR ELSE YOU'LL END LIKE YOUR FRIENDS!” The thing screams. “WHO ARE YOU!” I yell and I get no answers but I hear a guy scream for help. I run over to the screaming and I see a guy under a broken tree branch, I run over to him and help him get free from the branch.



“Thank you dear, Im Leo what's your name?” Leo asks “Im Darcy you should leave there's a vampire here or something.” I state  and he looks at me like I'm crazy.



“Vampires aren't real though, so why do you think they're real?” Leo says as I help him up and take him to my friend's dead body and he sees the bite marks on their necks. 



“So you were telling the truth there is a vampire here.” Leo states as he looks at the dead bodys and he looks scared. “Are you ok, Leo?” I ask him. 



“I think I am.” Leo says as he looks at me with conseron. “Are you ok Dacrey?” Leo asked me. “I will be fine, I have seen many of my friends die before so I'm kinda used to it.” I state as I look at him, numbly. “Grab a shovel, can you help me bury the bodies?” I ask and he grabs a shovel and starts digging with me. In 10 minutes we have their bodys completely buried. “Thank you for helping me bury them.” I say as I look at Leo. 



“No problem but we need to leave now! Before the vampire comes and kills us too.” Leo says as he grabs my hand and takes me to my car. “We need to leave right now ok, we need to find somewhere safe.” Says Leo “Sometimes I think death is better.” I say and Leo looks at me like I'm crazy.



“What are you talking about, life is to be enjoyed with your friends.” Leo states. “Well I don't have many friends that are alive anymore.” I say and he looks at me considered.



“It's ok I will be your friend,” Leo says. “Thank you Leo.” I say as Leo starts the car and we find out there is no engine.

“Well what do we do now?” Leo asks as he looks at me. “Well looks like we have to walk,” I state as I start walking away from the car and to the road as Leo follows me. 



“Where are we going, Darcy?” Leo asks as he continues to follow me. “We are going to find a safe place to hide.” I state and Leo grabs my hand and leads me to a house in the middle of the forest.



“Don't worry, I'm taking you to my house in the woods. It will be safe there, trust me.” Leo says. “Fine only because I don't have any other choice.” I state and he smiles, I calm down and smile back at him. 



(20 minutes later)



“We are almost there, Darcey.” Leo says as he looks at me and we see a cabin in the dead center of the forest. It has DO NOT ENTER on one the signs next to the door. “Why do you have those signs near your door?” I ask Leo.



“I don't like people near my house,” Leo states and we start walking closer to his house, when we get in his house I see that he is cooking a soup. His home is very cozy and comfortable, the aroma of the soup is like candy. “Wow,” I say as I see a fireplace burning a lot of wood. 

The author's comments:


“Why did you say wow?” Leo asks me as he looks at me with a questioned look on his face. “Oh, I didnt think your house would be this cool.” I say as I look at him with a smile on my face, he smiles back at me. 



“Do you want to listen to some music, Darcy?” Leo asks as he walks to a speaker. “Sure why not.” I state and he turns on Monsters by All time low, Blackbear and Demi Lovato. “I love this song!” I yell excitedly as he laughs and smiles, I look at him confused. “What's so funny?” I ask Leo and he looks at me.



“You sounded so excited even though your friends died a few hours ago.” Leo states as I look at him. “Well like I said I'm used to my friends dying.” I state and he hugs me. “What are you doing, Leo?” I ask Leo. 

“Have you ever been hugged?” Leo asks me and I just stare at him confused. Then I'm serious. “The last person to hug me got shot right in my arms.” I say as I hug him back and I start crying a little but I dont show it. He looks down at me and sees that I'm crying.



“Are you ok, Darcy?” Leo asks me as I look up at him. “Not really, I haven't felt this safe in years.” I state and he gives me a sad smile. 



“You're going to be ok. I'm here for you, Bientôt tu seras à moi.” Leo says and I look in his eyes. “What does Bientôt tu seras à moi mean?” I ask and he chuckles and he backs up a bit. 



“It means I will always be with you.” Leo tells me and I smile at him. “Thank you for being with me for this hard time. I feel so safe with you.” I say as I put down my hood and I undo my bun which lets my blue and green hair down.



“Has anyone told you that you look amazing?” Leo asks and I look at him like what did you just say. “........... No, I have never been told that I look good.” I say sadly as I look at him. 



“Well, I will be the first one to tell you that.” Leo states and I chuckle. “Thank you.” I say as I smile.



“Hey If you even need help say the word honey, ok?” Leo said and I nod my head ok. Leo turns to the speaker and the music up a little as he turns the lights down a little and he walks over to me.  



“May I have this dance, Dacry?” Leo asks as he holds out his hand and I take his hand and its cold. “Sure,” I say and we start to dance in the dim light. I stare into his eyes and I realize that his eyes are ruby red. The music stops for an ad.



“Please make sure you know who you trust next up is sk8er boi.” The speaker stops and the music turns back on and we start to dance again. I think his ruby red eyes are just contacts, mine and his hands are in a strong hold. “Your eyes are contacts, right?” I ask Leo.



“.....” Leo is silent for a moment, “Ya they are just contacts, do you want me to take them off?” Leo asks me. “Yes please,” I say to Leo and Leo leaves the room, 3 minutes later he comes back in the room and his eyes are still ruby red. “What happened, did the contacts not come out?” I ask.



“No, I need to be honest with you. I just have ruby red eyes that you can't get enough of.” Leo states and he winks, as he winks I blush and playfully punch his shoulder. “Shut up you don't have any proof that I like your eyes, maybe I think it's horrible but I dont show it.” I state and smile at him. 



“Well when you keep on looking in my eyes all the time it kinda shows that you like my eyes, are you intrigued by my eyes?” Leo asks. “Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, you'll never know.” I state and he spins me and I giggle. “Are you a vampire?” I ask and he stops dancing and he looks dead serious.



“Why would you think I'm a vampire?” Leo asks and he looks confused. “I don't know, I just want to make sure I can trust you. You know what I mean right?” I ask and he nods his head yes.



“I'll be back.” Leo says and he walks away to the bathroom. “Ok?” I say and I look around a bit and I find his bedroom. I see a picture of him and his family all smiling and laughing together. I see a secret door and I walk closer to it but just than I hear a cough from behind me, I turn around and I see Leo leaning on the side of the door. 



“What are you doing here, Darcy?” Leo asks me as he walks closer to me and smiles and looks down at me. “I was looking around and I found your room so I looked around.” I say and I smile back at him. 



“It's ok, but what were you walking to?” Leo asks me. “Your family picture.” I state and he puts one of his hands behind my back and I start blushing hard and he grabs his family picture.



“This?” Leo asks as he holds up the picture.” Yup!” I lie but he doesn't know. I smile and I start thinking about how to escape his house in case he is a vampire. 



“Are you ok, Darcy?” Leo asks me and I look at him. “Ya I'm fine, why?” I ask and he hugs me and I hug back.



“Well you were spacing out so I just wanted to know.” Leo states and I stop hugging him, he stops hugging me. I stare into Leo's eyes and they start to twinkle and he gets closer to me. I start giggling and he pulls the hair away from my eyes. “Wow, you're really nice.” I say as I smile at him and he smiles back. We hear a knock on the door and Leo starts to get more serious.

The author's comments:


“Go hide, I will handle this if it's the vampire.” Leo says and I hide in the closets. Leo grabs something and opens the door.



“Hello?” Leo asks and he sees someone in a suit looking at him. “Where is she?” The man asks as he takes off his glasses and his eyes are also ruby red.



“Where is who and who are you?” Leo asks as the man stares at him and the man looks like he is getting a little annoyed. “Darcy and I am Jay, so tell me where she is or else.” Jay says as he pulls out a pocketknife.



“She's in the closets, please don't hurt her.” Leo begs and Jay knocks out Leo by hitting him hard in the head making him bleed and he walks closer to the closet where I'm hiding. Jay opens the closet and puts a cloth with chloroform and I pass out when I look into his cold eyes.



(1 hour later)



I wake up in a different place and I'm chained to the bed I'm lying in, I hear the door start to open and I pretend to be asleep. “Wake up,” Jay hits me and I open my eyes and I feel like I'm going to cry. “What's wrong Mi amor.” Jay says as he puts his hand on my cheek and I finch, I move away from him. “W-what do you want from me?” I ask and he chuckles darkly. 



“It's obvious, I like you and your mine now.” Jay says darkly and I look at him like the heck?! “I will never date someone who kidnapped me!” I yell and Jay gets mad.



“Watch what you say, or else there will be consequences.” Says Jay as he walks closer to me and I punch him in the face and he grabs my left arm and starts to slowly break it, I start screaming in pain, but he doesn't care. I feel all the bones in my left arm snap and get crushed. After 3 minutes my left arm is fully broken, and Jay is laughing like a mad man as Im crying and smacks me in the face. “You shouldn't have punched me darling. Now be a good girl and stay still.” Jay says as he gets closer to me and he has his fangs out, the next thing I know is Jay stops moving and he falls on the floor with a gun shot in his head killing him. I see Leo with a gun. “Leo! You saved me! Can you untie me?” I ask Leo and he comes to me and unties me.



“Did he hurt you?” Leo asks as he hugs me tightly and I started crying a bit and I hug him tightly. “Yes, but now you saved me.” I say and I get up and kick Jay's dead body and laugh like a manic. “Thank you so much I would have killed him later if you didn't save me.” I state and Leo chuckles. 



“Oh, how sure are you about that, Darcy?” Leo asks as he is laughing, and I look a little upset. “Well, I would have obviously escaped somehow and then I would have used the chains to tie him up and leave him here as I run away and call the cops.” I state and he seems to be excited and shocked on how I had thought up a plan a little while ago.



“How long have you been thinking about that one?” Asked Leo as he looks like he really wants to know. “Well when I saw you get knocked out I had to start thinking about plan and other stuff.” I said confidently and he laughed and helped me stand up.



“We should get out of here we don't want to get killed right?” Leo says and I blush when I grab his hand and he helps me up. “Thank you but I could have gotten up myself.” I state.



“Well if you did it yourself we won't be this close.” Leo winks and I playfully hit him and laugh as he hugs me and I blush a little more. “You're such a dork but I like that.” I state and my blush calms down as I look at him.



“So you like me huh?” Leo asks and I punch his arm. “No I don't like you why would I like you, I barely know you so I just consider you a friend.” I say and he holds out his hand.



“Ready to go home?” Leo asks as I take his hand. “Did you get the car working yet?” I ask and laugh.



“Yes I did now let's go home.” Leo said as me and him walked outside to the car and we got in and he started it. “So do you need me to tell you my address?” I ask Leo as he starts driving away from the forest. 



“Ya that would be the best idea.” Leo states as he keeps on driving as he starts going  faster and I tell him my address.



(30 minutes later)

The author's comments:


When we get to my house 3 other of my friends Luna, Nina and Theo are waiting for me and I get out of Leo's car and wave to my friends and they all run over to me and hug me tightly. “WHERE THE HECK WERE YOU, DARCY?!” They all yell and I giggle and they look confused. “Why are you laughing?” They ask and they see Leo come out of the car and they think he is a mafia boss. “This is Leo. Lily, Pierre and Mia died but Leo found me and helped me.” I state as I look at Leo and smile at him and he smiles back. 



“Hello everyone, I'm Leo, nice to meet you.” Leo says as he holds out his hand so my friends could shake it but they don't move a mulscule. “What's wrong guys?” I ask as Luna starts to start shaking.



“Leo is a little scary.” Luna says as she looks at Theo and Nina, Theo looks like he is ready to fight Leo and Nina looks chill. 



“I should get going before my friends are worried about me.” Leo states as he turns around and I grab his arm as he looks at me confused. “Wait, can I get your number so that way we can still talk.” I ask and he smiles and gives me his number and walks back to his car and drives away.



“Darcy?” Luna says and I look at her. “WHO THE HECK WAS THAT!!” Luna yells and Nina holds her back away from me. “What's wrong, he is a nice guy. He helped me when I had no one around.” I state and Luna looks mad.



“Darcy, Luna is just being reasonable, you barely know him.” States Nina and I look at her like she's crazy. “I know him well enough, he is sweet and kind and saved me from getting torched by some random guy named Jay.” I state and Theo grabs my shoulder.



“It's a late night, let's all go inside and go to bed, tomorrow we will talk about this more.” Theo says and we all agree and head into my house and go to our rooms. When in my room I get out my phone and start texting Leo.






                                                                   [Hey Leo]

[Whats up]

                                                                   [Did I wake up]

[Nah I was just thinking about texting you than you texted me]

                                                                [Oh so I'm the one who is ahead of the game]

[Ya I guess so]

                                                             [I'm getting tired, goodnight]





A few minutes later Theo knocks on my door. “Hey can I come?” Theo asks. “Sure come in,” I state as Theo opens the door and walks in. 



“So about that guy, is he a mafia boss?” Theo asks and I look at him confused and then I start laughing a lot. I think that what he just asked was a joke but Theos face says otherwise. “Oh you're not joking, are you?” I ask and he shakes his head no as he sits on my bed next to me. 



“Where did the time go? I remember when we were 7 and we used to lock ourselves in the bathroom and play mouse trap. Do you remember when your parents were scared to death because they didn't know where we were and they were yelling our names for an hour?” Theo asked as he looked at me and I looked at Theo. “Ya, I remember that why are you ok?” I ask Theo and puts his hand on mine and stares in my eyes. 



“Ya I'm fine, I guess. Do you remember when our parents tried to get us to date?” Theo says as puts his hand on my face. “Ya but we just wanted to be friends right?” I ask him but he doesn't answer and he just keeps staring at me. “Hey dude you good?” I ask him as I'm getting a little concerned and right after I said that Theo leans in and kisses me. I look completely shocked, did my best friend since I was 4 just kiss me. After a few seconds I pulled away from him. “Why did you do that?” I ask as I'm super confused and he chuckles when he sees my face.



“Because I have always loved you but I thought you would hate me if I told you.” Theo states as he looks at me waiting for an answer. “I don't know what to say. We have been friends for years now and I'm so confused because well because you're you and I'm me and we are very good friends but we are also so different.” I state while not looking at him.



“What's wrong with you?!” Theo kinda yells and I look at him, “You would have been happy or even excited that I would kiss you so what's going on now?!” Theo yells and grabs my right arm tightly. “Theo! Stop! I just don't like you like that!” I Yell as I try to pull my arm away from him but I can't because he is so strong. “Let go!” I yell and he holds my arm tighter.



“Not until you love me back.” Theo said in a cold heartless voice and I get a little scared. Just then I get a call from Leo and I answer the call. 



                                                         [The Call]


                                                 [Hey Dacry] 

[What's up Leo?]

                                                  [Nothing much you weren't answering your texts]

[Ya I was a little busy, can I call you back in a little bit?] 




                                                   [Call ended]



“Who was that?” Theo asked while holding my arm super tightly. “Leo, he was checking on me.” I state and Theo looks mad and lets go of my arm and turns and walks towards the door. 



“We'll talk tomorrow with the others and don't do anything stupid.” Theo says as he walks out of my room. I text Leo.









                                                      [I'll be there right away]




(The next morning)

The author's comments:


Theo makes everyone come to the living room and once there we hear a knock on the door, I open it and see Leo. “ I told you I would come as soon as I could.” Leo states and Theo gets mad real fast. 



“What is he doing here?!” Theo asks in a kinda mad tone. “I used a code word to ask him to come here to protect me,” I say and Theo looks like he is going to punch me but Leo walks in front of me like a knight to a princess. 



“Don't you dare think about hurting her, or I will hurt you.” Leo states blankly. While Theo looks beyond mad and Luna tries to calm him down. “Luna, hold me back, I'm going to kill this fool.” Theo kinda yells as he gets ready to attack Leo as I come in between Leo and Theo. “BOTH OF YOU STOP!” I yell which shocks everyone.



“Are you ok Darcy?” Nina asks as if she didnt care what happened to Theo and Leo. “To be honest, not really, I don't like it when people fight .” I state and Leo comes over to me and hugs me from behind and I smile and Nina has that look on her face like ‘I'm going to expose that you like him.’  “Shh” I whisper.



(Later that night I got to Nina's room)



“Hey Darcy whats up,” Nina says as she looks at me and I close and lock the door. “I need to have a girl talk about boys, about Leo.” I state and Nina looks beyond excited. “K spill the tea sis.” Nina says and I start ranting about how perfect he is. 



(20 minutes of ranting later)



“You should so ask him out on a date.” Nina states and I shove her arm. “Please like he would like me.” I say kinda sadly and she looks at me confused.



“Hand me your phone.” Nina says and I hand her my phone and she goes to Leo's contacts. 




[Hey Leo]

                                                                                                     [Hey darcy whats up]

[Would you I don't know like to go on a date sometime?]

                                                                                        [sure I'll pick you up tomorrow]

[What should I wear] 

                       [Anything you want we will be having a nice romantic date at my place]

[Can't wait!]



“You have a date with him tomorrow, wear anything you like but it's going to be very romantic.” States Nina and I look at her like the heck did you just say. “Wait, did you text him?” I ask while blushing. 



“Yes, I did.” Nina says while she has a smirk on her face. “Why?!” I yell and she giggles. “Have fun,” Nina says. The next day at 4pm Leo comes to my house and Theo answers the door. 



“What are you doing here?” Theo asks Leo and he sees that Leo is holding a bouquet of blood roses. “Is Darcy home? I'm taking her on a date.” Leo says and Nina pushes Theo out of the way. “She is almost ready for your guy's date!” Nina says.

The author's comments:


“Is Leo here?” I yell down the stairs. “Ya I am!” Leo yells as I come down the stairs in a Cute white tulle short dress. When Leo sees me he blushes hard and he looks like he is ready to just ask me to be his girlfriend. “Ready to go Leo?” I ask Leo and he snaps back to reality.



“Ya I got there for you.” He states and hands me the blood roses. “These are my favorite flowers. How did you know?” I ask Leo and he smiles. 



“I won't tell, now let's go.” Leo said and me and Leo walk to his car and he opens the door for me like a gentleman. When we get to his house he takes me to his graden and there is a big dinner waiting for us. “Do you like it, Mon amour?” Leo asks and I nod my head yes. “Lets eat!” I say and Leo chuckles and we start eating as we are eating all Leo can do is stare at me. After dinner Leo starts playing some music and the lights start to dim. “Leo what's going on?” I ask Leo and I feel him hug me from behind but he feels taller and has fangs, wait has fangs?! I turned around and I see that Leo grew a foot and he has fangs. 



“I'm sorry I was going to tell you while we dance but my fangs came out way too early.” Leo says and I look at him confused and kinda scared. “Are you going to kill me?” I ask and he laughs.



“No dear I would never think of killing you.” Leo states and I think he is telling the truth. “You promise?” I ask and he holds my hand. 



“I promise.” Leo says as he puts his forehead on mine and I look at him with hearts in my eyes. “Can - can I bite you?” Leo asks and I look at him dead in the eyes. “Only if we can kill Theo after and if you maybe be my lover,” I say and Leo looks so happy so much so that he almost starts jumping up and down. 



“Then it's a deal.” Leo says as he gets closer to my neck everything starts to go blurry the only thing I can make out is Leo coming closer to me. As Leo gets closer everything else gets more blurry. “Leo,” I say and Leo looks at me, “Will you promise to love and care for me after you bite me?” I ask Leo and Leo stands up and looks at me and holds both my hands.



“I promise, I will always love and care for you.” Leo says and I believe him. Leo goes to my neck and bites my neck as he is sucking my blood. My hair starts to change. It goes from short and blue and green to long blood red hair and black hair. My outfit also changed from Cute white tulle short dress to a black and red ripped dress with black lace up heel boots. When Leo is done he looks at my new form. I'm a vampire now and I have fangs now with my new look.



“Woah, you look…….. Amazing,” Leo says as he looks at me with every drop of love that he has. “It's really that good?” I ask him and he nods his head yes as I blush. “Let's go kill Theo.” I say and Leo looks at me like I'm becoming insane too. 

(After flying for 16 minutes we arrive at my house where Theo and my other friends are.) 



I knock on the door and Nina answers it. “Darcy what happened to you?” Nina asks and I smile at her and say, “I became a vampire, do you know where Theo is?” 


“He is out back also did you like I dont know lose something on your date?” Nian asks and I say no. I go out back to where Theo is standing and my vampire fangs come out. “Hey Theo, time to die!” I say excitedly and Theo turns around and pins me to the wall holding me back. 

The author's comments:


“親愛なる(My dear) I dont know whats wrong with you but this isn't the Dacry I know! The Dacry I know would not try to kill me. Do you remember me 私の愛 (my love)?” Theo asks and I start to calm down but I don't know why. “Tell me about our past, please.” I state and he sits down with me on the ground outside. 



“We met when we were only four, our moms were friends since forever and they thought we would be the same or that we would date at one point. We would scare our parents by hiding in the bathroom and playing mouse trap, they would call our names for hours wondering where we were.” It starts to get colder so he takes off his jacket and puts it around me and I cuddle closer to him. “And once we were 14 things started to change, me and you would sneak out and go to parties all over the state. Everyone called us the daredevils. We always wanted to be cool and we were for the most part we loved our life and we didn't want it to stop but it kinda did. You started gaining friends and I started losing friends because they only wanted to hang out with you even though I was almost completely lonely. You were always there for me, you made me so strong and I never wanted to hurt you but I did and I'm so sorry. Do you think you can forgive me?” Theo asks and I think about it for a minute. My hair starts to turn blonde. “There's only one way I will forgive you.” I state and he looks confused.



“What's that way?” Theo asks and my eyes turn ruby red. “Let me suck your blood!” I say excitedly and he looks a little scared at first but he moves closer to me letting me see his neck. 



“Go ahead I won't stop you, I want to be just like you. Because 愛してます(Meaning I love you) Darcy.” Theo states feeling brave and I smile up at him and I get closer to his neck and I bite it, as I start drinking his blood and keep his smile and he transforms to. His hair goes from brownish to a blonde with black stripes in it. His eyes go from blue to red and his clothes change from a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans to a black tight turtleneck and black ripped jeans with a blood red coat. He is a little shocked that he transformed but now he is hungry for blood. I stop drinking his blood and I look at him thinking he is hot and he has a deep laugh. “I can read your mind now.” Theo states and I blush, “ Don't do that Theo!” I kinda yell and he laughs.



“Can I have some of your blood? I'm hungry and if I have to drink someone's blood I want it to be you.” Theo states and I nod my head yes. He gets closer and closer to my neck and I can feel his hot breath on my skin. Leo takes a deep breath and bites me hard. I start gasping for air because it feels like I can't breathe. “Calm down honey let me take care of you.” Theo says and I blush hard. I put my hand over my mouth to stop me from screaming. After a few minutes Theo is done drinking my blood. “Oh Theo, that felt so good.” I say as I'm smiling and he laughs and puts his forehead on mine as I want to make out with him so bad. Just then Leo teleports to where me and Theo and he looks angry.

The author's comments:


“I thought you were going to kill him!” Leo yells and Theo covers me and protects me. “Why do you hate me so much, we. are. Brothers!” Theo yells and I look a little scared but I'm also blushing. “You too are brothers?!” I ask while yelling.



“Yes we are but you're mine!” Leo yells and tries to take me from Theo but Theos grip is too strong. “STOP!” I yell and they both look at me confused. 



“What's wrong?” They both ask me and they see I'm blushing super hard so they both look at each other than at me and they both pin me to the wall. “You look so cute today, 親愛な.” Theo says and I look at him like the heck is wrong with you. “You're ours now, mon amour.” Leo states and they both start to cuddle with me. “Wait, stop what is wrong with you too.” I ask and they chuckle. 



“Do you know how long we have loved you, Darcy?” Leo asks and I look confused because I met Leo just a few days ago. “No, because I just met you and you killed my friends!” I say and Leo comes closer to me.



“Honey, listen they would have died anyways but I just sped up the process. Also you didn't care about that when I made you into a vampire.” Leo states and I blush because he's right. “Now let's go inside the house before it gets colder.” Leo says and I quickly walk to Nina's room. “Nina we need to have a girl talk right now!” I yell and she looks at me like chill out.



“What's up, I also love the new look.” Nina says and I tell her everything. “Wow, that all just happened today?” Nina asks and I nod my head yes and she laughs. “What are you laughing about? This is serious.” I say and she continues laughing.



“Dude you got two boys going after you and they love you, so you're always compiling that you can't get a bf well here's your chance you may even get 2.” Nina says chill like and I think she's right so I go to my room where Theo and Leo are waiting for me. 



“Where were you, Darcy?” Leo and Theo both ask and I giggle and plop on my bed. “I was having a girl talk with Nina.” I state.



“Will you be your girlfriend?” Leo and Theo both ask me. “Yes, yes I will, I love you guys.” I state as I hug and kiss them.




(20 years later aka the present)

“And those kids are how I met your dads. Any questions?” I ask and my kid Luke raises his hand. “Yes Luke?” 



“When is our dads coming home?” Luke ask and just than Leo and Theo walk in. “Hey love, hi kids.” Leo and Theo said and I come over to them and hug them. “I miss you guys.” I say.



“We misseed you to.” They say and hug me back.






The end!

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