The disappearance of Jules Archibald.(one act play). | Teen Ink

The disappearance of Jules Archibald.(one act play).

May 31, 2024
By Anonymous

Author's note:

Im 15.

The author's comments:


We hear the sound of a camera clicking And the light shines on the hall with a body indicated by the legs lying in the room and the letter M written in blood on the walls.

Most actors are put in the set, A home that is mainly in a living room, a kitchen, and a hallway

Rain sounds are heard throughout the scene.


Ben(Police Costume)

Detective(in a Blue raincoat and a black hat.)

Lieutenant(soldier outfit).

Ben(police chief)

Out of all my years I worked here I haven’t ever seen anything this bad, Somebody go check on Officer Jupe, make sure he’s alright, and also make sure that only paramedics come in. And somebody get these bozo’s out of my crime scene I don’t beli-


Oliver(Detective Columbo)

We are federal agents, I’m Detective Columbo, and this is Lieutenant Maddux. We're looking for leads on Jules Archibald’s disappearance.

We see Lieutenant Maddux(Josh) walk up with a deterrent to investigate

Ben(officer 1)

Alright fine. Just don’t mess with anything.

Oliver(Detective Columbo)

Is this him, Jupe, I want to talk to him.

Ben(officer 1)

Just make it quick Paramedics are almost here

Oliver(Detective Columbo)

Jupe, what happened, what did you see?


*pained grunts* He had to be on drugs… or something… tried to bring him down, but he just kept coming at me… it felt like a bad dream.


Poor bastard got hit in the gut by his sidearm


Chief they just found 187’s body stuffed in the dumpster

The light shines on stage right, at the dumpster prop, with a leg and arm sticking out.


Jesus Christ!

Detective columbo

How did he escape what was he driving?


*pained grunts* Ambulance.


They’re almost here Jupe Don-


No, he was driving… a goddang… Ambulance


Alright, there are too many people in here some of you guys need to leave, look for your last piece of evidence then go.

Detective Columbo walks to the dead body to see something sticking out from underneath, he grabs it.

Detective Columbo


Play the cello in Baleen in a dramatic tune as if it builds suspense.

Lieutenant Maddux looks at Colombo to see him holding a bone saw covered in blood,

Detective Columbo

Get in the car. 

Detective Columbo

Do not mess up our leads or evidence Lieutenant.

Enter stage left 

And head to the prop car Oliver, Josh,


Josh(Lieutenant Maddux)

I found these in the cabinet there were release papers for his work, one of them was of his brother or friend, I’d assume brother but I think the man we’re looking for that could’ve maybe done this and caused all this is Doctor Jeremy Fritz.

Detective Columbo

You know him

Lieutenant Maddux

No, but I knew the boy I worked with him, for a bit, was one of my men in the war when we had to capture this briefcase that had government intellect. Did you see him at the crime scene?

Detective columbo 

I think he was the one in the dumpster.

Lieutenant Maddux

Dang it.

Bring in the set pieces for Ludwig's office and bring up the walls, and door entrance to the building. 

Oliver and Josh walk towards the set door that leads to the building, Oliver make sure you have the fake pistol equipped.  Lieutenant Maddux and Detective Columbo go to the set. Have the lights out, and have them carry flashlights. Lieutenant Maddux fiddles with the light switch lights don’t turn on.

Lieutenant Maddux

The storm must’ve cut the power.

Detective columbo

Check the bathroom.


They see a drip come from the doorframe. And they look above it. Aim the flashlight. It says Conagher Slaughterhouse.


Lieutenant Maddux 

There’s Glass all over the floor, must’ve been a fight in here, or something.

Detective columbo 

I think I know where Jules is.

Point the flashlight at the Conagher slaughterhouse writing on the wall.

Begin to move the set and prepare to set up the Conagher slaughterhouse.

Enter Stage Right with the car prop.

Have car sound effects play, indicating that Maddux and Columbo are driving To the Conagher slaughterhouse. And move the whole prop that has Conagher slaughterhouse.

And make sure to have the stage have this board have a divet on it to indicate that it’s a big fall.

Detective columbo

We’re here. But how are we going to get across?

Lieutenant Maddux

I’ve got an Idea.

Go to the trunk of the fake car. And open it. 

Detective Columbo

You’ve had that thing in my car this whole time.

Lieutenant Maddux

For emergencies.

Grab the fake RPG.

Alex this is when you begin to head on stage get to the platform we placed on the Conagher slaughterhouse prop.

Detective Columbo

And what do you plan on doing with it?

Walk to the ravine(Josh/Lieutenant Maddux)

Lieutenant Maddux.

I’m going to use it to jump across this ravine.

Detective Columbo

You have lost your mind, haven’t you?

Lieutenant Maddux

What I’ve done it before.

Detective Columbo

Put that down before you get us Killed!

Slam the RPG out of Lieutenant’s hand. And then have light follow to the car. While that’s happening have the orange light ready, and drop the fire cutout to indicate it just exploded. And have an explosion sound. And then play fire sound effects. And then have the sound of a gunshot echo through the theater. 

Lieutenant Maddux

*Gasp* Look out.

Lieutenant Maddux rushes to Oliver and tackles him to the ground and you both run off the stage and out of the theater.

And then have the sound of a sewer door being opened and then play a splash sound effect.

Enter Stage Right. And have a little black prop that blocks their feet a little indicating they are walking in water. And have sewer tunnels props up, And play footsteps, with splash sound effects.

Detective Columbo

I’m never going to find Archibald in this Building.

Lieutenant Maddux

Quite whining… Back in the war, we would spend weeks in stuff like this with water up to our ankles. They were built as trenches for us to survive being hit in. and they could go on for miles.

Detective Columbo

God kill me now….

You have no Idea What you’re getting us into.

Lieutenant Maddux

I have a pretty good one.

Detective Columbo

We should’ve called for backup.

Lieutenant Maddux

And what do you think I’ve been doing, I just saved you from a bullet to the head.

Detective Columbo

And who was it that told them we were coming hmm… Who’s been killing all our leads and sometimes getting the police involved?


Lieutenant Maddux

What 'bout the pictures that evidence we can use?

Detective Columbo

They were in the car you moron, now I’ve got nothing, because of you, you stupid bastard you amateur.

Raise the fake gun at Lieutenant Maddux

Detective Columbo 

Get out of my way.

Lieutenant Maddux

Are you gonna shoot me?

Detective Columbo

I won’t ask again.

Lieutenant Maddux

Did Archibald teach you that?

I hear the sound of a gun being loaded, and then Josh(Lieutenant Maddux) walks to the entrance of the sewer tunnel.  Then peak your head and play the sound effect of a gunshot.

Lieutenant Maddux


Drop the RPG and have a splash sound play. And play a reloading sound. Have the light shine on the stairs area revealing a man with a hat a red suit and a sniper rifle. 

Lieutenant Maddux


Play the reloading sound.

Detective Columbo

Who is out there?

Lieutenant Maddux

Looks like Ray Charles traded the piano for an M40.

Detective Columbo


Begin to walk out of the tunnel Lieutenant Maddux and antagonize him

Lieutenant Maddux


GUNSHOT, Josh/Lieutenant Maddux falls to the ground as he floats in the water. But then get up and grab the RPG and fire. And have a light go straight to the sniper actor. Luke(the sniper actor) drops the gun and runs but then pretends you were hit. And play an explosion sound. And then Josh(Lieutenant Maddux opens your vest to reveal a bulletproof vest with a bullet in the armor).

Lieutenant Maddux

You didn’t think I’d come prepared.

Detective Columbo

How’d you know he’d not shoot you in the head?

Lieutenant Maddux

I didn’t.

Walk up the stairs and stare at Luke. 

Detective Columbo

Let’s finish him off right here and now.

Raise the gun at him, but then Lieutenant Maddux stops him.

Lieutenant Maddux

Let him bleed.

Begin to walk up the stairs. And then Luke Begins to laugh maniacally, Oliver and Josh turn around with a face of confusion and walk up the stairs

The Sniper

You won’t last five minutes in here.

And now transition to scene 5.

The author's comments:

Now I will say from here we don't see Columbo come back, but I plan that if I continue this I'm gonna bring him back.

shutting on them, a mechanical one. So have the sound of a heavy mechanical door closing. And then we see a door shutting on them.


Detective Columbo


Lieutenant Maddux 


Door shuts. Bang on the door a couple of times  Lieutenant Maddux. Try to open it and then play a snap as if he tore something or hurt his back.

Lieutenant Maddux

We’ll have to find another way.

Detective Columbo

Alright… I don’t know where to go

Lieutenant Maddux 

Trust your gut.

Detective Columbo

Good luck.

Play a screeching sound, indicating something is here.

Detective Columbo

You better get out of here.

Lieutenant Maddux

I’ll find a way out.

Detective Columbo


Have Detective Columbo exit stage left, and exit stage right Lieutenant Maddux.

Enter stage left Lieutenant Maddux. And have the props for the outside of the building. And then have someone have the light shine on the stage, and then we introduce, a new character by the name of  Cyclops who wears a red suit and has an eyepatch as if he was a pirate, which gives him the nickname Cyclops.. Lieutenant Maddux pulls a flask out. And then Jack(Cyclops) and Lieutenant Maddux begin the scene with us seeing Cyclops in a cell.



Lieutenant Maddux looks at Cyclops and has the light shine on him.


Are you gonna finish that?

Lieutenant walks up to Cyclops gives the flask and takes a drink from it Jack.


You can call me Cyclops

Lieutenant Maddux 

is it because you have one eye?



Lieutenant Maddux

I’m looking for Jules Archibald.


I never got to ask what are you?

Lieutenant Maddux

His rescue.


Afraid you gonna be disappointed

Lieutenant Maddux

I want to know where he is.


I don’t know… the man probably mince meat by now.

Lieutenant Maddux

I’ve already lost my friend I’m not gonna lose another.


Then you’re a dead man.

Play the sound of the screech.

Lieutenant Maddux

I don’t have time for this.


Wait… you’re gonna get me out of here?

Lieutenant Maddux.

And why should I?


I can help you get out. I know the route of this building.

We see the figure of a shadow walking towards them. Josh looks for the crowbar right next to the cell. And use that to pry the door open, or pretend to.

Lieutenant Maddux

Come on.

Have the figure that they saw rush out. And Rick this is where you come in. You will be playing this monstrous zombie that has long fingers, make sure you have the gloves that have the long fingers equipped on them. Knock Lieutenant Maddux to the ground. And then Lieutenant Maddux pretends that you have stabbed him through the heart. And make sure there are sounds of a stab happening. Throw the crowbar at Cyclops.

Lieutenant Maddux.

Take this… You're gonna need it.

Begin the scene with them walking through the building, to reveal that there back where they were.

Lieutenant Maddux

Are you sure you know where we go… we’ve been walking around the building in circles.


I know where I’m goin-

Lieutenant Maddux

No, you don’t.

Lieutenant Maddux kicks the fake metal door and then has it fall to reveal a weapon cache. Have lights shine in the room to show the room to the audience. Show a body of clammy, grey skin. That has multiple bodies lying there. Have Cyclops and Lieutenant Maddux walk over the bodies as they lay there. Lieutenant Maddux stares at the shelf that has the tape for 2 seconds, just count in your head and then walk over and play the tape.

The tape player.

It’s longer than you think… I’ve seen the other side, it’s longer than you think.

Cyclops swings the crowbar at the fake glass that is in the room and now plays the sound effect of the glass shattering and then plays an alarm go off. And begin to walk in and run to grab guns but then the gray clammy bodies. Duke, Louis, Gabe, and Jake make this grunt and growl sound as if you are zombies, get up first Duke, and then the rest of you get up. Josh fires the RPG has the light shine and follows towards the group of zombies and then makes sure to have the wires ready and pull them up and send Duke and Louis stage left, and Gabe jake, stage right.

Lieutenant Maddux 

I’ve only got one shot left.


Make it count.

Have the sound of dynamite being lit and then have to be thrown in have the sound of a stick of dynamite being lit up and play the sound of an explosion, and have the wires pull them towards the prop and have them lay on stage as if there knocked. And then have the lights go out.

Have a bar set up and introduce a character called Del(Sid), a friend of Cyclops. Be shown in the light and have Cyclops walk in only have a light on them. And them alone.


Hello Del, long night hey.


Longer than you think… care for a drink


I’d love one.

Have them grab a bottle of whiskey and just pour it into the glass. And take a drink. 


Where’ve you been all night, have you been hiding?


Who Says I’ve been hiding?


Your brothers thought you were dead.


*chuckle*Relapse is one helluva thing, ain’t it?


Ye(turn back to the audience as if you see nothing)longer than you think.






When they figured out how to bring us back, some of us began to tell stories of people we met, we saw friends, family, ancestors, mostly strangers. I saw my great-grandfather, he’s been dead for thirty years.


What’d he tell you?


It’s eternity in there.

The phone rings and we are put in a room that has a table and it looks like a room that you’d see in a military meeting. Have Lieutenant Maddux walk in stage left. Begin the dialogue by picking up the phone, making sure that we have a voice effect that sounds like the person that could be someone on the phone.

Unknown voice.

Mr President, Mr President can you hear me?

Unknown voice 2.


Unknown voice 1

I can hear you just fine but can you hear me?


 The President

I can’t see you, Jules where are you?

Jules Archibald.

Well of course you can’t see me this is a telephone call.

Jules Archibald

Look I’m calling becau-

The President.

How’s the respawn machine going?

Jules Archibald.

Well, it works, we’ve had a few comebacks but that’s the problem. We’ve lost about about 90% of the test subjects.

The president


Jules Archibald

But the good news is that we found about 10 of them that have survived.

Have the sound of a gunshot play.

Jules Archibald

Wait one moment sir. What is going on… He shoots himself* and throws him into the pit with the others.

The President

You promised me an unkillable army, Archibald.

Jules Archibald.

Well, finding soldiers is not that easy we had them sign the contracts throughout America to see if it could work. And only 9 have survived… Look sir I must be going now, but what do you want us to do with you, we have about 800,000 corpses on the sight and we’re not sure what to do with them.

Have the light shine on this map behind Lieutenant Maddux and then we see this big red mark on Texas at the shore of the sea and this will indicate where the bodies go. Have this screechy violin music that isn’t loud but isn’t too quiet play in the background as this is shown.

The president

Burn anything that has me associated with this, if I’m found that I’ve been working with you the mayor of Texas. Who has committed mass genocide, could ruin my reputation.

Jules Archibald

Alright… have a good day sir.

Have the sound of banging on a metal door play in the background, have the lights turn on and now this is where we see Lieutenant Maddux and Cyclops laying there and get up.

Unknown  voice

Hello someone help me.

Now have the banging stop and have the sounds of footsteps that will be made by the sound of a bass drum just light little taps not hard taps. And then have the metal door by them fall. Make sure to have the light shine. On that. To reveal a very tall man we see wearing a mask and having a black hat on his head, that wears black pants and dress shoes, make sure to have this kind of black suit on him and make sure that you(Mike) breathe heavily in the mask and when you say you’re line have it deep and in this kind of grunt when you say it.

The Black Suit Man.

Builders league.

Wave you’re hand Josh as if you’re asking for the crowbar. And then swing it at him. Mike turn your head when he pretends to hit you with the crowbar, and make sure to play a clanging sound when it hits Mike's face. And then grab Josh by the head with both hands as if you try to squish his head. And then pull Josh up with the wire. Just make sure to raise him too high.

Lieutenant Maddux


Fire the pistol at him and play the sound of a gunshot. Mike lets go of Josh and goes for Jack, Grab Jack on the collar of the costume and have the wires pull him up. And then throw him at Josh.

Unknown voice


Boris walk in stage right. and make sure you have the fake knife equipped. Mike begins to walk towards him. Then the wires pull him/Boris up and then Boris grabs him, that’s when the wires should pull Boris up. And then pretend to stab Mike in the eye. And then Mike presses the mask to have the fake blood come out. Look at your hand then grunt.

Unknown Person


Boris, Josh, and Jack run towards the fake elevator that opens up by itself. And then Mike rushed towards it. The elevator. Rick(the monstrous zombie) enters where you enter the theatre rushes towards them and then knocks him back backstage. And then have the sound of an elevator door closing, and then have the sound of an elevator running by playing these beeps sounds by the dings.

Boris tries to start to cry and we see you cry, and then Josh pulls your fake cigarette box out.

Lieutenant Maddux

Here take one.

Boris takes one of the Cigars and Josh grabs the lighter. Make sure to not burn the prop elevator down. And then Boris begins to laugh Psychotically slowly, and then let it out. Josh just began to laugh like a small throat laugh. Have the lights dim out, and then have the curtains close. And begin Act 2.

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