The Era of The Artic | Teen Ink

The Era of The Artic

October 8, 2023
By SebastianMoreno BRONZE, Winnetka, California
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SebastianMoreno BRONZE, Winnetka, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Author's note:

Well, I wrote this when I was in 7th grade, but now looking back at it I realize that I incorporated themes such as family, sacrifice, and perseverance. 

 Luna wakes up, for once in her life shivers from the coldness. Usually, she wouldn’t get cold because of her fur. She decided it would be a good idea to protect her kits and hide them in between the tree line. It seemed like a reasonable place to stay. She wanted to go get food for her kits and climbed up the steep mountain.  Due to her being very nomadic and stealthy, she was able to climb the mountain with ease. The mountain looked like it had been painted by bob ross himself, the hills were coated in light blue at the tippity top with rocky edges. The trees on the hill were painted in thick white with crisp edges.  The weather was starting to become a problem though. It was a cold day in the forests, most trees were frozen or had already fallen. The fog was everywhere making it difficult to see. The fog had started walking up Luna’s spine giving her the shivers. Luna was prepared for this, it was going to be the longest winter they had in years. She had 4 kits, Jupiter, Pearl, Willow, and Scar. Scar was the bravest of the group. Luna is very kind, fierce, strong, intelligent, and is very swift. She was the strongest woman in the pack. She would usually use her fierce sharp teeth to hunt but when she saw a waterfowl, she took out berries from her backpack. She threw them at the floor to create a distraction. It was going to be tough because waterfowls are very rare to find in the winter and they stay away from any predators. Once one of them appeared, Luna struck. Biting it until it was no more. Luna then decided to slash 4 lemmings for her kits. She then happily comes home. But she also warns her kits to be aware of the striker and hide if he comes. Telling them that they have been getting threats and that Striker is nothing but a stone-cold killer. They are preparing for the worst, Striker and his team are their greatest enemies. 


Luna starts giving the food to her kits and eats with her dog, her being the vixen that she is decided it would be a good idea to close the door in between the tree line because of how cold it is. After a while, her dog decides to go hunting as he puts on his backpack and walks out on his hind legs. 

“Be careful, Timber,” said Luna as she watched him go. She looked around her house, the edges and the flooring were all in. Everything was a modern nice house; the walls looked as if they were made from heaven itself.

Suddenly the Leash’s leader yelled out their warning call. Luna hid her kits knowing that it was something to worry about. Her fear crawling up into her thoughts. She ran out as fast as he could. As she got out she saw a striker running away in the distance. 

Luna took out her sword full of the blood of her enemies and yelled, “They took him, they killed Timber…” Timber Luna’s dog or husband was dead. 

As he lay on the floor, dead still with blood on his chest and his head full of scars. Meanwhile, Luna was full of terror and anger. 

“Enough is enough,” she said.

“Aster-” she said to the leader of the leash. “get some of the leash to come with me. Let’s go get this rat.” 

“Yes ma’am.” responded Aster.

“I think you're going to fail.” said Paprika. Paprika was Luna’s bully when she was younger.

“I hope the god of crimson takes you first.” responded Luna harshly as she ran towards the mountain. The god of crimson was the holy leader of all arctic foxes; he was a very swift warrior who was killed by his great great great grandfather. That was when the striker X Luna rivalry began, other snow leopards ignored it and still were friends with the arctic foxes but for Luna and the lifetime of striker's family, it was hell. Half of the leash was behind Luna as she ran behind Striker. Striker was prepared for this and he used his claws and broke down the tree in front of the leash. Most of the leash was blinded. They decided to retreat and go back to the camp. Striker had successfully fooled them and was now about to go into phase 2. As Luna returned the camp was destroyed... The trees were fallen over because of the storm some arctic foxes lay unconscious. 

“What is that?” asked Luna to the leash.

“Your ugly face probably,” said Paprika annoyingly.

“Will you shut up for a minute? I mean that!” exclaimed Luna as she pointed to the pack of snow leopards charging toward them. The snow leopards spotted marks showed their bravery as their eyes were filled with terror and destruction, for new territory.

Dammit,” muttered Blaze. who was Luna’s younger brother.

“SOUND THE ALARMS!” yelled Aster. 

All the arctic foxes ran to their houses getting ready. When the vixens got to their homes they realized that their kits were missing. Luna saw in terror as Pearl was dead on the floor. She was scarred by a snow leopard. 

“No, No, NO PLEASE CRIMSON NO!” yelled Luna as she fell to her knees. She picked up the poor little kit and lay it in bed kissing it one last time. Outraged with tears Luna started throwing things around the house. Scratching things all around. She ran around the house throwing books off shelves. She lost one of the kits. She was crying so much the house was filled with water. Then fog covered the house all over. Then pieces of a mountain fell on the house. Luna looked up for a moment and saw the roof collapse on her. It would be hard for people to find her, it was like finding a needle in a haystack.

Luna woke up with a knife in her chest and Striker standing above her

“You- You MURDEROUS BASTARD!” yelled Luna as she struggled to get free. 

“I just wanted a quick meal,” responded Striker viciously as he started laughing. 


“Not my problem she was stupid enough to not follow my instructions.” 

“AHH!!” “Argh!” yelled Luna in rage as she started saying words she wouldn’t want her kits to say.

Behind Striker was Blaze, as he scratched Striker back and forth with power. Striker then one knocked Blaze out cold. But thankfully Luna had already escaped. Luna ran towards the other side of the camp and found her kits in a closed compartment. She had to get through the other snow leopards. She leaped across them all while Aster sliced them up until they were wounded. She got her kits and so did the other vixens. The other vixens ran with their dog and leaped around town and hid in their houses. But Luna didn’t. She ran with all the other dogs. Meanwhile on the other side were more snow leopards. Luna saw in terror as a war struck out between the 2 teams. People were falling left and right then Luna looked behind her with her eyes wide and saw Striker with his sword out as he slashed her. She dodged it and slashed him each of the swords went back and forth at each other. 

“It's not over yet!” yelled Luna as she plunged her sword into Striker. Striker stood there looking down surprised. His eyes turned from red to purple to blue. Then they turned to red. Luna ran away with Striker limping behind her. Then the fog got in her way and she started to tumble in the snow until she reached the edge of a cliff. Meanwhile, with the other arctic foxes, the snow leopards are falling like flies. Striker recovered and slashed his sword with Luna’s. It was a tense battle between the two. Then for a moment, they both heard something in the distance. They looked up to see a huge explosion the size of a mountain in the distance. It was the snow leopards coming back. They were in planes. Meanwhile, the arctic foxes were also in planes. Then a plane started coming towards them as it started coming down. It was an arctic fox. It was Paprika’s plane coming down that lost a wing. Paprika jumped out of the plane. Then she struck Luna with her claws in the neck. Losing blood rapidly Luna fell to the floor. As she heard Paprika say, “Good job friend, I told you I could get her.” 

“Friend?!” Thought Luna.

At this time Luna’s eyes were starting to roll up. Then as Luna got up Striker punched her in the face as she fell unconscious and tumbled off the cliff. She hit multiple trees then everything became black. Suddenly as Luna woke up, there was pain all over her. She looked up and saw an eruption shake the ground. Then she saw Paprika above her far away above the cliff as the avalanche crushed them. Then the mountain in which they were standing collapsed under them. They fell to the ground and were covered in smoke, fire, and fog. The storm then stopped after the avalanche died down. Luna was on the floor for a long time. Meanwhile at the camp. A search part began for Luna and the leader was Blaze. In her darkest moments, Luna looked up and saw the silhouette of Crimson. She heard, “You will be ok, stay in the lives of they..” 



Luna started to yell as loud as she could though it was a whimper. She cried out loud. It had been 5 days since she fell off the cliff. She then started to close her eyes. But then she heard the sound of a roaring engine. She opened her eyes wide. Then saw Blaze in his helicopter starting to come down. Luna was in pain all over her. She felt like she didn’t know anything. Where am I? She thought. Confused, she moaned. She tried to roll over but her body wasn’t reacting. All she could remember was the loud Bang that echoed around her ears when she hit the floor. She was dying of thirst. When she was finally to control her body, she looked down and there was blood over her. Every move she made her muscles tensed in pain. She then looked up and saw a rope coming down. She just stayed there trying not to move. When Blaze, Crystal, Timber, and Artemis surrounded her, they lifted her and began to put her on the stretcher when Luna started screaming and screeching in pain. They tried to hold her still but that didn’t work. When they realized her muscles were burning in pain they decided to use a rope and tie it around her. Once they tied the rope around her they slowly lifted her onto the stretcher and connected it to the helicopter rope. The helicopter started going up. So did the stretcher. Luna was twitching everywhere. To the point where they had to put her to sleep in the hospital after getting there from the helicopter. When she recovered she went to her now reconstructing home mourning the loss of her kit. Everybody gathered around the grave that was put next to her favorite tree. Everybody spread a tear. After that, they had their food. It was easier because the avalanche froze up some animals. They all ate sadly. Then went to sleep…  


 It had been a couple of years and the snow leopards were friendly and both teams had finally destroyed the Arctic fox vs Snow leopards era. The treaty was made 2 years ago. The arctic foxes found a treaty under the statue or crimson. They saw it and came with protection. After figuring out the deals and everything. It was final. It seemed a peaceful day. The kits were not kits anymore. They were gone. They were grown up. One day Luna stumbled into a familiar face, Scar. Scar was home. He hugged his mom. 

“What is this?” asked Luna as she looked at the gun Scar was carrying on his back.

“A gun. Mom, it's been a long time. Did Artemis not tell you?” Artemis was Luna’s sister. 

“No she didn’t- Artemis!!!” said Luna.

“Yes?” Responded Artemis.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Responded Luna.

“It's called a surprise, Moon.” Exclaimed Artemis.

“Don’t call me that.” Called back Luna harshly as 

“Ok whatever you say,” replied Artemis as she sat down. They talked for the rest of the day. Until Luna stopped cold. Her eyes as cold as ice and her heart dissipated as if it was made of sand

“Luna? Mom?” asked Scar. Luna’s eyes grew cold and she fell to the ground. In a flash, her medics came to the scene and rushed her to the hospital. News stations were all around her. Guards tried to protect her. Luna was a hero to everyone considering she is now the first-ever female Alpha of the Leash. Aster had retired. Aster had been the Alpha of the leash for most of his lifetime. Everybody respected Luna. Luna had been the Alpha for 15 years now. At 5:30 pm, Luna the leader of the Leash died. She closed her eyes and died a peaceful death. She knew that she had helped her Leash and her friends and family. Luna’s grave was in between the forest full of lovely pine trees as tall as a redwood. Their tips full of snow, they were like a Christmas tree in place for Luna, the moon that always led them through the night.



The End. 

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