Pursuing the Dream | Teen Ink

Pursuing the Dream

June 13, 2024
By Brandonweisler BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
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Brandonweisler BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
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In the heart of a small town of towering pines and crisp winter air, there exists a group of friends bonded not only by love for hockey but by a shared dream of making it to the big leagues. Among them is Auston, a young hockey player with an unwavering passion for the sport and determination to succeed. Growing up, Auston’s days were filled with the sounds of skates slicing through ice, the echo of pucks hitting the boards, and the camaraderie of teammates pushing each other to be better. With his friends by his side, he spent countless hours working to pursue his dream of making it to the Big Leagues one day. As they entered their teenage years, the dream of playing professionally began to become a reality. Each victory on the local rink in Ontario fueled their ambition, and each defeat strengthened their resolve to improve. In the group there was Auston, Jet, Connor, and Landon. The boys were playing hockey everyday whether it was inside or outside on Auston’s pond. The best in the group was always Auston. Not taking away anything from the other boys, but Auston was the real deal. He was the first of the group to get calls from club teams, and colleges. The boys have been playing together since they were eight years old. Winning countless championships, and moving up division after division. Sadly, the days of being a young kid and playing together were over, but the next chapter was all they could think about.

All the boys were recognized by local media outlets as players with potential to go professional some day. But the journey to being a pro has just begun, and the grind to make the NHL starts now. Auston joined the Sudbury Wolves in the OHL (Ontario Hockey League). Jet joined the Erie Otters also in the OHL. Connor decided he was going to go to the states and played college hockey at the University of Michigan. Landon joined the Calgary Hitmen in the WHL (Western Hockey League). All the guys were 17 except Connor who just turned 18. Thirty games into Jet’s season, however, he broke his leg. Jet was playing well, netting 17 goals in those 30 games and 11 assists.  Connor wasn’t seeing much ice time at Michigan and was staying positive. Landon had a great season being top 10 in assists in the WHL and top 20 in goals. Auston wasn’t having the season he was anticipating. It just seemed like something was off there. Played a full 60 game season and only found the back of the net just 4 times. Auston knew there was a lot of work to be done and stayed on the grind to improve day by day. He knew he could have played way better. The pressure to succeed mounted, scouts were attending all the games and assessing their potential.

What every hockey player dreams of is playing for your country and pushing to win gold. And when Auston wasn’t selected to play for his country Canada in the iihf world junior’s championship, it broke him. It broke him so much due to the fact that Landon, and Connor were selected. Obviously he was excited for them, but it hurt him so much to not be on the team and be there playing with his best friends. Also, he felt like he was way better than what people thought. But now Auston had one sole focus, and that was becoming the best player he could possibly become. He kept this goal a secret close to his heart. His dad Dan Tremblay has been supporting Auston his whole journey. Dan himself used to be a hockey player, but never made anything great of it because of his own laziness. Dan was not going to let that happen to Auston, and knew he was so much more.
While Auston was devoting everything to improving on the ice by hitting the gym, running, and eating, Canada made it to the final against the U.S. Landon was playing real well being 3rd in points on Team Canada. Connor also played well at the defensive position. But that year the United States was unstoppable and being down 2-1 going into the 3rd period, Team United States won the game 6-2. Auston didn’t know what to think. He felt happy. He thought it was wrong for him to be happy. He felt happy because everything Canada did wrong in that game, and the whole tournament, was something he was sure of fixing with his play.
Now it is early January, and there is still 2 months left in the season for juniors. Play starts in 2 days after weeks of not playing due to the tournament. Auston was more locked in than ever. Already up 7 pounds in weight then he was before, he was eager to get on the ice and show how everyone that doubted him was wrong. He did just that. With each swift stride, he seemed to anticipate the game’s rhythm, weaving through defenders with unparalleled finesse. Every shot he took carried the promise of a goal, and his teammates watched in awe as he dominated in the rink. His stick looked as if it was a part of his body. In 25 games Auston had 23 goals and 17 assists tallying 40 points. Auston was as confident as ever with his play and certainly with his looks. The work in the gym certainly paid off and it showed in his physique. He was so buff and admired by his peers now. At this point the name Auston Tremblay was heard, and without a doubt Team Canada knew they made a terrible decision. Sadly, Auston’s team wasn’t good enough to make the Memorial Cup playoffs, but Auston had other things to worry back.

The offseason was great. The boys got back together, hanging out almost every day until they couldn't. Auston was still heavily locked in, and that showed when hanging out with friends. Auston didn’t have a sip of alcohol all summer, which is way less compared to summers before, where he’d frequently binge drink into blacking out. His friends would never pressure him to do anything he didn’t want to do, but he felt like an outsider from the group. But really nothing mattered to Auston, except being the best hockey player he could possibly be. In the first 3 games Auston had 5 goals, and 3 assists. The first month of the season was brilliant from Auston, and scouts had him projected going top 5 in the 2011 NHL draft, even before iihf juniors, held in Canada that same year. It’s the moment Auston has been waiting for. No doubt about it, Auston was selected to Team Canada, and was on the first line with Landon, and the first projected pick, Ralph Schmidt.
The first 3 entries games were light for Team Canada. Going 3-0, and scoring a combined total of 16 goals in those games. Auston was first in points on the team, with 6 assists, and he assisted Schmidt the most. Now it was time to win gold. The quarter final game was against Finland. A matchup in favor of Canada. Canada was up 4-0 going into the 2nd period. They ended up winning the game 6-2. Auston had a hat trick! Now it is the semifinals against the Czech Republic, the United States have already advanced to the gold medal game. The 1st period was quite boring. 0-0, with only 8 shots combined for both teams, but in the 2nd period Auston was able to connect on a breakaway, while Czech Republic was on the powerplay. Canada’s goaltender, Andrew Swain ended the game with a 22 save shutout, and Team Canada won the game 2-0. Not the best game for Canada, knowing they could have done better in that game where they were heavily anticipated to win a gold medal. They wanted to win so badly, and show the world how Canada is, and will always be the best hockey country. Team U.S. was good. Having five players projected to go first round in the draft, compared to Canada having 4.
The championship day is here, and the players have taken the ice. The locker room was buzzing before the game, and Canada was hyped up to play. The first 10 minutes went by, and a few good chances for each team… but no goals. But with 5 minutes left in the first period, Jet deflected the puck in front of the net and scored. 1-0 after the first period. The 2nd period started and 3 min in, the U.S. scored. For the rest of the period Canada played very well and aggressively. They got lots of good shots on net, but unfortunately the U.S. goaltender could not be beat. And with 40 seconds left in the period, the United States got one to go in. 2-1 going into the 3rd period. The locker room was quiet for Canada for the first 5 minutes. “Boys, this game is ours. Stop sulking and let's go out there and win this goddang hockey game.” Auston said. Team Canada’s coach couldn't agree more, and he was proud to see Auston being the leader. Auston said to his coach, “Put me, Connor, Jet, and Landon on the same line. We've been waiting for this coach.” “Ok, just go out there and do what you do best.”
The 3rd period was drawing near, and Canada was heavily focused. The first 3 minutes of the period it was all Team Canada, but beating the U.S. goalie is not easy. And with 13 minutes left the U.S struck again. Auston and his friends' line was up next. Auston won the faceoff, and they attacked the zone. Whistle blown. “Penalty, high sticking” the ref said. Jet got the stick up high and actually started bleeding. “Major penalty, 4 min in the box” ref said. This was a huge chance for Team Canada. Auston won the faceoff again and passed to Connor who had it at the point, he ripped it at the net. It hit the goalie’s pad and bounced right on Auston’s stick…Auston fired it. Goal! Since they scored before 2 mins, that means they would still be on the powerplay. There are now 9 mins left in the game. No goal on this powerplay, and it’s now desperation time for Team Canada. Team United States played very well for the next 5 mins, not letting Canada take any control. Now there are 2:25 seconds left in the game. Canada uses their only timeout to talk it over. “We're emptying the net here, I want Auston’s group on the ice. Get us this goal, I believe in you guys” said the coach. “Let’s f****** go boys, been waiting for this our whole lives. Let’s win it for the people that always believed in us”, said Landon. U.S. won the faceoff, tried getting it out of the zone, but Connor kept it in. They passed the puck around for 20 seconds, Jet shot it from the left. Saved in the glove. 1:55 seconds left in the game. Auston wins the faceoff, drives to the net. Saved. Canada maintained control. Shot by Schmidt. Saved in the glove. 1:23 left in the game. The United States wins the draw and gets it out of the zone, but Canada gets it back and gets back into the U.S. zone. Passes the puck to Auston in the middle. Shot, rebound scored!!! “Jet Boucher with his second of the game! We have a tie game here in Alberta” the announcer said. Team Canada is buzzing. The momentum 

has shifted like crazy. “Regulation time ran out, and this game is headed to overtime. “3 minute break first, then we have a 10 minute sudden death overtime.” the announcer said. Overtime has now started. Team United States has it at the top of Canada’s zone. Shot, blocked by Auston. “Auston is off to the races, can he finish. Yessss, he does.” “Canada has won, it’s all over, I repeat Canada has won.” the announcer exclaimed.


The next few months for Auston were great. Led the OHL in points, and certified himself as the number 1 pick in the draft, while also was being treated like a hero, because of his clutch play to comeback and win the tournament for his country Canada. His team the Sudbury Wolves wasn’t very good, but they made the playoffs. And got bounced in the first round. Auston was ready for the next step, and that was the NHL draft. Held in Los Angeles, Auston was getting all the attention. Doing interviews left and right, and was also given the top suite in his hotel. Landon, and Jet were also declared for the draft, and were projected to go within . The Ottawa Senators held the first pick, which meant Auston was staying in his home state. Luckily enough, Auston grew up a senators fan. The draft was starting in 10 minutes, and Auston made sure to find his friends before, to take pictures and just capture the moment. “We did it fellas, everyday on the pond and grinding paid off” Auston said. “Yeah, just wish Connor could be with us,” Landon said. “Yeah, but he will be here soon enough. We are all going to be playing in the NHL. Kind of crazy.” Jet said. “Auston, the media needs you,” said his agent Frank Sudekis. “Well, I’ll see y'all up there. Love you boys.” Auston finished. “Auston, how does it feel to be playing at home for the Ottawa Senators?” the reporter asked. “Well, just the fact that I'm at this stage, and that I get to go down in history as the number 1 pick, it's crazy. But yeah, definitely excited to be staying home, and trying to bring a cup home for the organization” Auston said.” “And I just want to give credit to all those who have helped and supported me on this journey. Starting with my dad, he motivated me and sacrificed a lot for me to become the person and player I am. And he did all that with my mom being sick for most of my childhood, and eventually she died. Just seeing him be brave and fight the loss, makes me stronger everyday. Also, my best friends Jet Boucher, Landon Nazemi, and Connor Wolfe. We have all shared this dream since we met, and I'm just so proud of all of us. And lastly, just want to say thanks to all the coaches who believed in me, and encouraged me to do more and to be more confident.” “Wow, thanks for all of that Auston, I'm gonna let you go now, but good luck and go Senators!” the reporter said. “The Senators are on the clock,” commissioner Gary Bettman said. Auston was sitting down waiting to go up. The pick is in. “With the 1st overall pick, in the 2012 NHL draft the Ottawa Senators select, Auston Tremblay from the Sudbury Wolves of the OHL.

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