Good Liar | Teen Ink

Good Liar

April 18, 2024
By Anonymous

Author's note:

I wrote this on a whim

The blood red envelope sits in my shaking hands as I try to take in the enormity of what 

this envelope entails. “Is that the invitation” my husband makes his way around the

Kitchen counter resting his hands on my hips. “I think so” my breath is shaky and 

Uneven and I can tell he notices. “Amelia we don’t have to go, you know that right?”

I look over my shoulder at him and take a deep breath “no we’re going it’s fine.” I’ve 

never been a good liar. My Husband Lucas knows how the only two things I can’t stand 

is my family and parties

And now I have to experience both in one night. The party is tomorrow night so at least

I have one day to prepare…right? The next day as I’m curling my hair and putting on

Just enough makeup so my family doesn’t say anything about the fact I have been 

Breaking out. As I take a look in my closet I realize nothing I wear is going to be good 

Enough for my mom. She is for sure going to say something about the cut or the color 

Oh god forbid I wear a yellow dress. The earth just might cave out beneath me. I snort 

A little as I think about that happening. At least then I won’t have to deal with her. I pull

Out a red cocktail dress from the back of my closet “You haven’t worn that since your

Bridal shower” he smiles down at me and that gives me a little bit of reassurance that

This is just one night and i’m going with my soulmate and best friend. It will be fine. 

“How many times do you think my mom will give me a snide remark” I giggle a little as 

He lets out a long breath like she might make thousands. “It doesn’t matter what she 

Thinks, It’s one night and then you won’t have to speak to her until the next rich people

Party.” As we pull into my parents giant circle driveway I realize how many people are 

Here. So many people. Lucas squeezes my hand in reassurance. “Let’s get this over 

With” I try to give him a smile but it’s like my face has just tasted something sour.

Before I can knock on the double doors my mom swings it open. “Took you long 

Enough. Amelia, where in the world did you get that godforsaken dress. It looks like

You got it from the bin” I smile at her “Good to see you to mom” She ignores me and 

Looks straight at Lucas before turning on her heel and returning inside. I look at Lucas

And we almost go into a laughing fit right there in the doorway. My mom has never liked 

Lucas. He’s a blue collar man and to her it’s like he is torturing puppies for a living. Two 

Hours in and I start to have a massive headache. Maybe I drank just a smidge to many 

French martinis. I haven’t seen Lucas since he went to catch up with my brother so i’ve 

Been eating my way through the many charcuterie boards. As I stumble up the stairs

I get a sinking feeling in my gut. Like something is seriously wrong. I ignore it and pass 

It on as the alcohol. I can feel my headache spreading over my whole face so I make it

My mission to find an empty room to sit in until Lucas is ready to head home. I turn 

Down a dark hallway and make my way into the first room I spot. But when I open the

Door my whole world comes crashing down. Blood is everywhere, the floor, walls, even

The ceiling. I let out a bloodcurdling scream and run into the main lobby of the house. 

“MURDER! SOMEONES DEAD!” everyone turns their head towards me and I run back 

Into the room with everyone on my heel. As people start filing in the room I spot Lucas

And run into his arms. He catches me instantly and rubs my head trying to soothe me 

And maybe even himself. Once the detective gets to the house everyone is being 

Questioned. By 3 in the morning they have let most people go home. Me, Lucas,

My brother, and both my parents sit in the living room waiting for answers. The thing is

If we are the only ones left here then the  detectives must think one of us did it. I look 

Around the room and I instantly feel sick to my stomach. No one here would do that. 

Noone here had reasons to kill. Right? The detective walks in and sits on the couch 

Opposite to all of us. “Abigail Johnson. Ring a bell, anyone?” his voice is low and 

Serious. My mom lets out a sob “She was an upcoming Author.” Everyone in here

 looks heartbroken. That is except for my brother. He looks 

Completely neutral. Like we are just talking about the weather. My mouth goes dry

I get goosebumps all across my skin. “Someone didn’t want her next book to come out.”


The detective tells us slowly. “She had secrets above all of your heads. She was going 

To let them be known in this new novel.” She had secrets above our heads? What kind 

Of secrets? “The murder weapon was a sledgehammer that was found later in the 

Garage covered in blood. Anyone care to just come forward so we can move on with

The investigation?” I look around at these people i’ve known my whole life and stop 

Short on my brother who is now smiling. I start shaking and my breath comes out in 

Heavy huffs. “I didn’t kill her but I'm just saying it’s better she's gone. I mean she 

Tormented our family for years, so I'm not necessarily complaining.” Then lucas decides

To speak his mind “I can’t say I’m completely mad about it either. She threatened me 

And Amelia for years.” After everyone was done speaking the detective looked straight 

At me “Care to share Amelia” I look up with red eyes and start laughing hysterically 

“You got me detective. I’ve never been a good liar” 

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