The Vanishing Act | Teen Ink

The Vanishing Act

June 11, 2024
By lwoodard27, Stratham, New Hampshire
lwoodard27, Stratham, New Hampshire
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When Fiona, a teenage girl living in Southern Maine comes across a life-changing news article, she is almost unable to cope. Without her aunt, mom, or uncle, Fiona must learn to find her own path and realize her aunt isn’t how she always saw her. Through missing memories and murders, Fiona’s worst nightmares are realized and she has to figure out how to act. For fans of The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, We Were Liars by E. Lockhart, and One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus, The Vanishing Act is a thrilling mystery with hidden twists and brings the reader on Fiona’s journey to uncovering her family’s many lies.

Laney W.

The Vanishing Act

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