Whiskey Speech | Teen Ink

Whiskey Speech

December 2, 2018
By Anonymous

My friends. I had not intended to discuss this controversial subject at this particular time. However, I want you to know that I do not shun controversy. On the contrary, I will take a stand on any issue at any time. Regardless of how fraught with controversy it might be. You have asked me how I feel about pencils. Alright, here it is how I feel about pencils.

When you say “pencil” you mean the wooden stick that reminds people of school where many of us are overwhelmed with quizzes and tests. The very thing that causes anxiety as you feel all eyes on you as the piercing sound of the pencil sharpener fills the room. The tool that connects thoughts to the right or wrong answer: in one quick motion circling b instead of c. When you say “pencil” you mean the dread of the teacher exclaiming stop while you are in the middle of explaining the consequences of the French Revolution. The number two pencils that are passed around to take SAT which you are not prepared for. If you mean all those things come with a pencil, then I am certainly not eager to hold one.

But, if you mean “pencil” you mean that feeling of serenity sitting alone transferring your deepest thoughts onto paper. The instrument that allows us to reflect as we fill journals with personal stories. The “pencil” that allows us to create and share our feelings to the world around us. With a few strokes we can write anything from a fictional short story to a letter for a loved one. When you say “pencil,” you mean the memory of teachers inspiring us to write about topics we desire. The number two pencils that allows us to conquer the day. If you mean all those things when you give me a pencil, then certainly I am all for one.

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