Name Essay- Kendall | Teen Ink

Name Essay- Kendall

March 3, 2019
By username123 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
username123 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name means royal, bright valley. My name is Old English, uncommon, yet beautiful. It is like a vacation, easy going like soft waves, and light blue. My name is like a beach with flowy waves and soft sand. My name is strong but also soft. The pronunciation of my name is soft sounding but the look of the name is strong. My name is Kendall.

There is no particular story of how my name came to be. My mom heard it one day and loved it. My dad was unsure at first because he didn’t have any sisters growing up and wasn’t well versed in girl names, but, he ended up liking it in the end. My parents felt my name was strong and beautiful.

My name is for both genders. It can be a girl or boy name. In America it is more for a girl, but in other countries it can be more common for a boy. Kendall is the name of many things. My name is a city, a wine, geographical feature, and a school. People like the name because of the silky, smooth texture as you say it.

I have nicknames my friends call me. I enjoy being called something different than my real name outside of school. My friends from gymnastics and my coaches call me Kenny, they have my whole life. The name is carefree and fun, like the color bright orange. This nickname fits me because I am very outgoing and fun at gymnastics practice. At practice, in between turns, we smile, laugh, joke around and have a good time.

I don't know any other Kendall’s. I was the only Kendall at my middle school and at High School. It makes my name stand out and seem unique. I have never had the awkward moment when you answer a question in class but they were talking to the other Kendall, or if you turn around because someone yells your name, but they weren't yelling for you. I like this because it shows my name is unique, just like me.

My name fits me. I like my name, I would never change it. Kendall is a unique name that will stay with me forever.

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