Free Music | Teen Ink

Free Music

March 19, 2019
By polly05 BRONZE, Tyngsborough, Massachusetts
polly05 BRONZE, Tyngsborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Have you ever tried to listen to your music on a free app and the original song is not there? That happens to most of us. There are people who say that we are moved by music, and we can’t say that is not truth because we know that a life without music is not a happy life. Long time ago, people would send music to their friends via bluetooth and they would listen to that song with no internet and in the original version. Today many people have evolved, and most of us have to pay for these music apps to listen to our favorite songs, and most people don’t like that idea, but there is no other way, but to pay for it.

Now, imagine a free app where you can listen to your favorite songs at any time without having to pay for your music or the app itself, and there is more, imagine you listening to all the songs in the original version, with no covers, and no adds, We are pretty sure that would be fantastic.

There is people who have created very good music apps with the original songs and everything, however, if you don’t pay for it, you can’t listen to any song you want. This idea would probably be very helpful in our daily life to keep us excited to start and end the day, and hopefully that “dream” can come true and make the world more easy and more simple someday.

Most people wonder why that would be helpful, and if you really think about it, that would help a lot of people to save money. If you go around and ask different people what they think about this idea, they would probably be really happy with this new creation, because nowadays everyone pay for they app music. Now imagine how many people pay for their apps and imagine how much money they spend per month-that is almost half of the population.  Ads are annoying.  If listeners were allowed to play a game and earn points per hour of free music, that would eliminate the annoyance of ads. If we come up with this idea, most people would be grateful for this innovation, and people would save more money, and be more happy for listening to their favorite songs at any time.

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