Part Time Jobs for High Schoolers | Teen Ink

Part Time Jobs for High Schoolers

June 10, 2019
By Anonymous

When you get up to high school at Year Ten and you are heading close to Year Eleven that have to prepare for VCE. You may not want to spend this year just study in your room with books. go outside to find a job will be a very good idea to experience the real society. Here are few points that high school student better to know about finding a part time job. 
For the start it is better to write a resume that includes when you can work and what you can do, and you can speak with your school career’s advisor, he/she might give you many ideas that can help you to find a part time job. When you are seeking a part time job, don’t just aim for one or two types of jobs, as most of time you can’t find a job that you really want to do. It is also easier to look for jobs that are close to your home to avoid commuting, however this is often harder than it sounds. Speak with employer loud and clearly don’t be shy, there is no one will laugh to you. Tell them your information like work dedicate, integrity or the one like this that can show the employer your positive side. This will increase your chance of success. 

 When you get ready to find a part time job, you can go online, to check for any part time job that you can do that are around your house. If yes you can call their phone number and ask them, do they want you to work over there. Don’t feel too bad if you if they refuse you. Just keep going one by one and there will be a nice job for you, you just have to go and seek for yourself. Second if you have a friend or parent that work over there can invite you will be very well, and finally if those ideas didn’t work you can chose to go to a shop and another shop until you find one, this will be the most simple and very useful way of find a part time job, just don’t be lazy and shy, it is not easy as what you think. 

One of my friends had told me that he is a high school student that had a part time job, and it will seem very beautiful to have a part time job, that you can get money to buy stuff that you want but for real it is very hard to keep doing the job, So take care of yourself don’t stuck on it too hard on finding a job, it is just a good outside school activity that you can choice to do. You can speak to your parents and friends about that, they might give you more ideas about find a part time job, and taking cares about what types of job you can do, make sure it is open and legal, don’t push yourself too hard when you finding a job, it is better to speak to the employers that how much time you can work, and at the last if you had found a part time job don’t forget to lefts enough time to study on school works. 

The author's comments:

This article is for people around year ten, give them some ideas that should and how they getting a part time, with some opinion that about highschooler getting a part time job

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