A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words | Teen Ink

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words MAG

By Anonymous

   If that is true, then American society does not value its women. If it did, then it would not insult them by displaying advertisements that use women's bodies to promote products, suggesting that a woman's body is a saleable item.

Women's bodies are used for advertisements in ways that are almost pornographic, to sell products that often never even touch a body. For example, the highlight of an ad is the picture of a seductive woman, one that reveals her body in indecent ways. Her skirt is flared so most of her legs show, and her blouse is cut low. Almost nothing is hidden, and the message that comes across is that buying the product will make you "cool," and attract men to you. The advertisement is for cigarettes.

By using women in that way, society is discrediting them as capable, functioning people who have thoughts and ideas. Instead, they compare them to mindless mannequins or to whores; women have nothing of value but their bodies. They are not individuals with opinions, they are just images on a piece of paper. n

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i love this so much!