Jackie Robinson | Teen Ink

Jackie Robinson

May 26, 2009
By Anonymous

Person of the Modern Era: Jackie Robinson
By: Conor Cooney

The person of the modern era should be able to influence others, should be strong enough to take on difficult challenges, and lastly, he or she should be able to change the world in a positive way. Jackie Robinson was able to excel in all three of these three categories. He influenced many people to never quit nor give up, he was strong enough to overcome racism and insults from many ignorant people, and lastly he was a prominent leader towards the civil rights movement.

Jackie Robinson should be the person of the modern era because he influenced many people not to be intimidated from others and he created inspiration for everyone to never give up a goal. For an individual to be considered for person of the modern era, he or she must be influential. Mr. Robinson influenced many people through out the entire world. After all his success on becoming the first African- American baseball player, he not only inspired many other African-American players to compete in the MLB the following year, he influenced all people to never quit (Anthony, Connor). Jackie had more influence on the integration of sports then any other player in history (Jackie Robinson,1). His infinite amount of work and determination towards the game has proved that he, and any other person, could accomplish what they set their mind to.

Jackie Robinson was a determined and disciplined man. He had to tolerate and ignore all rude and vulgar fans throughout the world to become the first African- American baseball player in the MLB. This may be one of the most challenging obstacles one must face. He not only had to tolerate all the fans, but as well even his team mates as well. Dodger’s catcher Dixie Walker, said he would rather be traded then be on the same team as a black man (Jackie Robinson, 2). Jackie proved that he could handle some of the most difficult challenges. Coach Branch Rickey, manager of the Dodgers, was unsuccessful on his attempt to break the color barrier during his career. Later on, he became a coach and he had to find a player who could complete his goal. He found his man, Jackie Robinson. "There was never a man in the game who could put mind and muscle together quicker and with better judgment than (Jackie) Robinson," said Coach Branch Rickey. Coach said Jackie was a disciplined and skilled man and he knew Jackie would be perfect for the job ( Jackie Robinson, 1). Robinson was able to complete this task because no matter how difficult it was for him, he would still keep his thoughts to himself and stay quiet. "Thinking about the things that happened, I don't know any other ball player who could have done what he did. To be able to hit with everybody yelling at him. He had to block all that out, block out everything but this ball that is coming in at a hundred miles an hour. To do what he did has got to be the most tremendous thing I've ever seen in sports,” said shortstop Pee Wee Rice. He would ignore all racial slurs and ignorance which made him focus on his success, which led him to a fantastic career.

Lastly, Jackie played a significant role towards the civil rights movement. He helped our country advance a big step forward to becoming a non-racist nation. "He struck a mighty blow for equality, freedom and the American way of life. Jackie Robinson was a good citizen, a great man, and a true American champion," said President Ronald Regan. Jackie made it possible for all black youths to dream of a more successful future. Without Robinson’s dedication and hard work, it is unlikely many of the sport’s greatest athletes would have had a chance to compete (Jackie Robinson, 2). He allowed some of the most elite athletes to participate in professional sports. All sports activities reduce racism. It is a great way to grow together away from prejudice acts, and it helps resolve some of the most dangerous problems in our country. Fans now can identify players by their team, name, and number rather then their skin color. After Mr. Robinson’s fulfilling career, he continued to stay active in civil rights issues. He volunteered at Harlem’s Freedom’s National Bank (African-American owned bank), he assisted community affairs along with New York’s governor, and as well he helped at a Brooklyn construction company (Jackie Robinson 2). If Jackie did not do such a great job, the path to would have been extremely difficult. But he was able to change the world in a very essential and positive way.

Jackie Robinson’s heroic actions showed the world to never quit. He took courageous steps for our nation to become stronger. Also he showed us how to deal with ignorant people and he proved he could handle some of the most difficult situations. Lastly Jackie helped many people to not be prejudice and not to misjudge others. Whether it is racial issues or any other unfair assumptions, he was able to decrease the amount of discrimination of people through out the world. Jackie Robinson is the person of the modern era.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 14 2009 at 4:15 pm
PhoenixFeather62442 BRONZE, Chesterfield, Missouri
3 articles 21 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Life moves pretty fast. If you don&#039;t look around every once in a while, you could miss it.&quot; <br /> --Ferris Bueller :D

I was really impressed. I didn't know that there is a 'person of the modern era.' You argued some really good points. But I don't understand when you use "(Jackie Robinson 1)" or "(Jackie Robinson 2)." But all in all I thought it was a great paper! :D