The Name Austin | Teen Ink

The Name Austin

March 6, 2022
By 3piontek BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3piontek BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In English, my name is nothing special. In Polish, it isn't either. I can see it becoming more common. more and more people named Austin. But I don’t see what people like about my name. I think it’s boring.

I am called Austin by all my friends. Only close family or family friends call me AJ. I never really got into people calling me AJ except for my grandparents or a few family friends. It became sort of a special kind of nickname from people close to me, not as a friend or by choice but of mutual acquaintance.

My name doesn’t have any fun type of origin. One day at the park my brother met a kid. They had a lot of fun throughout the day playing tag, the floor is lava, jumping around the playset. before they parted ways they exchanged names. Noah, my brother, and Austin, the boy. Never to meet again but always in memories. A little while after, I was named after that little boy at the park.

My name is like fire. A glowing red or orange. The fire could be lighting up the dark, helping you see—or could also be hurting you with its blazing touch. Fire could be cooking the food you eat, helping you live—or could be burning the things you love, forever lost. Fire could be seen as the element of power, consisting of force tempered by the will to accomplish tasks and desires. It can be seen as life, not just destruction.

You could say my name is like a city. Busy streets are full during the day. Crowded. Everyone is close together. Traffic hoarding the streets like thoughts going through my head. Yet beautiful in a way. The tall skyscrapers with thousands of windows reflect light all around. The beautiful green outer layers surround the city. The patches of life are seen as parks all around contrasting the industrial city. So much to admire with so little time.

Austin looks like a mountain. the capital A striking a sharp peak leading to the name. Following are shorter letters, smoothing out the landscape. you rise up to the peak and best of your life then settle down and relax or retire. You could see it as a last breath or heartbeat, the peak being the last beat until a flatline. But not sad. freedom. responsibilities pulled off your shoulders, no more stress, no more anxiety.

Like it or not, my name can be equipped for me. I can see myself as that glowing fire, both good and bad. Warm and inviting to those who cling to me and endure me. Yet having an overpowering will that can cause disruption and destruction. With busy streets roaming through my head, always reflecting, revising lessons from the past. Thoughts rush so quickly it's hard to explore further into everyone. Waiting for the peak of the mountain to appear, and oversee the time to come hereafter.

The author's comments:

A description of my name, the origin, and my feelings about it.

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